Saturday, March 11, 2023

Laughing at Winter

We all need a good laugh now and then.

Living in the Midwest, Iowa in particular, I can always count on the weather for entertainment (and a fair number of eye rolls). It's cold (FREEZING cold). It's hot (with lots of humidity) It's (almost) always windy. And, it's rather unpredictable and temperamental. 

This week saw very limited sunshine, oodles of cloud cover, wind, and more precipitation than I'd prefer. Yeah, ugh. Fortunately, I've learned to laugh at that which I cannot control... 

Before I dis on the deets, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

 I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down this week:

Sunday - Sunny with a hefty side of wind.
I'd thought of doing some early morning (indoor) biking, but opted to get outside and take advantage of the morning sunshine (amidst the requisite wind). Little did I know, those two miles of sun-infused  power-walking would be the most sunshine I'd see all week.

Later, after watching the University of Iowa women's basketball team claim their second consecutive Big 10 championship, I hit the bike. I'd seen the 40K Garmin challenge, and had until midnight to finish it, so I decided to go for it. Twenty five miles on a Sunday evening - I was good with that.

Monday - Dreadfully damp and dreary.
The forecast was looking damp and dreary for the entire day, but my weather app was showing a "dry window" upon wake-up. So, what's a runner to do? A short 2-miler sufficed nicely for my #NeverMissAMonday ritual run. Turns out, that was a wise move because the day stayed gloomy and the wind picked up by the afternoon (though I did manage a 2-mile walk after work).

Tuesday - how about a rain/sleet/snow mix?
The temps hovered all day between 32F-34F, so it was a mystery what the precip would do when it eventually arrived. I did a 10-mile ride, with an arm/shoulder strength chaser before work. We did enjoy a few brief peeks of the sun, over the midday hours, so Michele and I got out for a 1-mile walk for our afternoon break.

I was hopeful the clouds would part, and give us a glimpse of the full moon, but no dice. Barb, Allison, and myself still met up for an evening 5-mile run (because that's what runners do, LOL). Don't be fooled by the two "moons" in the pic...those lights are from the big crane downtown. 

Wednesday - snowfall #1 for the week
We'd been expecting overnight snow, but were told it would melt as it fell. WRONG! I was a bit dismayed to see a 2-inch blanket of the white stuff greeting me at wake-up. Fresh off of the full moon 5-miler from 10 hours prior, I wasn't planning on running anyways. I kept things low-key with a stack of  lower-body Barre, bodyweight strength and Barre core and called it good. Most of the snow was gone by mid-morning. By late afternoon, the streets were clear so I got in a 3-mile walk after work.

Thursday - All day rain and snowfall #2
As has been the routine in recent weeks, Deb and I joined forces for a virtual early morning bike ride (15 miles for me) and chat session. Afterwards, I threw on an extra layer (and a warm jacket) and walked two quick miles...and rain was starting just as I returned to my house. By the time I headed to work (not even an hour later), the snow was coming down heavy. This was the day I had my appointment with the pain specialist (see below), so I kept things low-impact that evening with a "5-mile" elliptical session.

Friday - No precip, but sustained double digit mph wind
You guessed it - another cloudy and windy day. Unsure of the road conditions (probable black ice due to the sub-freezing overnight temps), I opted for the stairway. Although my tank says "One more for luck," I did 80 flights instead. After that warm-up, I did some intense upper-body strength and core work.

Saturday - A hint of sunshine
Another somewhat gloomy day in the forecast, but the single-digit wind was a pleasant surprise. I had my mind set on 6-8 miles, and decided to head to one of the in-town lakes for a change of scenery. The paths were clear and not as muddy as anticipated (a huge bonus!). My pace started faster than ideal (a constant struggle when the terrain isn't too hilly), but after a few laps around the lake, I headed towards some hillier streets...and that did the trick. My average pace wound up being 10:10 (for eight miles), which is still on the "fast" spectrum for these long runs, but I'm working on slowing that down. It sounds like a stupid problem, but it really is tough to make one's body run a different pace than what feels natural, whether you're trying to go faster OR slower. But, a bright spot was seeing the sun making an effort to break through the cloud cover!

...and Sunday?
No definite plans for the morning...possibly a long bike ride (obviously indoors), or maybe a walk. I might cue up some yoga (what???) and give my body a non-cardio morning. 

All in all, the week played out nicely, in spite of the nutzo weather. Running had a decent showing, with 15 miles. Walking was alright with 12, and biking saw 50 miles of pedal power. Three days with strength training, a great stair workout, and even some elliptical time. A little bit of everything, and that's the way (uh huh, uh huh) I like it. Coming up this next week: the Week of Pi (begins on Tuesday).

In case you missed out, here's what went down on the blog this week:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair. So, yeah. There was white stuff on the ground, LOL. Winter does not want to cut Iowa a break, so what to wear? Well, I went with something bright (to lift my spirits) and thick-soled Chelsea boots for trudging through the messy streets. 'Nuff said.

Did you celebrate International Women's Day on Wednesday? I am so fortunate to have an enormous tribe of gals who constantly inspire, encourage, and support me on the daily. 

...and about my cranky back. On Thursday, I met with the pain specialist at 11:00, and he had me come back at noon (this time at the actual hospital) for the steroid injection. It was a frustrating 90-minute wait until it was my turn in the OR, but well worth it. He told me the local anesthesia might make my legs a little wobbly, so I needed to take things easy for the remainder of the day (elliptical for the win!). He said it may take up to a week to feel the results, but I almost leaped out of bed Friday morning! Currently, I'm feeling, easily, 90% better...whether that's from the actual meds or self-fulfilling, it's anybody's guess. 

