And just like that...we're back in maintenance mode.
Yep. My reality took an unexpected turn this week.
What can I say? One thing we have absolute control of is our attitude, and I embrace that fact. A sense of humor is also invaluable. Thankfully, I have both in my arsenal.
Oh, by the way, did you hear? My marathon (scheduled for next month) won't be happening.
Before I share all the #
plottwist details, welcome to the
Weekly Run Down!
I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)
Anyways, here's what went down in my little corner of the marathon-training-fitness universe:
Sunday: Sleep-in, Sun, and the State Fair!
It's a good thing the mid-morning sunshine was shining bright because I totally missed the sunrise. Yes, you're hearing it here first, my friends - I laid back down for a few minutes...and woke back up around 9:15! Worse things have happened, but sleeping until 9:15 is like sleeping well past noon for me. Gustavas took me out for seven sunshiny miles of "brunch." There also was more weekend gardening to be done (in the afternoon) before the hubby and I headed to the Iowa State Fair (see below).
Monday: Mucho #meh
Even after a very late night, dwindling daylight and cooler temps, there's something quite magical about the empty streets in the early morning hours. That said, even though I'm used to late nights (and early mornings), this Monday had me feeling unusually tired (maybe too much dancing, with too much vigor, the night prior?). My 2-mile post-workday run was less than great (the cranky back and weird hip/groin "issue" was still an issue), as was the 5-mile bike ride that followed. Oh well, I was grateful for any and all fatigue because I had so much fun at the fair the night before.
Tuesday: Totally rejuvenated!
I got out bright and early for a vigorous pre-work 2-mile adventure. Wow, did this walk ever feel great! The air was crisp, the humidity was MIA, and all lingering fatigue had disappeared. There also was a 1-mile walk (at work) and a 5.5-mile evening bike ride with my sister. It was a perfect low/no impact day.
Wednesday: Double-ride day and, WOW, that sunrise!
I've been keeping the running mileage low (for the cranky back/hip/groin), so I passed on the #5at5 run (again) and opted for another #10at530 bike ride instead. That sunrise was like nothing I'd seen before; I'm glad I didn't sleep-in that morning! Another 1-mile walk (at work), and ride #11 on the hilly bike path after work. Ugh, major wind and hot temps, but a great workout. No regrets.
Thursday: Talk about your irony...
The morning started with some strength work and a 2-mile walk with the hubby and Max. Then, mid-morning, I had an appointment with a chiropractor. To be honest, I'm a little scared and creeped-out with chiropractic care, but my back and that pesky hip/groin issue still were not playing nice. With the marathon happening in four weeks, I needed some answers and (hopefully) some solutions. The appointment went well, and I actually walked out of the office feeling better already.
Then, an hour later, I got the email. The email announcing the
Air Force Marathon was going virtual (again). I had registered for the 2020 AFM, which ultimately was deferred (due to Covid), and now the 2021 race was getting wiped from my calendar as well. Initially, there were a few minutes of marked disappointment; but that was followed by a huge wave of relief. All of my anxiety with my back/hip/groin crankiness were (almost instantaneously) gone. After work, I took Gustavas for a 10-mile ride, and had plenty of time to think about my situation...and reached a rather nice catharsis. My endurance is still in a good place, and now I wouldn't have to add the strain of any additional mileage as my body continues to heal. I have a couple of half marathons on the Fall roster, and I'm basically in peak condition for those (as of this moment). What started out as a contemplative ride ended, literally, as a "happy hour" endeavor.
Friday: Feeling good, feeling fine
For the first time, in a long time, I awoke with zero pain or stiffness in my back. I thought about trying to run three miles, but finished with two (nothing wrong with playing it safe). While my hip/groin still felt a little tight, I could immediately tell things were feeling so much better than they had in recent weeks. Hallelujah! Another 1-mile walk at work, and a windy 12-mile bike ride with Barb (after work)...and all was feeling pretty good!
Saturday: Some summertime fun with friends
Eager to test out the rehabbing body, I met Barb at 6:30 for some Saturday miles. The plan was to run five miles and see how things were feeling, then possibly add a few extra. Well, the temps weren't too terrible (70F), but the humidity was at 100%. Normally, that wouldn't be a big issue, but after the first mile or so, I could tell things were still a little iffy with my hip (but my back was feeling fine). Things did feel better as the miles went on, but I decided it was in my best interest to leave the run at five miles and not risk overdoing it. After all, I do have the DAM to DSM 20K happening next Saturday, and that's more of a priority than bragging about running extra miles on my recovering body. Call me crazy.

But, a short while after returning home (and a quick shower LOL), the hubs and I loaded the bikes and headed to the Raccoon River Valley Trailhead in Dallas Center. We met up with Mike and Amy for 49ish miles (half of which was into a headwind, just saying) of lively conversation and laughs. It had been a few weeks since all of us had done a long ride, so this was long overdue.
So, there you have it. What started out as another week of (compromised) marathon training ended with a different plan of action (and not a bad one). Obviously, biking dominated this week (again) with 116 miles cycled. Running was (again) on the very conservative side with 9 miles (it is what it is). Walking had 13 miles. There also were a couple of strength sessions and plenty of rehab moves for the back and hip.
