Do you ever let your true colors shine?
It's no secret I'm a #colorfreak (probably due to my #artgeek nature), but I'm not only referencing color in the literal sense (though I did wear some bright attire this past week). I'm also referring to one's "true colors," one's internal gut instincts. Those instincts are there for a reason, they pull one to do what's right or in their own best interest, despite what the main stream may dictate.
This past week was all about letting my true colors shine, especially in terms of my own well being. Having just run the
Dam to Dam 20K on Saturday (June 2nd), this week was all about a proper recovery. Here's what went down...
I awoke on
Monday morning feeling rather stiff, sore, and exhausted. Even though the race had been two days prior, it was pretty apparent the DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) wanted to pay me a visit. The temps were warm, though mild, so I headed out for my daily "fasted cardio." I knew it would be a long day at the office, and the temps would be even warmer by late afternoon, so if I was to get my
#nevermissaMonday done, the early morning would be the ideal time to do it. I decided to walk for awhile, and if things felt loosened up, I'd try to run a mile and call it good...and that's exactly what happened. I've been doing 2-3 miles recently on Mondays, but only did the single mile this week. I felt much better after that walking warm-up, but didn't want to push things too far. No harm, no foul. Onward!
A single mile for #nevermissaMonday |
Tuesday was an active rest/recovery day, too. The temps were a bit cooler in the wee hours, and felt nice in comparison to the hot and humid weather we'd been having. Max and I did a lap around the block, then I continued on for another 15-20 minutes on my own (and did some arm/shoulder strength work later in the evening).
Wednesday was Global Running Day... did you celebrate? I met Barb for our usual five miles at 05:00. Although the temps were only in the high 60's, the humidity was (almost) off the charts. It's a good thing we got our GRD celebration in early, though, because the weather turned rather nasty 12 hours later. A major thunderstorm came through, with 50mph wind and lots of rain, leaving a lot of downed branches and uprooted trees. It also knocked out our power until after midnight.
Happy Global Running Day! |
Thursday morning, our town looked like the aftermath of a war zone. I got out for a couple of miles of walking before heading to work.
Striking a Warrior 2 among all the debris |
The warm temps had returned by
Friday morning. I contemplated doing some speed work, but elected to just take another rest/recovery day. Although my body was feeling much better, with a long run on tap for Saturday morning, I didn't want to overdo anything.
more pre-sunrise cardio,via walking |
Saturday was an interesting day. I met up with Barb around 6:00 for an 8-mile run. Oh my, the air was super warm and heavy with humidity! My hammie (again) decided to show me some attitude, so it was feeling cranky (even after my warm-up and some pre-run foam rolling). We decided to try to keep our route on fairly flat terrain, so as not to anger the hammie further. I'm not sure if it was the heat, the humidty, or the hammie, but it was one of those runs that felt like a bit of a slow-motion struggle. Momma N even decided to bless us with a few sprinkles for the final two miles (which actually felt refreshing). But, we all know what happens when the air is heavy and rain also appears, right? We get wet...from the inside-out (and vice-versa).
Yes, the medium grey top turned darker, and the turquoise shorts took on a deeper shade from all the "moisture" |
Sunday morning had me (almost) screaming, "Oh my quads!!!" Never, and I do mean NEVER, have I experienced any DOMS in my quads. Sunday morning had me humbled. My only guess is that, due to my tight (right) hamstring, my body (subconsciously) over-compensated with my (left) quads on Saturday's run. I usually go for a short shakeout run the morning after long run, but waved the white flag on that and did a long walk with the hubby and Max instead. Yikes. Humbled again.
Early morning "shakeout" walk instead of a run |
This past week did keep me pretty active, even if my running was on the conservative side (a grand total of 14 miles in the running shoes). I did walk every day (several times most days), and have been doing my daily exercises most days (wall sits, yoga, extra planking) as well as the current Abs & Arms Challenge (hosted by
Rachel). I have a couple of smaller races happening in the coming weeks (two 5K's and a 15K) as well as the
RnR Chicago (July 21-22), so I'm not needing excessive miles right now anyways. My body obviously needed some down time, and I'm always happy to honor that.
In case you missed out, here's my posts from last week:
5 "True Runner" Falsehoods
In other news:
#FridayFashionFlair (on my Instagram page,
@runningonthefly ) was all about color (I know,
#shocker). Brown is a color that has been trending for a few years, but I usually try to pair it with something bright to give it some "wow." This purple cardi is another wardrobe favorite, and I was really happy to score this scarf a few years ago (at Target!). It has so many of my go-to colors, including the same purple and brown as my outfit. Are you a fan of brown?
As mentioned, Wednesday was Global Running Day. I made the comment that people may call me crazy, but CrAzy is better than LaZy. Oh my goodness...that comment received so much positive feedback (and was retweeted), so I made a special meme featuring it.
And, lastly, since I'm going with an artsy and colorful theme this's my latest
#artgeek creation. Our church's VBS theme this year is all about Babylon, and they asked me to paint a mural for all the festivities. This was what I came up with (based on some of the images they gave me). It's big, 4 ft X 8 ft., and doesn't even fit into my SUV.

So, that's a wrap on last week. As I have said in recent weeks, summer is here! I am really embracing the longer days, the early morning sweat sessions in my running shoes, and am taking advantage of every opportunity to be outside.
How was your week? Any great training runs happening? Races coming up? How do you feel about running in the rain?
I'm linking up with Holly and Wendy for the Weekly Wrap. This weekly check-in is such a great place to connect with fellow fitness-minded peeps. Please join us!
Looks like a busy week for you. Glad you got to use your artiness to paint a mural.
