Sunday, February 21, 2021

I Made it Through the Freeze

Yeah, this past week was rather frigid.

We're talking sub-ZERO temps, most days, in Iowa. The snow continued to fall, the wind kept blowing  and the streets remained a near-hazard. Thankfully, as we neared the weekend, things were finally (after two solid weeks of polar vortex conditions) on the upswing.

Before I share the details, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 1:00 (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down this week:

Never miss a (cold) Monday 
Brrrr, Can you say record-setting cold temps? I beg of you, don't be jealous. Another early-morning 3-mile jaunt with Milly, and the requisite outdoor selfie afterwards. After work, I ventured out for a brisk 1-mile walk before hopping on the (indoor) bike for 10 miles.

Another typical (even colder) Tuesday
The cold saga continued...five indoor miles on the elliptical in the wee hours, and another (even brisker) 1-mile walk after work.

Whoa, a wonderful Wednesday!
Monday's run had been my seventh consecutive treadmill run; the thought of another such run did not sound the least bit appealing. With the forecast showing a slight warm-up, the thought of swapping my morning run for a bike ride crossed my mind. In all honesty, it gave me such peace and a huge sense of relief (when I went to bed Tuesday night). When I awoke Wednesday morning, I was so jazzed to NOT be running (on the 'mill), that I rode 15 miles instead of the usual 10. No guilt, whatsoever.

Mind you, the temps were still cold, throughout most of the day. But the sunshine was almost blinding on my 1-mile walk over lunch. I could have called it good, but when I got home from work, the outdoors were calling. I got dressed, drove over to the college, and proceeded to run four invigorating miles. The streets were still a mess, but the sidewalks were pretty clear, and that's all she wrote. This caged bird had been set free. The treadmill streak had ended...those seven consecutive runs had been seven too many.

Easy-peasy Thursday
I rode those Wednesday post-run endorphins well into the next day. Even though I had stretched and foam-rolled, I knew my body needed some down time the next morning. A little bit of stretching and twisting, mixed in with some core work, and all was well. There also was an upper-body strength session in the evening.

Friday's finale
The early morning temps were (again) sub-0, and I really didn't feel it wise to negotiate the frozen slush and ice in the dark (call me crazy). So, somewhat reluctantly, I opted for the treadmill...and it actually wasn't too terrible. It's crazy how much faster a 2-mile run goes compared to a 5-miler (I know, that's quite a ground-breaking revelation). I guess Wednesday's outdoor run was the break I needed. So, two miles with Milly, then another four miles on the elliptical...all before daybreak 

A super-sunny Saturday
With another blogger Zoom ride on tap (for 8:30 my time), my morning began with a 6:15 meet-up with Barb. It had been a couple weeks since we'd  done any running in each others' company. The temps were still cold, but "not as cold" as they'd been. We ran six miles, and got to witness the sunrise. This also was my longest run since my stress fracture, and everything felt fine. Just being back outside was totally euphoric, and running my longest distance, in six months, was a bonus. I have a 10K happening in two weeks (Leprechaun Chase, Papillion NE) and feel ready.

...and a snowy Sunday
Just when we thought Momma N was playing nice, she did a 180 and blessed us with more snow. I got out for a 2-mile trek, with a whole lotta slipping and sliding to boot. The snow may look pretty, but I'm ready for it to vacate and not return for 10 months. Onward!  

Despite the crazy cold, I did my best to persevere through the week. Running saw 15 miles, with 10 of those outside! I've been keeping consistent with walking (almost) everyday (especially on my non-running days)...8 miles done this week. Elliptical had nine miles of action and biking had 35 miles. Also, 40 flights of stairs (as part of my warm-up before my runs).

In case you missed out, here's what all went down on the blog this week:

In other news:
Friday Fashion Flair! By lunchtime, Friday's 24F temps felt quite tropical. How do you feel about cheetah print? Or the combo of brown and cobalt? Mix them all together and I was quite content. Care to join me? Post a pic of your Friday outfit on Instagram, grab the hashtag (#FridayFashionFlair) and be sure to tag me (@runningonthefly).

Saturday's Zoom ride with some fellow blogging gals was another fun endeavor. It was 40 fast and furious minutes of pedaling and chatting with Darlene, Debbie, and Coco. We even had Max join us for a quick photo bomb.

So, that's my week, all wrapped up and tied with a (frosty) bow.

How are things in your world? Did you get extreme temps and/or weather conditions? Have you been able to get outside, or have you been opting inside?


  1. Never opt for inside. I run outside no matter what or if it's too dangerous, I have my bike now.

    You are amazing with all your variety.

    It was great chatting with you yesterday.

    1. I try to opt outside daily (for walking and for other things), but things have just been too extreme here...

  2. I hid from the freeze — or from the ice. At least our yard is frozen so Scooby can run around without getting muddy! It was great seeing you - and Max — yesterday.

    1. Max has his "business loop" in the backyard, so he's content getting outside. Currently, the snow is upwards of 20 inches on the ground, so there's no danger of him escaping.

  3. Way to get those outdoor miles in despite your cold temps. I would so much rather have snow or rain than ice.So glad your stress fracture recovery is going so well!

    1. Ice is definitely a deal-breaker! That's what has kept me inside more than I'd prefer recently.

  4. It's crazy to think that it's going to be a whole new world in 2 weeks for your 10k. I had a few days where given the choice between the treadmill or nothing I chose nothing! There will be plenty of outside-runnable days soon. I was never one to complain about the mill in previous years but this winter has been a little much.

    1. Last year, we had temps in the 60's for our 10K, so I'm hoping that trend continues. It had a change of location, so it's going to be a brand new course for us. The 'mill was really getting on my last's one thing to choose to run on it, but quite another when it's the only option.

