Saturday, July 30, 2022

Pedal Power: ACTIVATE!

So yeah.

I may be a runner, but this week was all about pedaling action. After all, runners don't need to expend all their fitness energy on running, am I right? 

As most know, my cross-training has exploded in recent years. Strength-training had been there all along, but walking earned a valued spot when I was side-lined following emergency knee surgery. Then, two years ago, a stress fracture lead me to the bike...and the rest is history. 

Before I share all the pedaling fun from the week, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

 I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down in my little world of fitness this week:

A somewhat simple Sunday.
Although my Saturday's fitness antics hadn't been that overtaxing, I was ready for low-key day. The morning began with an arm/shoulders Peloton workout (courtesy of my gal, Tunde), followed by a 2-mile sunrise walk. Later, another three miles of walking action took place.

Another never miss a Monday (and a double workout day!).
Believe it or not, the temps were cool 61F (though still quite humid) at wake-up! Nothing fancy or ground-breaking about this 3-mile run, but the sunrise was another beauty to behold. At work, a couple co-workers and I were able to capitalize on the cooler temps with a couple of 1-mile walks on our breaks.

With the century ride happening on Wednesday, Amy and I bumped-up our usual hilly bike path ride to Monday after work. Seriously, the wind was almost MIA (2mph!) and we almost didn't know how act. I got brave and brought the new Garmin along for the ride (see what I did there, LOL) now I have some stats to reference.

Back to my typical Tuesday...
A true low-key (recovery-ish day), I kept things simple in the early hours with a short Barre workout, more upper-body work (with Tunde), and a pre-workday 1-mile walk. A couple more 1-mile walks at work, and that was it.

Finally, the long-time-coming century ride!
Barb, Mike, Amy and myself had the bikes loaded, we pulled out of my driveway before 6:00, and arrived in Adel just after 7:00. We hit the trail around 7:30 and finished our adventure just after 5:00...100 miles done! Our actual time on the bikes was just under 7.5 hours, and we all felt quite accomplished with our 100-mile conquest. I have a recap in the works, so stay-tuned.

A very thankful Thursday.
I slept pretty soundly, Wednesday evening, after returning home from our ride. I expected to have cranky and achy legs upon wake-up...but the legs (and even the bum, LOL) felt great. The sore shoulders, upper-back/neck and triceps, though, caught me off guard. I kept Thursday easy-peasy...two miles of early-morning walking, a mile at work, and two evening miles. 

I had an arm workout on the schedule (as part of the 4-week Arms with Tunde program, via Peloton). As luck would have it, the triceps felt much better by end of day, but this workout was biceps-focused. Win-win!

An easy-peasy Friday...
I'd entertained the idea of a 4-5 mile run, but decided it best to keep the miles conservative (I even left the new Garmin at home). Why? Well, the legs felt like lead once I started running. My pace was alright, but things just felt a little more "stiff" than ideal. Besides, did I mention I had another long ride happening Saturday morning? Yeah. So, I kept the run short, ending with just three miles (but how do you like that ponytail swoosh?). I also got in two miles of walking (one at work, and the other in the evening).

Saturday? Welcome back to RAGBRAI!!!
Last year, I rode Day-1 of RAGBRAI 2021 (recap). Although I didn't feel compelled to return and take on the entire week of riding across Iowa (this year's weekly mileage was roughly 430 miles), I did have an overwhelming urge to squeeze in at least one day. The route was in the northern region of Iowa this year, so the logistics of getting there (and back) were not practical, especially for just one day of riding. Monday evening, though, I decided to roadtrip, after work, to the Friday's host town (West Union, which was an approximate 2.5-hour drive) and then ride the Saturday course. The route was hilly, but the temps were moderate (a chilly 55F at daybreak, warming to the low/mid 80F's by late morning). All went well, and I finished the 65 miles shortly after 12:00. Stay tuned...there's a recap for this, as well, coming.

...and what's on tap for Sunday?
We got home late Saturday afternoon from the RAGBRAI adventure. After nearly three hours of car time, my quads were pretty angry with their owner. There will not be any recovery biking (or running) on Sunday, but there will be some walking (and a lot of stretching, foam-rolling, and trigger-point massage).

So, a very out-of-the-ordinary week for me, but that's all good. I like my "usual" routine, but I also LOVE mixing things up now and then. Running took a major hit this week (ummm...six miles, LOL), but walking was on-point with 18. Obviously, this was very much a biking-dominated do 180 miles in the saddle grab you? Amazingly, my "saddle" region is feeling good despite what it had to endure this week (anyone who has done a lot of cycling, in a short period of time, will know what I'm referring to). The Hot Five core challenge is going well (two weeks are done) and Tunde's Arms program also has two weeks completed. With all the biking this week, I opted to pass on any other lower-body work. 

In case you missed out, here's what all went down on the blog this week:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair. What can I say? Tangerine and turquoise go well together. Throw in some distressed denim and funky sandals, and I'm all set for a beautiful summer day. 

