Sunday, August 11, 2019

There's the SUN, let's get it DONE

Oh, how I love the sunshine!  I certainly love being outside as much as possible. Thankfully, it was a week full of both.

Even though the sunrises are happening a bit later than I'd prefer (and the sunsets are happening earlier), I'm still enjoying the great outdoors. I  have been #optingoutside on a daily basis, which is perfection in my world. No regrets!

But, first things first...

Welcome to the Weekly Run Down! I am so excited to host this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner). If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 1:00 (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down this past week in my fitness world...

Monday - #nevermissaMonday
I always start each week in the running shoes, whether it's a short shakeout run or a substantial workout endeavor. This Monday was no exception....but (1) after waking, I dozed back to sleep, (2) my legs felt like lead from the prior day's late afternoon 11-mile bike ride (possibly a correlation to the sleepiness), but  (3) the sunrise was a beauty, and (4) my manicure was dried and set after three miles with "speed" surges. Gotta keep that glass half full, right?
Image may contain: one or more people, sunglasses, outdoor and closeup

Tuesday - Active recovery with Gustavas (my bike)
An overnight rain left the air damp and chilly, but the sunrise was on-point. It was a recovery day for me, so just 10 miles of easy biking (and some walking after work).
Image may contain: 1 person, sky, bicycle and outdoor

Wednesday - A triple decker (workout) day
The day started (like most Wednesdays) with an early morning 5-miler with my friend, Barb. The sky was dark, at 05:00, with all kinds of stars when I headed out, but it was quite light and bright when I returned home. Then, after work, I rode 10 easy miles on the bike and did 25 minutes of upper-body work on the deck. Would you believe me (if I sleep-fessed) that I slept quite soundly that night?
Image may contain: 1 person, shoes, sky and outdoor

Image may contain: one or more people, bicycle, outdoor and text

Thursday - A small stair workout fail
I was craving a bit of speedwork, as well as some hill sprints, so the outdoor stairway was a perfect solution to get both done at once. The plan was to run an easy mile there (as a warm-up), run 50 flights of stairs, and then run another easy mile back home (for a cool-down). Well, we all know what they say about the best-laid plans. My left knee (the "good" knee LOL) was feeling wonky after the first set of 10. Shoe-fession - I wore an old pair of shoes (I know, I know...#mybad). Typically, for a short run, I didn't think it would be an issue (and everything had felt fine for the warm-up). However, on the stairs, it was a different ball game. I cut the workout short after 30 sets and called it good. I still got about 35 minutes of fasted cardio, so there's that. Spoiler - the knee felt fine on the run home and hasn't felt wonky since.
Image may contain: one or more people

Friday - Another rise and ride
This was my fourth consecutive weekly pre-workday ride on the hilly bike trail (and my seventh ride on the trail this season). My friend, Michele, was out of town, so Barb came along with me instead. Although this bike path has minimal road crossings, it is a 15-mile round trip and runs parallel to a highway and is in a rural setting after the first mile or so. Needless to say, I'm not too keen on going out there alone at that time of day. We left my driveway at 5:15, had daylight within 20 minutes, and made it back in less than 75 minutes.
Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people standing, sky and outdoor

Saturday - MCM 2019 training : long run done!
Granted, this was "only" 13 miles (in terms of marathon training, 13 miles is on the "short" spectrum of "long" runs). But the temps were ideal (upper 60F's), the air wasn't too humid, and there was an ever-so-slight breeze. I had Barb with me for the last 10 miles, so there was plenty of fun conversation. My body felt great. The miles felt ((almost)) effortless. Ahhhh, it would be such a perfect world if every long run went this well. That said, reality isn't quite so kind. Marathon training is tough, and a lot of the training runs (especially the long ones) are rough. Any run that feels this good is worthy of basking in and storing in the gratitude bin.
Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, outdoor

Sunday - When Plan A is a fail...
Well, the hubby and I took a quick overnight trip (for our 29th wedding anniversary), and I woke up to thunderstorms, complete with heavy rain, thunder and lightning. UGH. Totally not my gig for a recovery, I went with Plan B, and did some extra stretching and yoga. It was all good. We do need to be flexible, in life and fitness. The recovery run can happen later, and the sunshine will return. Glass half full!
Image may contain: 1 person, indoor

So, it was quite a week! Lots of outdoor mileage...25 miles of running, 14 miles of walking, and 41 miles of biking. Wednesday's upper-body strength session went well, and Thursday's mini-speed session on the stairway was great, the short while it lasted (next time, I'll wear better shoes LOL). Thus far, all has been going well on my road to the Marine Corps Marathon (October 27th). Onward!