In case you missed out, here's what else went down on the blog this week:
In other news:
Friday Fashion Flair. After several days of cooler temps (and minimal humidity), the real summer weather staged a comeback. Of course, the hotter it is outside, the colder it is inside. That said, I'm hanging on to the every last semblance of summer that I can, so the sleeveless tops and floral prints are still in rotation. Once the Fall weather hits, it seems like Winter arrives only a couple weeks later (at least in my area of the Midwest). Believe me, I'm in no hurry for that.
Got salsa? We've been harvesting a lot of tomatoes from our salsa garden, as well as a few peppers. I finally had a few minutes, this week, to slice and dice all the goods into some salsa. We have an abundance of grape tomatoes (I stopped counting after I hit 100), and the Romas are (finally) starting to come to life. The Beefsteak ones are a lovely shade of green...still.
Finally, last Sunday afternoon/evening, the hubby and I spent several hours at the Iowa State Fair. The fair didn't happen last year, so it was nice to see all things back in action (but with many more hand sanitizer stations and complimentary masks available). We had the requisite food, and saw one of our favorite regional bands, Hairball, perform. We made it back home by 12:30AM (Monday morning).
But, enough about me...
How are things in your world? Any of your Fall races getting canceled or going virtual? Chiropractic care - yay? nay? no way?
I must have missed that your race was canceled! I'm glad you are feeling better. I like going to the chiropractor but I don't get there as much as I would like. I used to work like right up the street from them and they had walk-in appointments so I went all the time. Now, with COVID you need to schedule appointments in advance and I'm not in that area as much.
ReplyDeleteI called on Wednesday and was able to get in for my Thursday chiro appointment, so that was a nice surprise. I do plan to go back, but am on the fence (at the moment) as to how often.
DeleteWell, that is a turn of events. It sounds like if could be the best with your hip issue, and of course to avoid a covid super-spreader event. I’m so glad you’re loving cycling, and it’s great you have friends to ride with!
ReplyDeleteOh gosh, I am really loving all the this marathon ordeal is really a blessing. And, the fact that my hip is still not 100% back to "normal," it's almost like all the elements of the universe lined up to help me out LOL
DeleteOh no...I didn't hear that your race was cancelled! I'm glad only because it gives you more time to focus on healing, but what a bummer. The salsa looks delicious.
ReplyDeleteYes, it really is more of a blessing than a disappointment with the marathon. Ironically, it's kind of liberating having had the decision made for me rather than having to decide for myself. All is good!
DeleteYikes! Sorry your race has gone virtual but it sounds like your hip/groin could use a break in the miles anyway. There are not a ton of races here at all. That said, the Chicago Marathon plans to go forward. I think the city needs the $$$.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'm alright with the marathon. It really is a relief to not "have" to run any excess miles (which I wasn't anyways, in recent weeks at least). Just moving forward....
DeleteI guess I missed the news on your race going virtual again. I think it is great how you turned it into a positive. You will have time to let your hip heal without putting extra strain on it and you will be able to run a few half marathons too. The first big race here is Cherry blossom in 3 weeks fingers crossed.
ReplyDeleteI keep seeing emails about the Cherry Blossom...hoping that holds! While my hip is feeling better, the odds are pretty good I would not have been running all 26.2 miles (I had been contemplating on switching to the 13.1), so this all is a good thing.
DeleteSorry for your race! Here many races are cancelled too so I made the decision, for the near future, to sign up at the last minute.
ReplyDeleteThe bright side is that you are not anymore in hurry to prepare the marathon and you can focus on healing.
Exactly! All the (self-imposed) stress of continuing to train, debating on switching to a shorter distance OR running less in these final weeks was a bit overwhelming. Now all that stress is gone ;-)
Deleteoh wow...cancellations are happening again. I wonder what other races will go that route. My husband is running Boston and they are giving out their guidance soon, I was thinking it will be like Chicago with proof of vax or a test within 72 hours...I'm really sorry to hear about your race though. Your training seemed to going really well too, so even if yes, you are working through an injury, its still disappointing after putting it a lot of work! You have such a good attitude though and sending healing vibes on that hip issue Kim.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your journey!
Thanks, Jessie ;-) My training was going pretty well, albeit it was very non-traditional with all the extra biking. I'm just thankful things are starting to feel better, and I can still continue with all the biking, especially the long rides.
DeleteI'm sorry to hear about your race, but it does sounds like it will give you the breathing space you need to let your hip/groin heal. You always have such a good attitude! I'm sending you continued healing vibes my friend.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, Michelle! Having the race cancelled was more of a relief than a disappointment, so I am quite alright with everything. And, I'm glad the hip/groin is on the mend.
Delete116 cycle miles. WOW.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear about the marathon, but glad it is for the better especially as you can heal. I had totally missed the context on your chiro question, but so glad it brought you relief. Great to know you can just listen to your body and not "have to" run any more miles.