Sigh. Remember this special lily? I made a point to stop by and sniff and admire it every time I was returning from a run, walk or bike ride the past week or so. When we returned from RAGBRAI Saturday afternoon, two of the blossoms were no longer. I know they'll return next summer, but it's a bummer they can't last just a bit longer.


So, that's it for this week! I came, I rode, and I conquered. 

How was your week? Did your temps take a bit of a nosedive, too? Would let your running take a (brief) backseat to another sport? Have you ever taken on a century ride? 


  1. wow a century and the Ragbrai in the same week?! That's a lot of cycling miles! congrats to you and your bike gang for getting it done

    1. Yes, go big or "ride" home, LOL. The Ragbrai ride was kind of last-minute, so it hadn't been on my mind until just a few days prior. The more I thought of it, though, I just couldn't NOT give it a go.

  2. That's a lot of riding! Congrats on the Century! Glad the weather cooperated!

    1. We really got lucky on the weather Wednesday for the century, and also for Ragbrai yesterday. Had this been the week prior, ti would have been a different story!

  3. This week was the hottest yet! Almost 100° with 99% humidity. Blech. My longest bike ride ever was 45 miles. Cycling isn’t super safe here so I have to load up my bike and take it somewhere else if I want to ride.

    1. Our heat wave broke last week, but it's returning this week. We're looking at temps in the triple digits again...

  4. Wow that's a lot of riding in one week. I hope you plan to give your legs a little break! Congrats!

    1. The riding has been so much fun! My quads are feeling it this morning, but I think that's more from the hilly route yesterday than a cumulative mileage thing. None the less, easy-does-it today.

  5. That's a whole lotta biking miles.

    Good for you!

    If you enjoy it, I say Do it!

    1. I never would have seen myself doing all this biking, even two years ago, when it all took off after the stress fracture. I think my fitness has really improved as a result...the biking keeps getting easier (these long rides aren't as strenuous as I'd imagined) and my running has benefited (less recovery time and fewer "niggles").

  6. We cooled down some days as well! I wish I had another sport that I did. I really need to get into something else besides running and walking!

    1. I'm so grateful I found cycling! Running is still my sport of choice, but cycling has become a very close second!

  7. I can not wait to read your RAGBRAI recaps! As you know, doing that is high on my bucket list, but someone's birthday is that week and makes it hard to plan around. Maybe we'll just have to plan some other cycling adventure together... like Key West! You're going to love getting the stats from your new biking Garmin. I love that kind of stuff.

    1. YES YES YES to Key West!!!!! I'll have to do most of my training indoor for that, but so what? The distance doesn't intimidate me at all now ;-)

  8. I can't wait to read your recaps! Both those bike rides sound really fun. And I can totally see why your upper body was sore after the century ride. To answer your question, hahahahaha no our temps didn't take a nosedive- I think it's just getting hotter and hotter here. I'm glad you had good weather for your rides!

    1. Amazingly, my upper body feel fine today, LOL. The route was far more hillier yesterday, though, so I think I was definitely using my legs for power much more than anything else (and my quads are feeling a little compromised today). Oh was ALL worth it!

  9. Congrats on your century ride -- and another challenging ride, too. I remember a talk a very long time ago about how triathletes tend to get injured less because of the different sports. I'm a fan of mixing things up -- and the occasional recovery week, LOL!

    That's too bad about the lily, But that is nature!

    1. I can totally understand why triathletes have less injuries. I've kind of experienced that myself, as well as how my endurance is strong for both running and biking now. I got a crazy endorphin rush in the final 30 miles of the century ride...that totally took me by surprise!

  10. Wow!! You sure got a full season of biking done - in just this week! Good for you! I love your cycling tank top from the RAGBRAI. Very pretty! Looking forward to your recap.

    1. Yeah, taking on both those long rides was a challenge, but that's what made both of them so significant. I guess I'll just be "coasting' for awhile now ;-)

  11. That is some SERIOUS biking! Wow! Way to go. I can't believe you did that century ride plus 65 more miles, Incredible!

    1. This year, the Wednesday ride at RAGBRAI was actually 105 miles. I had considered (briefly) doing that, but it was just too far to trek up to northern Iowa, mid-week (which would require at least one overnight). So, yeah, we did our own century closer to home and then I opted to ride the Saturday route. No regrets!

  12. Wow awesome job with all the biking! Congrats on your century ride!

  13. Look at you just casually riding 100 miles on a Wednesday. I'm so proud of you!

  14. Your cross training has been so on point since your stress fracture! Way to stick with it! I love all your biking adventures. And I would have loved that weather! I need 61 degrees in my life.

  15. So much biking. I am so impressed you were able to fit that all in this week. And not saddle sore after? That's amazing. Great week!

  16. I always forget to change from anonymous before hitting enter.