In case you missed out, here's what all went down on the blog this week:
 By the Dawn's Early Light 
Family Fitness in the running shoes
4-Letter Words for Runners (that aren't so bad)

In other news:
Friday Fashion Flair...Awesome temps and low humidity, I'm totally good with that (even if it did feel a tad more like late September than early August).  As I've said before, it's always cold in my office, so I usually need my arms covered (and keep a cardigan there on standby). That said, I do like 3/4-length sleeves...they give a summery look while still providing a bit of warmth. I'm a big fan of bright colors (I've said that before as well), so turquoise was the color-of-the-day. I even was able to match the sandals! Anyways, if you feel like playing along, post a pic of an outfit on Fridays on Instagram, grab the hashtag (#fridayfashionflair) and tag me (@runningonthefly).

As mentioned, on Saturday, the hubby and I celebrated 29 years of married bliss (well, most of it has been blissful LOL). It's crazy to think I have spent the majority of my adult like married! No regrets.

Well, that's the latest and greatest! How are things in your world? Any great training runs that need mentioning? Any recent races? Has your summer weather (temporarily) mellowed out?


  1. Happy Anniversary! Our big days are just days apart! August weddings are the best I say! Another awesome week for you - what a packed Wednesday and a great long run!

    1. Thanks, Friend ;-) I had lots going on this week LOL Yes, August weddings rick!!

  2. Loving all the variety of your workouts this week - way to go #kimtwin!
    Hope you had an amazing anniversary dinner with your hubby! :)

    1. Thanks, Kim! It was a busy week, but that makes it go fast, right? Another week closer to MCM....

  3. Happy anniversary!!looks like a good week. Keep it up, you're always so inspiring!

  4. Congratulations on your anniversary !!!

  5. Sounds like a great week of training despite the old shoe fail -- glad to hear the knee is ok after that. Sometimes the smallest things . . .

    Happy Anniversary! In oct we'll celebrate our 34th. Been married more than half my life!

    And yes, our weather did mellow. Sort of. If you don't count on & off pouring rain and some thunder, LOL!

    1. Yes, those shoes have been great for walking, so I didn't think an innocent mile (or stairs) would be such an issue. Thus, they're going in the "donate" section of my shoe display...

  6. A great mix of workouts for you! And, so glad you had such a great run on Saturday.

    Happy Anniversary!!

    1. Thanks, Michelle ;-) I'm grateful for Saturday's run. I have a whole slew of long runs coming up (as you can relate), and I know they're not all gonna be this "easy."

  7. You are so funny with your manicure drying while you run. 13 miles does not sound short to me as I have only done up to 14 ever! Unless you count Ragnar. Anyway happy anniversary to you both-time sure flies doesn't it!

    1. ha ha...I'm all about utilizing my time. If the nails need attention, I get dressed and take care of them (after tying the shoes) before heading out. Simple!!

  8. Happy Anniversary! Great to hear your long run was a triumph. It always feels great to check those off. Thank heavens your knee rebounded after the "old shoe" incident. Live and learn, right?

    1. NO kidding! Who would have though a short run, and some stairs (that weren't really stepping completely on the foot) would wreak such havoc?

  9. 29 years, that's incredible! Congratulations :) What's the secret to long marriage Kim? :)

    1. Ha ha...not sure if there are any specific secrets, every couple (and every marriage) is different. We compliment each other well...he's business & everything-in-it's-place, and I'm artsy and whimsical.

  10. Happy anniversary! 29 years is amazing - although I always love people's first anniversaries (paper) so I can buy them paper air planes. Yay on a solid 13 - glad your knee is OK. I read that too quickly as stair fall and glad you didn't

    1. Ha!! Amazingly, for all the stair workouts I've done in the past (6?) years, I have not yet taken any tumbles on them. There have been several workouts, though, where I had to rely on the railing for the descents (between the climbs) because my legs felt fatigued and I didn't want gravity to take over LOL

  11. Happy anniversary again! I guess there was something in the air on Wednesday because I did a double workout that day. Yikes on the stairs -- you don't want to risk messing up your knee -- your marathon training is going so well!!

    1. Right? I kept thinking the knee would work out it's kink(s), but after 30 flights, it was obvious that would not be happening. Cutting the workout short was the best solution...and then the 1-mile run back home felt fine, so that gave me peace of mind.

  12. I've done two a days but never three a days - your energy amazes me! And the stair workout too - an athlete I am coaching is training for a mountain ultra and I think we're going to have to use stairs to "elevation train." Happy 29th to you and your husband.

    1. I love stair training! I think it simulates steep hills quite well (albeit they're short hills). I don't often do 3-a-days...but it just felt right (this time).