  5. Our temps have gradually come up but we had terribly high winds Thursday and Friday and I missed my run (why did I not go on my cross trainer, though???). I wonder if I can join the Saturday zoom this coming weekend with my cross trainer or recumbent bike, as I'm not running?

    1. Knock on wood, the wind has been cold but not too wicked. That's all relative, though. Maybe it doesn't feel that bad because the temps have been so extreme already LOL

  6. Your weather has been so cold! I've also been stuck inside but it warmed up today so I'm hoping it's going to stay. Great job staying active!

    1. Our winter was pretty bearable until February arrived on the scene. The hubs has been talking about finding a play down south for some snowbird action...

  7. Love the max photo bomb :)

    I too am more than ready for spring! This week is supposed to be pretty mild- nearly 40 degrees here- but now comes the melt/re-freeze challenge that comes along with the warm up!

    1. I agree...the downside to the Spring thaw is all the mess that comes with it. We're supposed to be above freezing this week, as well...once we get through this current storm.

  8. It seems like its been rough everywhere lately! Glad you were able to get outside for a few of your runs. Day after day on the treadmill just gets to be too much.

    1. This was quite a week, no doubt! I have so much respect for those who can run daily on the treadmill, and for much longer distances. It's just not my happy place LOL

  9. While cold here, it hasn't been quite THAT cold. I think we only missed one dogwalk this week -- I actually walked him at 4 pm on the icy day -- by then the streets were fine & with the longer days, we can do that now!

    I agree that short runs can be much less taxing on the mill. I kind of miss those really short runs already! It would really be hard to do that many runs on the mill, though, Kim, so kudos to you!

    1. The one walk I was able to take Max on (I think it was Thursday), he went nutzo. He was so excited! But, with all the random snow and slush everywhere, he was a mess when we got back home. But, he was so happy ;-) Regarding the treadmill, I should try to keep a short treadmill run in rotation, each week (like, 2-3 miles), just so it's not such a shock to my system when I have no other option. Stay tuned LOL

  10. Mother Nature has not been playing nice this month, that's for sure! I think we're supposed to get either snow or rain tomorrow - I really hope its just rain because I am SO over the snow.

    The photo from yesterday with Max "photo bombing" continues to make me laugh, LOL!

    1. Yeah, it's like Mother Nature was awoken from a beautiful dream and is now seeking vengeance on everyone. We have the forecast showing above-freezing temps (most everyday) this week...fingers crossed that's what Mother Nature delivers.

  11. You definitely made the best of the week despite Momma N's antics! Max's photo bomb is just too cute :) I hope to catch up with you on the next ride.

    1. I hope you can join us, too! It's so much fun riding and chatting ;-)

  12. I love that Max joined us for a second or two yesterday! He's the cutest photo-bomber ever! I can't even imagine -18° that feels like -33°. Why is Momma N being so mean to Iowa? Ugh!

    Thanks for the linkup and have a great week!

    1. Momma N has been kind of a _itch (fill in the blank) to Iowa in recent weeks LOL Fortunately, I can take it, but I certainly do not have to enjoy it. Thankful I have plenty of indoor options when the outdoors aren't friendly ;-)

  13. Well Kim, we've continued on our parallel recovery paths after our foot injuries- I also ran six miles this weekend! (so what are we doing next week? ha ha...) Glad you got out for that four-miler on Wednesday! Sounds like it was the mid-week boost you needed. Hope you get some nicer weather coming up!

    1. That mid-week boost definitely came at the perfect time! I think I might actually be outdoors for all of my runs this next week...though I probably won't be dressed for super warm weather conditions (like you would be).

  14. It was brutally cold here too, but I just couldn't do the mill. It's going to get icy once we start the thaw, so that may be the dealbreaker for me. Seeing what they went through in the south made me feel very fortunate.

    1. There's great concern for the probable flooding we're going to see when the thaw really starts happening. There's just so much snow...

  15. Note to self: Head South for the month of February as often as possible. Sounds like you made it thru another week of hella crazy weather. Good for you for persevering with Milly. I know she's not your fave but a mill run is better than no run.

    1. The hubs has mentioned (several times, in the past few days) that he's ready to go south. February has been especially cruel this year LOL

  16. I rarely choose inside over outside but then we don't get as cold as you guys do. I'll admit I am ready for spring at this point- I'm over our version of cold (below 50 degrees). Right now I like mild weather, not too cold, not too hot. And I'm just kinda not feeling the running as much-loving all the strength training though!

    1. I like mild weather, too ;-) It's just...we don't get that very often LOL

  17. Another great week for you! How do you find the energy to do so much? :-) We had pretty similar weather like you.

    1. Not sure about my energy "source" because I don't drink coffee (and I don't have my chai until after my morning workouts). I guess I'm just lucky ;-)

  18. You are amazing for getting out there a little bit! I don't think I've skipped an outside workout yet because of weather this year, but it's happened for surer.

    1. I just refuse to stay indoors, though in the extreme temps I am careful to limit what I do outdoors.

  19. you definitely handled the weather and your workouts like a champ. I am calling up all the ju-ju I have for you guys to get out of this freeze!

    sorry I missed you Saturday!

    1. We missed you, too! This Iowa weather ain't for the faint of heart LOL Thankfully, it's not a long-term thing...but most of February has been crazy cold.

  20. Yikes!!! You took a selfie outside in -15 degree weather wearing SHORTS??? You are tough!!! I can definitely understand you not wanting to take a chance on the icy sidewalks when you run before sunrise. One of the benefits of being retired is that I can run later in the morning when I can at least see the ice. Is it April yet?

    1. Of course I took a selfie's my coping vice when I'm stuck inside on the 'mill ;-) Besides, the treadmill is not exactly a pretty photo prop LOL
