Saturday, May 13, 2023

An a-MAY-zing Week

Was it a week!

Let's see...there was plenty of fitness fun to be had. There was a graduation (sans pomp and circumstance) from PT. And, Momma N kept busy sending all kinds of crazy antics in our direction.

 Never a dull moment, but that's also what kept it (somewhat) less-than-boring...

Before I delve into the deets, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

So, here's what went down this week, in terms of fitness and whatnot:

Sunday - laden with surprises
Even though I was a full week past my back-to-back half marathons, I was still feeling a bit fatigued. I'd run three miles on Saturday, and hadn't planned on any running for Sunday. Late Saturday night, Allison (who is training for a marathon next month) sent out a text, asking if anyone wanted to join her for a few miles of her impending long Sunday Barb, Rebecca (also training for a June marathon) and I agreed to join the fun. I promised 3-4 miles, but things were feeling good, so (#oops), I wound up running six miles before I peeled-off from the group. After a major crash-and-burn nap, I took Gustavas (my trusty mountain bike) out for 12 miles mid-afternoon. I'd been home about 15 minutes when the rain started. A few minutes later, a severe hail storm hit (see below)...

Never Miss a Monday (and then some)
As predicted, my body was feeling even more fatigued upon wake-up. I knew a recovery run would make things better, but I also knew to keep it short and one easy-paced mile and all was better. The wrath of Sunday's hail storm was pretty devastating...lots of branches and debris on all the streets and sidewalks, broken windows (on houses and vehicles), battered rooftops, and even a few power lines down. I got in a couple of 1-mile walks at work, and then met Amy and Mike for a "bike path preview" ride after work. We rode the first part of the hilly path (giving us two big hills, on the mountain bike nonetheless) and then rode some extra miles through town (14 total miles).

Take it Easy Tuesday
After a busy Monday, Tuesday's main objective was to keep things low-impact. The day started with some upper-body strength work and core. A couple of 1-mile walks at work were added. And, the day ended with a 3-mile walk after dinner. Easy peasy: mission accomplished.

Multiple workout Wednesday
Barb and I met for a #5at5, and we had daylight from pretty much the second mile on! Also, can I say how great it feels to to have those summer-like conditions (low wind and mild temps, but with only a  slight taste of humidity) in the early hours? Afterwards, I had to hustle off to my final PT session at 7:30. My gal said I was in a good place now, even with the lingering "inner hamstring" stuff. She wants me to try it on my own for awhile, but to keep her on speed dial if anything severe erupts. Then, she proceeded to thoroughly work-over my hammies and glutes before my official send-off.

The temps were simply glorious, so my friends and I got in our walks at work. Later, I met Amy and Mike at the trail head, for the first Hilly Bike Path Ride of the season. Even though I was on the hybrid bike this time, fighting those hills in the (dramatically increased) wind was brutal! Also, since it's so early in the season, the path was still a mess of rocks and sand, everywhere, from the winter. This ride was quite a conquest (upon completion, LOL), but a humbling reminder that nearly six months of consistent indoor spinning is no comparison to the "real thing" outdoors.

Thankful Thursday, but Hello DOMS!
My PT gal warned me I'd be feeling the after-effects following that final PT session, and she wasn't kidding. Thankfully, the weekly virtual ride with Deb worked a few of the kinks out, but I kept my cadence easy and the resistance setting low. Afterwards, I walked a couple of miles before heading to the office, and (later) did the two 1-milers at work. But, Holy DOMS, Batman!

Finally FriYAY!
Yep, the DOMS were still tormenting my backside on Friday morning. I cued-up a glutes-focused Barre workout, and added some core and arms/shoulders strength work to the mix (all from Peloton app). Another 2-mile power walk before work, and two 1-mile walks (morning and afternoon breaks) and I called it good.

