Sunday, May 2, 2021

Rising & Shining, Running & Smiling

"Lest there be sunshine, to combat all the crazy wind."

I don't remember who penned that quote... maybe it was me?

After the mini polar-freeze-like conditions of recent, this past week put us back on track for some seasonal weather. Thank you, Momma N! Only, I gotta say she was a bit too generous with the wind, and most of the forecast precip missed us. But, oh well. I love all the sunshine, as well as the warmer temps, so I'm not going to complain.  

Before I share all the details, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

 I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 1:00 (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down in my little world of fitness this week:

Another never-miss-a-Monday!
It was a toss-up...go for an early-morning run or run after work, in the warmer temps. Hmmm...I decided to head out for a couple of miles, before work...and that sky! I'd  call it a Cotton Candy Tie-Dyed Creation. The colors were crazy-cool. After work, the temps were pleasantly warm, but the wind wickedly evil. My weather app showed 19mph wind, but I think the "1" and the "9" were transposed. Holy Yikes! I took Gustavas out for 10 miles, and it was a major balancing act keeping all things vertical. But being back on the bike never felt so fine! Max took me for a 1-mile walk after returning home.

Taking-it-to-the-trail Tuesday.
The morning started off innocently enough, with a 2-mile sunrise walk, and then another 1-miler at lunch. But the warm temps had the bike beckoning for another 10-mile ride, so we headed out on the hilly bike path after work. Again, the wind was a force to be reckoned with (though it wasn't quite as forceful as the day prior). But those hills! It had been a good nine months since I'd ridden that bike path, and I was instantly reminded how tough the hills were. I'm thankful for all the (indoor) winter biking I'd done, or I may have had to dismount and do the biker's walk of  shame.

A moonlit Wednesday run.
I didn't get out early enough to catch the pink moon on Tuesday, but it was shining ever-so-brightly on Wednesday morning. I was able to capture a pic, just after leaving my house, and then again, after Barb and I'd finished our weekly early-morning 5-miler. After work, I got the bright idea to squeeze in a stair workout...on the outdoor stairway, over on the college campus. Fifty flights (900steps), and 17 minutes later, I walked ((slowly)) back home. And I slept like a baby that evening.

Thursday's change in venue...
I'm not sure if it was from Tuesday's hilly ride, or Wednesday's late-afternoon stair workout (probably a bit of both LOL), but my Thursday morning body opted to take a pass on the "scheduled" HIIT/lower-body extravaganza. Instead, we opted for an upper-body workout, outside on the deck. Static holds, raises, rows and curls for the win! Also, a 1-mile walk before work, and another 1-mile walk (this one with Max) over lunch.

Easy-Peasy Friday.
Even after Thursday's "easy day," the glutes and hammies were still feeling a little cranky. I had a long run on tap for Saturday (8-10 miles, on the hilly bike path), so I had ZERO regrets about just doing a short 2-mile shakeout run. I runfess, I also met up with Barb, after work, for a 2-mile walk. Yes, it happens. We walk together on occasion, as well!

Long (hilly & windy) Run Saturday.
I was on my own, and (oddly enough) was craving some hills for breakfast. Momma N, being the generous gal that she is, lavished plenty of wind (21mph), but treated me to a lovely garnish of sunshine. My plan was to run four miles, out on the hilly bike path, then return home. If things were feeling good, I could add a couple of bonus miles once back in town. Suffice it to say, things went well! Even with the psychotic wind, my splits were all within a few seconds of each other (average pace of 9:36 for 10 miles). This is the same bike path I'd ridden Tuesday, and let me say it's much easier running those hills than it is biking them.

Sunny (and windy) Sunday.
I debated on doing a short recovery run, but  chose to go walking instead. Two miles of peace and calm (well, except for the wind LOL); no traffic, just the singing birds and a few occasional squirrels. There's probably more walking on tap for later, as well as a bike ride and some needed core work.

So, all in all, this was a sweet week of sunshine and plenty of action. I took a pass on lower-body strength and HIIT, but the stair workout more than made up for those. Running saw 19 miles, and walking logged 11 (with more on tap for Sunday afternoon). All 20 biking miles were courtesy of Gustavas, outside. Also, one upper-body workout and (only) one core workout (my bad). 

In case you missed out, here's what else went down on the blog this week:

In other news:
Friday Fashion Flair! It's that time of year, as the outdoor temps rise, the indoor temps start to feel even chillier than usual. I was overly-optimistic in sporting a sleeveless top, so the "black office cardi" had to be summoned. The turquoise sandals weren't the warmest footwear option either. Oh well, fashion before function. As usual, you're welcome to join the Friday fashion your pic on Instagram, grab the hashtag (#FridayFashionFlair) and tag me (@runningongthefly).

Have I ever mentioned how much I love our community? Last weekend, Cari extended an invite to join her in the virtual 9/11 Memorial & Museum Nationwide Run/Walk. A bunch of us rallied and got it done. 

Finally, I haven't shared a pic of our little guy, Max here you go. Believe it or not, we're still cleaning up yard waste and tree debris from the derecho of last August. Max got to ride with us to the brush dump. In case there's any doubt, he LOVES his car rides.

So, that's my week all wrapped up and tied with a sunshiny bow. How are things in your world? Seasonal temps? Plenty of sunshine, or precipitation? How's your wind? Did you take a run or a walk under the pink moon? 


  1. We had record winds Friday afternoon. I think one more big tree went down in our neighborhood but mostly just limbs and branches. Luckily no one was hurt.

    I love that photo of Max!!!!

    1. What is with the Wind of 2021? It's been totally crazy here...and it's not even gusts, but just steady 20mph wind, practically on the daily.

