Saturday, September 10, 2022

All in Good Fitness Fun

Well, it was another one of those weeks.

Things were (mostly) decently cheerful in my little corner of the world, for which I'm quite grateful. But, as we all know, there was some heart-breaking #ish happening elsewhere. 

I don't have answers, nor am I going to preach about Eliza's tragedy or the loss of the Queen. I trust most everyone else shares in my frustration, anger, and grief. There's strength in our solidarity, though, and there's comfort in our coping outlets, via fitness.   

 And, that's what I'm choosing to focus on, for this blog post.

Before I share all the deets of the week, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

 I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down this terms of fitness and fun:

Long ride Sunday!
Not only did my weekend involve a long run on Saturday (an 8-miler), but there also was a lot of garden squats. Come Sunday morning, my body was feeling a bit weary. I got out for a 2-mile walk, and felt much better afterwards. Mid-morning, there was a road trip to Solon (about 70ish miles east) and a 32-mile bike ride in the chilly mid-60F "summer" temps. There were even more garden squats, on deck, after my return home. UGH and OUCH.

Never miss a Monday.
Since I hadn't done a recovery run on Sunday, my legs (mainly the hammies) were due for some movement. A 2-mile run did the trick, followed by a 2-mile mid-morning walk. 

Later, Barb and I headed to Altoona (40ish minutes west) for a group run with the Altoona Running Club. With it being Cy-Hawk Week (my University of Iowa Hawkeyes were facing their in-state rivals, the Iowa State Cyclones, on Saturday), one of the Des Moines TV stations hosts "rally nights," each evening, in various towns. This particular night, they were in convenient, right? After running two miles (substantially faster than I'd run the other two miles, 12 hours prior, LOL), Barb and I got our pic with Herky (Iowa's mascot). Go Hawks!

A typical Tuesday (of sorts)
Needless to say, my lower-body was a bit whooped after Monday evening's run (even with foam rolling, stretching and trigger-point massage). I stacked a relaxing Barre workout with a couple of arms/shoulders workouts (all from Peloton app), and all things felt much better. Some walking at work (1-mile) and over lunch (two miles), along with a post-workday bike ride (10 miles), and everything was back in working order.

Double workout Wednesday for the win!
Holy Brrr, Batman, those 59F temps felt chilly for the first mile of the #5at5 (with Barb)! Rest assured,  the humidity was still there, LOL. Thankfully, the grumpy hammies were feeling much happier.

After work, I met up with Amy for our weekly ride out to the lake (this was ride #18!). Like last week, the heat was high and the wind was low, so this adventure on wheels was a major sweat fest. But, I never regret taking on those hills...even with the 100+ grasshoppers pelting me along the route.

Thankful (change-of-plans) Thursday.
After returning from Wednesday evening's bike ride, I crashed on the couch for a couple hours. When I got up, Thursday morning, I was still feeling a bit groggy and uninspired to get my sweat on (yes, you heard that right, LOL). I had a couple of strength workouts stacked and ready, but decided to take a pass. Instead, I did a rare thing...I cued up a Peloton walk workout (more for the Maroon 5 soundtrack than anything) and took a 2-mile power walk. I returned home feeling rejuvenated and ready for the day, and was ever-so-thankful I'd gone with my gut instinct. Later, there were a couple of 1-mile walks at work, a 2-mile walk after dinner, and a 4-mile Full Moon Run in the evening (see below). I went to bed feeling quite accomplished and ready for some slumber.

Finally Friday.
With another "prior evening" run, I kept things pretty low-key Friday morning. I've been enjoying Barre classes (from the Peloton app),both for the subtle strength work they offer as well as the recovery aspect from the waist-down. Thus, I did a 20-minute Barre workout, followed by a core workout. Then, I took Krystal out for an easy 7-mile ride before heading to work. I also got in a couple of 1-mile walks, and called it good for the day.

Long run Saturday, with a tribute thrown in
I was already planning on running 9.11 miles this weekend (in honor of September 11th), but wasn't sure if it would happen on Saturday or Sunday. Saturday's weather looked more promising, so Barb and I met up at 6:30 and cranked out the miles. Also, in memory of Eliza Fletcher, I dedicated this run as part of the #FinishElizasRun movement. I also paid full tribute and donned the pink and blue attire (as she had worn on her fateful run).

...and what's happening on Sunday?
The weather is looking dry, but chilly. I'll get out for an early walk (or maybe a short recovery run?), and hopefully work in a bike ride at some point. Stay tuned.

In summary, this week kept me busy (and that's just the way I like it). It also had me feeling a bit fatigued at times, and that's not a bad thing. Running saw one of its biggest weeks in awhile with 22 miles (and change). Walking was in close contention with 22 miles as well. Biking hit 64 miles. Strength training had some upper-body and core work, but any focused lower-body work was limited to Barre. 

In case you missed out, there was only one blog post this week. Things were busy, and I didn't have much to say, LOL (nor did I have sufficient time to read/comment on very many other blogs):

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair. As mentioned, it was Cy-Hawk Week in the state of Iowa. We had a tailgate potluck at work, so a bunch of us wore our team (or alma mater's) colors. 

Well, Saturday's Cy-Hawk didn't end favorably for the Hawks. Oh well. The oldest Cyclone daughter joined me for some tailgating fun. We didn't make it to the (rainy) game, but we did get in 5ish miles of walking! I can't complain about the day at all. 