So that's the latest! How did your week play out? Did you get some weird late-winter snow storm action as well? Ever had a steroid injection? Did the full moon make a visible appearance in your area?

By the way...are you following me on social media?
Let's connect : Facebook Instagram  Pinterest Twitter


  1. I'm so happy to hear that you got the steroid injection and that it made such a huge improvement so quickly! I had great results with my series of three injections in 2011, but it wasn't as effective in 2020 so I didn't get any follow-up shots.

    The full moon was beautiful Monday night, but was hiding behind clouds during my Tuesday morning walk.

    1. We had cloud cover pretty much on the daily here this week, so the full moon wasn't visible in all its glory. Bummer! But, still fun to do the run with the gals anyways ;-)

  2. Wow, that's great about the injection working so well for you! My dad has had several injections for his achy back. Some work, and some don't. We did have a bright full moon this week. The sun even came out today! crazy.

    1. We finally have so authentic sunshine today! It looks so bright outside...though, there's plenty of fresh snow to reflect said sunshine, LOL.

  3. Yay for feeling a little better!!! Hopefully the jumping out of bed is a long-term feeling. Nice job this week, even with the less-than-perfect weather. Pi week here you come!

    1. I was amazed how quickly I was feeling relief. I'm hoping within a few more days, I'll be feeling even better ;-)

  4. I do agree with what you said about trying to run different paces other than what feels natural! The trails definitely help me slow down, which has been so helpful. Glad to hear you are feeling better.

    1. I'm glad I have a lot of hills to keep me humble here because it's really frustrating trying to take shorter strides and slow the pace on the flatter streets. So much tougher than I'd ever imagine!

  5. Yeah we didn't get any rain. It was ALL snow here. Old man winter just doesn't wanna leave. I'm so glad to hear the steroid injection worked so well!

    1. I hope this latest snowfall melts and that it's the last of the heavy storms for this winter.

  6. I thought it was spring but nope we were back to winter this week with crazy wind. Hope that steroid injection does the trick. I had one in my glutes last fall for that piraformis thing and was not sure it did anything at all. Sounds like yours is already helping! Can’t wait to see you in a few weeks

    1. Winter definitely returned with a vengeance this week! I'm so done with winter, but I was done with it my New Years Day, LOL. I'm looking forward to seeing you as well!

  7. Yay yay yay!!! If you're 90% better right away then it really sounds like the shot was the answer! That's awesome.

    We haven't had too much snow but it's cold and gloomy...enough with this winter stuff already.

  8. Never had a steroid shot but had cortisone on my neuroma... it didn't really help. Hope your shot gives you the relief yo need.

    Got snow yesterday but it didn't really stick... more on the way.

    When you're not running, it's funny how the storms don't bother you.

    1. I feel the same way about the weather/storms when my winter streak ends, LOL It's nice to not have to plan all the runs around the extreme weather.

  9. I've never had a steroid injection, but I know sometimes they're amazing and sometimes they don't help at all. Sounds like yours did the trick! I'm happy to hear it.
    We ALWAYS had snow in March growing up (near Chicago) so I'm not surprised to hear about your weather. I definitely remember snow on Easter as well. But, spring will come! We're getting a slight, unexpected cooldown here this week (a couple nights down to the 50s) and I'll take it!!!

    1. We had a huge heavy snowfall in early April, a few years ago, as my youngest daughter and I were driving to an out-of-town boutique for prom dress shopping. It's just plain ridiculous!

  10. I'm so glad the steroid injection helped Kim! Back pain is the worst.

    Eeks those temps with sleeting snow are the worst as it can be slippery! Glad you managed to get in some solid fitness and stayed safe!

    1. I had to drive out of town, yesterday, in another sleeting snow storm...the roads were such a mess!

  11. The weather continues to be all over the map here too with more snow coming.

    Great to hear that the steroid injection is helping! Hope this provides you with some long-term relief.

    1. I think our forecast is clear of snow this next week, but it's still gonna feel like winter with freezing/sub-freezing temps and wind. Joy!!

  12. Glad your back is getting some relief. Not fun with the waiting though. I waited a LONG time at the eye dr, and I wasn't a happy camper, but they did get the doc to do just the contacts fitting rather than a complete exam, which saved a lot $$ (we don't have vision insurance) -- it's why I put up with that crap!

  13. Oh, wow, snow! That's something! I have had steroid injections for strep, but never for pain. I am so glad you are feeling better! Another great week!

  14. I’m so glad you are feeling better after that injection. Does your doctor you think working out on the elliptical is taking it easy? He might have meant relaxing. ;-)

    I check the weather at night to plan my morning workout, but it is so inaccurate. Predicted rain starts early or late, and it usually warmer than predicted the night before, so often I need my plan B.

  15. Glad you found an answer on your back.
    So fun to moon "with" you and can't wait for Pi and Pie.


  16. Glad that the injection helped make you feel better!

    Mother Nature was definitely going through some things last week, and now we're expecting a Nor'easter here tomorrow and Wednesday. I am rolling my eyes as I type this because I am sure it won't happen lol

  17. Eek - sounds like you had a lot of weather to deal with.

    I have NOT had a steroid injection, but I have a friend who raves about it (I mean, it helped her issue, but yeah, I'd like to avoid it if I can).
