Saturday, August 31, 2024

Glistening & Glowing to the max


It was a hot one.

This past week, that is. The weather returned to its usual seasonal heat, and brought a fair share of brutal humidity with it. 

Even the “cooler” mornings had me slicked & slathered with all kinds of dampness. Such is summer…

Thursday, August 29, 2024

A few pre-fall ‘Fessions

Well, well, well. Here we are, about to bid summer an unofficial “so long, see ya later.” 

It’s never an easy time of year for me. We all know I’d love for summer to last forever, right?

Alas, reality dictates the seasons are on the verge of changing, so I guess it's best to just go with it. That doesn't mean I have to embrace it, though. At least there's still plenty of summer-like weather remaining before the big freeze hits us, and I plan to enjoy every last minute of it.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

I Got This (I Think)


Sometimes the universe speaks to us.

Often times, it's a gentle whisper. Other times, it's a loud exclamation, urging you to take a halt. Ugh.

Any guesses what my message was, this week, and how it was delivered?

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Busyness: 101

Yowza, what a week! 

We’re talking almost nonstop action on the daily, as well as most evenings. Alas, never a dull moment! We all know that’s the way I best function, right?

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Bruised & Battered but Bouncing Back


It was another crazy week, navigating my way through the after effects of the previous week’s nasty tumble. 

The residual road rash, along with several obnoxious gashes (in awkward places) made for a few frustrations. Although the muscle aches were notably diminished by week’s end, the wild card (the strategic “tight-fitting" scab on my knee) was still cramping my style.

Ugh, first world probs, anyone?

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Succumbing by default


I’ve heard it said that flexibility is key. 

That concept certainly can apply to many things, like ones work schedule or social obligations. Also, let’s not forget about the Olympians, especially the amazing gymnasts!

This week, at least in my world, saw a different kind of flexibility. The weather was all kinds of humid, dangerous, and rainy. Then there was an unfortunate mishap on an innocent morning run. Suddenly, without any warning, I found myself succumbing to an unplanned recovery mode of sorts…

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Let’s Gather, Let’s Chat

The  pleasure from a warm mug of goodness really makes my day.

Even in the heat (and humidity) of summer, I find myself still reaching for that daily hot beverage each morning. After all, I’m usually within the confines of an air-conditioned dwelling, so why not?

Even better, I love my chat time with friends, family, and other special peeps. Sharing a laugh (or several) is always a fun time as we catch-up on the latest happenings. 

 I say we gather for a bit and combine the two…