  2. Looks like great weather, other than the wind! So much sunshine. It's a beautiful day here and I'm trying to figure out what to do... although my indoor housework is calling. But that's no fun! It can wait, right? Great workouts this week for you!

    1. The sunshine has truly been a blessing! For the most part, the wind has been a "warm wind," but still...

  3. Oh the black office cardi! Over the past year I've taken just about everything home from the office so when it was announced that we're permanently remote, my office cardi was about the only thing left to bring home;-)

    1. HA ha!! The black office cardi may need a companion, in a brighter color. It's been getting lots of "on" time LOL

  4. Wind can be tough, but the sun definitely helps! Glad you had a full and fun week. That picture of Max is adorable. He looks so happy

    1. Yes, the sun totally helps! A warm breeze feels much more manageable than a cold one (unless you're on the bike).

  5. Love that mirror pic of Max! Can you believe Ozzy is no fan of the car? Nope! He'd rather stay home. It was mostly way too cold this past week but the warmth did ride in on high winds.

    1. We have to spell out c-a-r and r-i-d-e (even when he's not in the room) because he goes crazy if he hears either word. We had more heat than cold, as well, so that was nice.

  6. We had so much wind this week too! The temps were up and down but the wind was pretty consistent by the end of the week. It definitely made my virtual race more challenging.

    1. Thankfully, our temps stayed pretty warm, but the wind was pretty unforgiving. least it wasn't snowing LOL

  7. We had it all it seemed this week too! 60s one morning, 30s another. Thank goodness no snow though- but definitely some frost.

    1. Frost??? Wow, thankfully, we stayed pretty warm, but the wind was a daily nuisance.

  8. We've had rain, hail, wind and sun, in fact all of those just today! Oh well! A good week for you, always so strong and fit.

    1. We haven't had much rain in recent weeks. It was supposed to rain last Monday, and it sprinkled for a couple hours, and that was it. There is some rain in this next week's forecast, so maybe it will come through...

  9. good to see you back on your bike! you got some good movement in this week Kim! And look at max awwwwwwwww <3

    they were calling it an Orange Moon here. Funnily enough showing up on Kings Day in the evening... (the Netherlands Monarchy is the House of Oranje-Nassau so it's alllll about orange that day)

    weather was OK here as in not a lot of rain but cold and mostly sunshine-y. Next week is predicted rain all week. whomp whomp.

    1. Oh, it's been great being back on the bike...just wish it wasn't so windy!

  10. Max is definitely living a great life! He looks so happy. My cats do not like the car but it is because they've been inside only to go to the vet. Hopefully this month will be filled with warmer weather and NO wind. :-)

    1. I would love for the wind to calm down. I don't mind a gentle breeze on occasion, but it's been strong & steady almost everyday.

  11. We had wind advisories a few days last week but thankfully we never lost power, although I know a few people that did. I'm just ready for the weather to even out a bit.

    That photo os Max totally made my day yesterday - such a cutie!

    1. I agree! Our weather needs to even out a bit, too! Max totally loves getting in the car. If a window is open, he's in a total blissful state of contentment ;-)

  12. I don't even know what to say about all of the wind lately! Bravo to you for biking through it - I found running or walking through it challenging.

    I love that picture of Max - what a cutie!

    1. Biking is really tough in the wind, as you probably know. The headwind is tough, but even the crosswind is a bit scary!

  13. Cute little Max looks to be having a blast in the back seat of the car!

    Glad Momma N couldn't keep you down! The wind was awful here late Thursday, Friday, and early Saturday. It's still breezy, but nowhere nearly as bad as it was.

    Thanks for the linkup and have a great week!

    1. Ha ha...cute little Max is actually sitting on my lap LOL I won't share a pic of all the scratch marks on my legs, though. I'm really looking forward to the wind taming's been psychotic here.

  14. Seasonal (almost temps, which means we struggle to get into the 60s and still have crazy wind also making it feel colder. Not much you can do to change the weather! And plenty of rain this week too!

    Max looks super happy.

    Great mix of workouts as always, Kim.

    1. We are actually hoping for rain! It's really dry here, and our grass is needing some desperate refreshment.

  15. Gotta love dogs! His excitement about the ride to the brush dump is hilarious.
    Sounds like you're doing a good job getting ready for your Climb! I'm not surprised your legs were a bit fatigued after that workout.

    1. Yes, the legs were feeling rather jelly-like after the stair workout. The outdoor stairway steps are more elongated than an indoor stairway, so I have to take each step "individually" (as opposed to stepping on every-other one), so the muscles get worked differently. Plus, I'd had the hilly bike ride 24 hours prior, so my quads were already compromised LOL

  16. Ugh, that wind is the worst! We have insane wind on Friday, but at least it is warm, so I will take it! :)

    1. I agree, wind really is the worst of all weather-related elements to fight! But, like you said, when the temps are warm, it's a bit more bearable than in the winter LOL

  17. Max is so cute! I always love your sunrise photos. Way to get back on your outdoor bike already. I miss mine but I am afraid to mess with my schedule right now bc it is going well. Oh the struggles! Have a great week

    1. Ha! Yes the struggles! I don't start my official marathon training until sometime in June, but I'm going to have be careful keeping the biking in-check. I'll definitely have to modify some of my riding time.

  18. It has been crazy windy, hasn't it? You may as well channel it for resistance training, that's what i do!

  19. Looks like Max was supervising others on the road. Too cute.
    So glad you could be a part of the 911 run and you're right - our community is so amazing. Upside of virtuals is we've all been able to be a part of others' favorite/meaningful races .
    I went to the post office today post run and needed to get out of my sneakers from a blister from yesterday and went to sandals. So not sandal weather but my toesies enjoyed the breeze

  20. Look at Max in the car! That's so cute!

    Great week for you! Love all your bike rides and outings! The nice weather definitely helps everything along!