ReplyDeleteIt did seem rather busy even though the mileage was meek....I'm glad I don't rely on running for my only form of fitness ;-)
DeleteI am usually sore 2 days fter a race as well and more tired. I have been feeling like my body could use a little more rest recently so while I am away I don’t think I will be running much. Have a great week!
ReplyDelete...and you're gonna be in Italy....((sigh)). Eat some pizza for me ;-)
DeleteSounds like you had a smart week of recovery. I always get so confused when a random body part gets sore. Hopefully everything is starting to feel better!
ReplyDeleteYes, this random left quad thing is really bizarre. I feel nothing on the right side...
DeleteI hope your quad is feeling better! That's no fun.
ReplyDeleteYou are quite the artist - impressive!
Global Running Day was stormy in Minneapolis too, but I couldn't have run anyways. Next year!
The quad is feeling better, but still a bit wonky. Oh well, it could be so much worse. No complaints.
DeleteDOMs are just the worst. But, it does mean you worked hard. And you've got the muscles to prove it!
ReplyDeleteI had great long run yesterday. Good thing it was only 8 miles, but it was a speedy pace for me and the last mile was my fastest. Probably because we inadvertently ended up banditing a race!
Eight miles seems to have been a popular distance for yesterday ;-)
DeleteThat's a great looking mural! I have never had DOMS like you described but that sounds painful! My ITBS was for sure the worst pain I've ever had!
ReplyDeleteit's weird that my quad hurts, and just on the left! Every step, I can feel the muscle flexing...
DeleteDOMS can be challenging, and I can feel accomplished too.
ReplyDeleteyes, I do know I worked that muscle LOL
DeleteLike Deb said, my DOMS peaks about 48 hours after a hard race. It was wise to take some recovery time. The humidity always feels like a death march to me. Hopefully, it’s good training for all of us! Thanks for linking.
ReplyDeleteThe DOMS are fun, aren't they? Just another thing to keep us runners humble ;-)
DeleteThat's a fantastic mural! I find that easy weeks usually pay off in the long run -- for the long run.
ReplyDeleteI agree. I never regret an easy week, though it does feel a bit "lazy" as it's happening.
DeleteOh man, I'm sorry about your quads!! That definitely had to be a result of a tricky hamstring and you compensating for it. DOMS are the worst especially when you don't expect it! And there's nothing wrong with walking. Walking is great recovery and it sounds like you were super smart this week!
ReplyDeleteAnd I love purple and brown! :)
Two days after a race or hard run is usually the worst soreness for me too. Hope your hammie starts responding to your recovery efforts!
ReplyDeleteI usually like running in the rain (especially if it's warm out), but today I got some graupel thrown in with the rain. No thanks!
That scarf and cardigan look amazing! What a lovely pairing with that brown. Crazy is certainly better than lazy - that's going to be my new mantra!
ReplyDeleteI'm all about listening to your body, especially when it comes to DOMS!
ReplyDeleteI've had DOMS in my quads before and OMG - it's so joke! Hope you are feeling better.
I love your Lion! He's beautiful!
ReplyDeleteI was all about recovery this week too. I even walked a couple days!
I've had DOMS only once and it was a race where I walked up the hills and ran the downhills. It happened 2 days later.
ReplyDeleteHow cool to paint a mural for your church! Glad you honored your body with recovery. So very important, as you know. Are you doing any hammy strengthening exercises?
ReplyDeleteI'm currently trying to put together a training plan for my half marathon coming up. To be honest, I've never followed a strict running plan so it's been an interesting challenge trying to put one together. haha.
ReplyDeleteThat mural is awesome! I love it!
ReplyDeleteIt's hard listening to our bodies, and I"m sorry your DOMS kept coming back to haunt you. It's super frustrating. In spite of all that, you got in some great workouts and should be proud.
I loathe running in the rain. I just hate being soggy. I feel like I'm always soaked with the humid weather we have here, so I guess it's no different than being wet from rain. I'm a total sissy like that.
I'm on the once a month 5K right now, and that will continue until fall. When it hopefully gets a little cooler. Hopefully.
Sometimes I have those slow motion struggle runs. Good job pushing through and knowing when to back off!
ReplyDeleteYou certainly had a very active recovery week. Kudos to you for taking the time to listen to your body and taking things easier last week, especially right after you race. We’ve had some crazy weather here in Virginia recently too. Hopefully Mother Nature calms down sooner than later!
ReplyDeleteYour recovery weeks make my active weeks look lame! Lol. I hope the humidity breaks for you soon. Maybe you need some storms to force you inside so you actually take a rest day ;-)
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of DOMS ...oh my gosh!!! I have never been so sore as I was after this downhill marathon. Jeepers creeepers was so bad that I took the elevator at work all last week and we are only on the second floor!!! Lol Great week Kim and I love that you brighten the world with your own POP of color!!
ReplyDeleteWow Kim really sounds like you needed a break this week. Glad you did things sensibly! I wonder too if there was some overcompensation going on that caused so much DOMS in your quads??
ReplyDeleteI guess where you are it really makes most sense to do running in the early morning… crazy about the storm weds evening!! But I guess you could have predicted that if the humidity was so bad!
I love your lion painting! I can’t even draw a stick figure (well.. ok I CAN draw a stick figure and that’s it) so I’m always impressed when people have a natural talent to draw and paint.
Last week I wasn’t really training but I did a pre-training session on Friday, WITH DOMS from bodypump the day before. Fun times Next race is Midsomer Night Run (June 30, 7.5KM) and then RnR Dublin (in August, 5K and Half) and the Ragnar Relay (no idea what my leg’s kms are in total, maybe I should look at that!!) in Germany and finally the Warsaw Marathon end of September. Oh. And the Half Marathon in Amsterdam in October. I’m not overbooked or anything. Ugh.
Training in the rain is not my fave - but sometimes it has to be done.
Sounds like a great week of recovery. That is one awesome mural!