Lastly, although the full moon wasn't "official" until Friday, we opted to do our monthly run an evening early. Barb and Allison and I met up at 8:30 on Thursday night. The temps were wonderful (mid-70F's), the sky was clear, and the Harvest Moon was huge (although it looks itty-bitty in the pics). With the (chilly) fall-preview temps of recent, this evening's run was reminiscent of the summer weather I love. Four miles of bliss, with running friends, made for a great evening.

So, there you have it. Another week of fitness fun, and I'm ever grateful for the role it plays in my life. As I said on Facebook, it serves a lot more than just physical also gives me solace, peace and strength in coping with life's ups and downs.

How did your week go? Any favorite workouts to brag about?  Did you catch the harvest moon? Did you take part in the Finish Eliza's Run this weekend? 


  1. Nice mileage this week - well done on your 9 miler. I did a short tribute for Liza, but not the full 8. It is just so sad.

    1. It really is a sad tragedy. I'm glad to see so many of us coming together in support of her family and doing these tribute runs on her behalf.

  2. I did catch the moon and it was amazing! Great week of activity for you!

    1. Yes, the moon has looked amazing for the past several evenings. We actually had some cloud cover Friday evening, so it worked well for us to do our moon run an evening early.

  3. I did catch the moon and I did finish Eliza's run. It was sad week. She was on my mind during all my runs.
    The highlight of course was hanging out with friends and running a 5k.

    1. She was on my mind as well. All of this brought back so many memories of Mollie Tibbetts, unfortunately.

  4. I'm surprised you didn't go to the game! At least you got to tailgate. That full moon was amazing!

    1. The daughter had ZERO interest in going to the game, so I opted to hang with her and have some fun mom/daughter time. It majorly down-poured in the fourth quarter, so no regrets, LOL.

  5. I saw the huge moon on Thursday night and didn't even realize it wasn't a full moon. LOL

    Thanks for the linkup and have a great week!

    1. I thought the moon even looked huge on Wednesday evening! Not sure why it always looks so tiny in my pics...

  6. Sounds like a great week of activity! I haven't tried any Peloton walks or rides. Love the corn/Iowa pic!

    1. I love the Pelo rides, but I've only done those in the colder months. I've done a couple of the walks, indoors, when I was "stuck inside," but it was kind of a nice change listening to the Maroon 5 workout while I was walking (I listened to it again this morning). I need to remember to do that more often since I'm walking almost every day anyways.

  7. I saw the huge moon last night but no running under it. You do have an active and busy week!

    1. We had a lot of rain late yesterday afternoon and into the evening. It was a bit cloudy, but I could see the moon peeking out a bit...

  8. This week was a bummer all around. Thank goodness we have fitness to take the edge off.

    1. No kidding!!!!! I seriously do not know how "the others" cope with all the crap in the world.

  9. Yes- we all have to keep running! Sounds like you had a great week of fitness. Sorry about the Hawks- I stayed up super late to watch the Baylor game, only to see them lose in overtime. Ugh! But, win or lose, sports are a great diversion, and keep life fun- even in difficult weeks like this.

    1. I agree. Sports are a much-needed diversion, as is our own fitness fixes.

  10. I hear you on only one blog post this week! Probably next week for me too. We'll see. Eliza was in and out of my thoughts this week -- as was 9/11 today (but no, definitely no 9.11 for me or any other permutation! Just thoughts).

    Great week for you Kim, WTG!

    1. I might go for a 9.11-mile bike ride...a much easier jaunt that doing it on foot (and much less of a time commitment).

  11. Great week of mileage and fitness! I did catch the moon - it was amazing!

    1. I so love these full moon runs...especially when the moon actually shows, LOL.

  12. Yes! For once, I saw the moon this week! Like you, I saw it on Thursday as we were cycling home from a track and field event. I thought of you and your full moon runs!

    1. Yay!!!! Twinning ;-) We barely caught the moon in August (it popped out as we were finishing our last mile), but it was a no-show in June and July. We had some cloud cover Friday night, and rain (and more intermittent clouds) last we timed our Thursday run with perfection ;-)

  13. I'm glad so many people I know were able to finish Eliza's run. I got overtaken by the events around the loss of our Queen, I'm not the big monarchist but she meant so much to so many of us and I was really knocked by it (plus there was some serious discussion in my parkrun core group about whether we went ahead and I had to do some work planning, too). Lovely runs and rides and photos as ever. I actually had a decent running week and the weather is behaving now.

  14. Another busy week of workouts for you!
    I love the photo of you and your daughter :)

  15. Ish is such a good word for all of it. I was with you in spirit on the full moon although the moon didn't rise until the end of my run.
    Yay twinning

  16. That moon was great this week. Lit up my morning runs well. Very nice mileage this week and great tribute run on Saturday. You remind me that I need to get back into doing some Barre again. It works the legs so well.

  17. I am finally getting caught up on blogs! I am so jealous of your 59F temps and long sleeves. We are supposed to have a break in the weather soon, but I don't know when. It's crazy that football is back, although I haven't been paying tons of attention to my team. Whoops.

    Also, love your cycling. I finally wheeled my bike out of the garage and I owe a lot of it to you.