Slow-Mo Saturday...
After a very late night (I got home around 1:30AM from an out-of-town concert), I did a major "rally of oneself" to get out the door for a 7:00 meet-up with Barb. The weather was looking iffy (impending rain) and it was oh-so-humid. We didn't have a super long run on the agenda, and didn't know how long the window of "no rain" would last, so we kept the route within the city limits. I had a nasty headache (that hadn't quite subsided) and I was really feeling the affects of a very late night (yes, it even happens to me, LOL), so I decided four miles would suffice. We could hear thunder rumbling as we parted ways, and a short while later the rain came. So, yet again, I got lucky with beating the rain...though, the humidity was a different story. That said, this run was another reminder of the gift of fitness...being able to run four miles, in my compromised state of fatigue, is quite gratifying. Later, the weather cleared, so a late-afternoon 2-mile walk was a necessity.

 ...and what's on tap for Sunday?
We have a late afternoon get-together planned with the kids and my parents, so my morning is wide open. Hopefully, I can sneak in some walking and maybe an outdoor bike ride if the wind plays nice.

So, as mentioned, it was a week! It was manageable, though it did have some challenges. But I'm not feeling too weary for the wear. Running was in the ball park of normal (for me), with 16 miles. Walking showed a decent 20 miles. Biking was also in the normal range, with 55 miles (most of which were outdoors). I've been keeping the lower-body strength-training low-key, due to my recent long-distance races and PT, but I'm hoping to return to a more consistent regimen this next week. I just finished Week-2 of Olivia's Core Challenge (Peloton), and I'm really loving the daily workouts! I don't mention this weekly, but I'm still doing the daily planking, push-ups and #optoutside endeavors (Day-1,000 will be happening in August!). 

In case you missed out, here's what went down on the blog this week:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair. We had rain in the forecast, but it never showed. We did have intermittent clouds and gloomy skies, a bright burst of color was essential. This kelly green sleeveless top is a perfect option when I need some color with a touch of funk. I love the ruched side seams and drapey neckline.

The hail storm like none other. Sunday afternoon's hail extravaganza was like nothing I'd ever seen in person. I heard all this pounding, and when I looked outside, I saw millions of golf ball and baseball-sized hail bouncing off the deck, hot tub, roof and skylights. I'm so grateful I had made it back home, from my bike ride, before Momma N dumped all this on our town. Fortunately, we had only minimal damage (banged-up gutters, miscellaneous shingles, and several dings on the truck parked in our driveway), but numerous other residences weren't so lucky.

And, more flowers have come to life! I love the bright purple of the irises and spiderwort. The lilies of the valley always remind me of my grandmother's flower garden. I was always fascinated by their delicate size, but also by their strong fragrance.

Anyways, that's the latest and greatest. Spring does feel like it is segueing into summer, and I am totally on board with that! The daylight seems to be increasing exponentially daily, and I'm good with that as well. We all know how much I adore the summer season!

How was your week? Any fun fitness achievements? Ever seen such huge hail in person?


  1. Wow, look at that hail!! I don't think we've ever had any that large. That really could have hurt you on a bike. Glad you avoided it and have minimal damage!

    1. Yeah, the hail was HUGE! I didn't even know it was coming until it arrived, so I'm really glad I got home when I did.

  2. What an amazing week for sure! What a good running friend to have to join the marathoners for some miles for company! Holy moly, that hail is enormous! Goodness...spring storms are wild!

    1. Yes, the spring weather is quite crazy. It was an honor to run some marathon miles with my friends ;-)

  3. We have had such up and down weather this week! Cool and rainy, hot and sunny, rinse and repeat. I'll be glad it when it settles down. Happy Mother's Day!

    1. We definitely had a real taste of the summer humidity this week. I'm not a fan of the humidity, but since it's a by-product of summer, I'll gladly "suffer" through it.