I've never done the state fair as it's up near Syracuse, but there are a couple county fairs theoretically going forward in the next few weeks. Years ago we went to the Altamont Fair (near Albany) and that was my first exposure to the 4H, demo derby side of fairs. That was fun!
I'm pretty diligent about listening to my body, but we were getting down to the wire with taper approaching. While I felt good about my biking (in exchange for the lower running mileage), I was concerned how things would be feeling on race day (Sept. 18th). So...that's no longer an issue ;-)
DeleteWell, I don't know whether to say "oh no!" or "hooray!" Your marathon was canceled... but your hip feels better. I think your analysis of the situation was a good one- yes, the hip is hopefully on the mend, but continuing to train for a marathon on it probably wouldn't have been the best thing. Better to enter to fall race season healthy and running. Like you said, the right attitude and a sense of humor go a long, long, way.
ReplyDeleteHope the hip continues to feel good this week! Sounds like that chiropractor really helped it.
I had the same thoughts..."Oh no" vs. "hooray" LOL. I'm not surprised about their decision, given the fact that the bulk of the race course is on military grounds. I'm just thankful (selfishly) that I don't have to make the decision to continue training for those 26.2 miles. Moving on!! ;-)
DeleteI was wondering if you would have a feeling of relief about the race being canceled. It might have been the best choice because it was one you didn't have to make given the slight issues you have been having! Will you be going back for more chiropractor care? I have a friend that swears by it, but I haven't been to one in a very long time.
ReplyDeleteYOU said it exactly, Lisa. It was nice not having to be the one making the decision on what to do in the next four weeks. And, I have ZERO desire to seek out another marathon this fall, because there's no guarantee another one would hold. Plus, my hip needs a little more downtime, so this all is working very much in my favor.
DeleteGlad to hear it went well with the chiropractor. Will you keep going? What a bummer about the race! Virtual again! I love making salsa! Well, mine is mostly green since I use green tomatoes.
ReplyDeleteI'm uncertain how soon I'll go back. The more people I talk with (especially runners and other athletes), it's sounding like it may be a good thing for me to get into a regimen, even if I don't go often. Stay tuned!
Deleteyou know... I do believe things happen for a reason and even though the marathon was cancelled, it's also a bit of a blessing in disguise. Glad that the chiro helped you in any case!!
ReplyDeleteOh, I totally agree! Like I said, the disappointment was pretty I just have to decide if I want to defer again or just get a refund.
DeleteThey say things happen for a reason. Now you have time to heal without the pressure to train for 26 miles.
ReplyDeleteSo far my half on Sept 4 and Oct 3 are a go. Hope they do happen.
I love my chiro. I don't go often enough. I wait until I am in pain which is dumb, I know.
Ive nver been tot he State Fair but plenty of local fairs...they fun.
Yes, the timing was pretty convenient for the cancellation LOL Things have been feeling so much better this week, but that's a good thing I don't "need" to push the mileage.
DeleteI'm not a huge fan of the chiropractor, but if it works, it works. At least having the race canceled takes some of that stress off your plate. Now you can focus on getting yourself to 100%.
ReplyDeleteLove homemade salsa! And I'm so glad you got to enjoy the fair!
The chiro thing is freaky, I will not argue that fact at all LOL I did feel quite a bit better afterwards, and especially (so far) this week, so I think it helped my situation.
DeleteUgh - I hate that your marathon got canceled but I totally understand the reasoning behind it. It sounds like this could be a blessing in disguise as now you don't have to worry about doing super long runs especially with your hip/groin issue. I do wonder if more marathons will follow Chicago and ask for proof of vaccination status.
ReplyDeleteI am super pumped I don't "have" to run any further than 13.1 miles for a long time ;-) Honestly, I really feel quite happy about that since my heart just wasn't into all those long-long runs this summer (I'd rather be biking LOL).
DeleteI am sorry, Kim. While it may be a relief, I'm sure it's also disappointing. I'm really glad I am signed up for nothing!
ReplyDeleteThe Fair sounds like lots of fun -- it's been many years (since we lived in TX) that we went to a fair, and I haven't been to a state fair since I was a kid -- which actually wasn't a great memory (just so danged hot & humid -- I've never been a fan, LOL!).
It honestly is more of a relief than a each day goes on, I'm really appreciating the cancellation more and more. Our state fair goes for 11 days...and if we make it over there (it's an hour away) once, we're good. There have been many years when we haven't gone at all. The weather is usually very hot (like you said) and the food is expensive (and most of it is not healthy).
DeleteIt sounds like you're now seeing the marathon cancelation as more of a relief than a disappointment and that makes sense based on your recent hip/groin pains. Now you've got more time for riding your bikes! :-)
ReplyDeleteSorry about your race but it does indeed sound like a blessing in disguise. I think my Oct half should happen (wah! as we went and tried out the route this last week and it's horrible!) but we're keeping fingers crossed for everyone who's signed up for London Marathon, still on at the moment ...
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear your marathon has been canceled. You are doing great training on the bike. I need to do some cross training as all I do at the minute is try to run :)