  13. Happy anniversary and lovely sunny pics. Glad the knee is OK. I mention on my blog post that I've noticed the nights are drawing in just a little, with sunrise shots to be got on my early runs now!

    1. I had noticed the sunrises coming later...but it's only in the past week or so that it's been more obvious about the sunsets, too. UGH.

  14. Happy Anniversary! We hit 17 years in May. It's crazy to think how long it's been but yet it still seems not that long ago. Must be all the bliss! Lol! Nice week of workouts. I love when long runs feel easy and light. If only they all could be that way!

    1. I agree...the "easy" long runs are nice, but there would be nothing to learn or gain from them if they all were effortless LOL

  15. I'm always tempted to try to squeeze some more miles out of older shoes, but alas, my joints and feet get super cranky about that (I currently have a pair that haven't even crossed the 300-mile mark, and I already can't run more than 5 miles in them, ugh). Good that the old shoes were the sole culprit for your wonky knee, though! And happy anniversary!

    1. I have a slew of "old" shoes...many of which I don't run in anymore, but do a lot of walking (or biking) in them. I really need to scale down my stash and donate the oldest of the batch LOL

  16. Happy anniversary! I love the turquoise top.

  17. Congratulations on 29 married years! Did you get married when you were 10? :) Hope you and hubby have many more happy years together. Nice running/walking/biking miles this week. Your training is going great!

    1. Knock wood, I'm happy with hoe the training has been going...hope it continues ;-)

  18. Great week for you! Its kind of sad that its dark out at 5am but at least its still light out relatively early. Glad your knee wasn't a real issue. Happy anniversary!

  19. Happy Anniversary! I had that thought last year at our 30th--that I have been a Rivard longer than I was an Adams. So weird, right?

    Nice that Barb rides with you too1 Have a good week.

    1. Thanks ;-) Yes, it IS weird to think I've spent the majority of my life married. I'm very grateful to Barb, she's always a willing cohort.

  20. Happy Anniversary, that is quite the accomplishment! And that morning sunrise looks so beautiful!

    1. Thanks!! I love seeing the favorite part of the day!

  21. Sounds like you had a great long run this week! And I love that turquoise top on your Friday photo :) It's a great color.

    1. Awwww, thank you! Turquoise has been a favorite color for a long time ;-)

  22. Congrats on 29 years!! You are brave - I have not rode my bike in the dark. I'm afraid I would hit potholes or who knows what, even with a good headlamp. Stay safe out there! Good job on the workouts this week. My "long run" started with just 8 miles on my plan. Pretty puny!

    1. Well, I try to stay on streets that I'm familiar with, so I know they're pretty level and clean. It's only a mile to the bike path...and that's smooth as a baby's bottom LOL

  23. Congrats to you and your hubby on 29 years!

    Yes, our weather has totally mellowed out - at least for now! The humidity has been delightfully low which is a major plus in my book.

    Thanks for the linkup!

    1. Our weather was pretty nice and cool...then the humidity returned over the weekend. Summer in Iowa ;-)

  24. Happy anniversary to you and your hubby! We will celebrate 31 years in October. I love the heat and the sunshine but this humidity is for the birds!

    1. Congrats to you and your hubby!! I agree...the humidity did get a little stifling.

  25. Happy Anniversary!! Your run on Saturday made me smile because I also had a great run. :-) Let's hope we continue to have some great ones!

    1. I think a lot of our tribe enjoyed great running this past weekend!

  26. such a great week for you Kim! even with the little shoe/ stair workout mishap. I hope you've retired those shoes now? Also quite happy/envious of your long run with Barb (most of it); I so wish I had someone who could run long with me at my pace! My friends who run "slower" (I know, it's relative) are not training for marathons, they are training for 5 or 10K's... anyway, it's so good you have each other as run buddies!

    happy anniversary again to you both! Longevity in marriage is kind of a dying thing!

    1. I am ever grateful for Barb! She's always willing to meet up for a run/walk/ride. Have you ever tried to arrange to meet up with different runners for shorter run a 10K with one, then a 5K with another, and a few km's on your own, etc?

  27. Happy anniversary.
    Another solid week of running.
    You always start the week in running shoes, I never miss the sunday: in my opinion sunday is the best day for a workout because there is not car traffic.
    !3 miles are a good training because the next time you can easily run for a longer distance.

    1. Yay for less traffic! I hadn't thought of that aspect on Sundays...though the people in my town are in their cars for everything (many are too lazy to walk or bike, even on the weekends).

  28. Happy anniversary! That's awesome how good your long run felt! Those effortless long runs are the best.

    1. Yes, the effortless runs are a great reward after a few "not so effortless" ones...