  4. Your hail storm made our news! I’m glad you didn’t have much damage.
    Congrats on graduating from PT. Once place I went to gave you a water bottle to celebrate. ;-)

    1. Seriously, the storm made it's way to the DC area news? It's kind of bittersweet to be done with PT for now...I'd really gotten to know my gal, and she was really nice to work with.

  5. Enjoy your mother's day Kim! Sorry about the hail (you should have your roof checked out!). Congrats on graduating from PT!

    1. Thanks, Judy ;-) I think we have someone coming to take a look this week. The town has been crawling with all kinds of door-knockers wanting to offer their services, LOL.

  6. Yikes! I know from reading your blog that the weather is harsher in Iowa than it is here but WOWZA seeing those golf balls falling from the sky really drives it home.

    Congrats of graduting from PT and Happy Mother's Day! I'm headed out to the bike & hike trail with Bikey.

  7. Sounds like you hit it hard this week. Hope you get some rest today and have a fabulous Mother’s Day with your kids.

    1. I had a nice sleep-in, and an invigorating walk thus far. Dinner awaits in a few hours ;-) I hope you have a great day as well!!

  8. Looks like a fun and busy week! Omg that hail is insane. I am grateful we missed it. Happy PT graduation! Hope all goes well on your own.

  9. No, I have NEVER seen hail like that! That is crazy! And, congratulations on your PT graduation. That must feel good. I know you'll continue the exercises on your own, but getting to those appointments can be a huge pain. Glad everything is feeling good- it sounds like a great week!

    1. I actually liked the in-person PT sessions ;-) She did a lot of specialized massage treatments that I can't really do on my own. plus she kept me accountable by working one-on-one with me. Fingers crossed I can make her proud!

  10. I am so thankful you were back inside when that hail hit. I'm not sure that you bike helmet would have provided much protection, and the rest of your body might have looked like you'd had cupping with your PT with all those round bruises.

    Happy Mother's Day!

    1. I had no idea the hail was coming, or even the rain. The sky was cloudy, and the clouds were getting darker, but I didn't think the heavens would open-up like they did. Several years ago, we had a nasty storm come through. There was heavy rain, thunder/lightning, monstrous wind and lots of hail. A group of college students were caught in it and they got pelted pretty bad by the time they made it back to campus (cross country runners, who were out on county roads, away from any kind of shelter).

  11. Wow that hail! Congrats on graduating from PT. Hope you have a great Mother's Day :)

  12. Where do you get all your energy?

    Yay for no more PT!

    1. Ha ha! My energy just seems to be on constant repeat, LOL.

  13. Wow - actual hailstones the size of golf balls! That was A Week indeed, well done for all your activities! (LyzzyBee)

  14. What a week! I am continually impressed how much you get done... and even a 7 am workout with a friend after a very late night. Wow, and the size of these hail stones is insane!

    1. Well, that 7:00 run (after such a late evening) was a tough one. I don't regret doing it (or the concert the night before), but I felt like a zombie after I got back home. Major nap time!

  15. That's some serious hail! We had some like that a few years ago - almost everyone in a 5 mile radius had to get a new roof. It was insane.

    Great week! You always fit in so much, with such great variety!

    1. It seems like it was mainly our town that got hit the worst...crazy!

  16. that hail is NUTS. you had a good week Kim. I definitely couldn't get up and run at 7am after getting home at 1:30. No way! good mileage in all areas, not surprised about the DOMS!

    1. The DOMS were so rude, and overstayed their welcome...

  17. When I did PT a few years ago, I remember sweating throughout many sessions, and often feeling like I had just done a workout, lol. Totally not surprised that you had DOMS after a PT session!

    1. Oh yes, these PT sessions were more like workouts than "therapy."

  18. You worked hard this week, well done!
    That hail storm is impressive. Here heavy rain alternates with sunny days, however I don't plan anymore my workouts on the forecast bases: I don't trust them. Last Sunday some friends of mine didn't enter the race because the forecast said "heavy rain": on the contrary it was a perfect morning!
