Saturday, January 27, 2024

Smile...We've Turned the Corner

There was a lot to smile about this week.

After almost two weeks of endless cold, wind and snow (not necessarily in that order), we got a much-appreciated winter thaw. Case in point, the daily snow shoveling didn't have to happen on the daily anymore. I was able to get outside for more than just driveway boot camp. And, the excess layers of gear were no longer necessary.

Granted, winter is still far from over. Just having this nice reprieve, though, makes it feel like we've turned the corner on my least favorite season. That's worthy of a lot of smiling!

Before I dis on the deets of the week, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blog as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what down in my little world of fitness and whatnot this week:

Oh, Sunny Sunday!
The morning started with a repeat of last Sunday's stair workout:

*20 flights double-stepped (moderately paced)
*10 flights triple-stepped (slowly)
*10 flights single-stepped (quickly)
*20-30 second rest/recovery
*finish with 20 flights double-stepped (100 total flights)

...then a 10-mile flush-out-the-legs ride (followed by pancakes). I also got out for a 2-mile walk in the afternoon (it had been awhile since the weather had allowed for that to happen!), and I hit the elliptical in the evening (3-ish miles). A well-rounded day (with ZERO shoveling).

Never Miss a Monday.
After nearly two weeks of near-ZERO temps, we finally had some "warm" weather to embrace. The morning began with 10 miles on the spin bike and then there were three heavenly OUTDOOR miles after work. After returning home, I spent 45 minutes shoveling (again), this time finally breaking through the 3-foot high snowplow "pile" at the base of the circular part of my driveway.

Somewhat Taking-It-Easy Tuesday...
Tuesday morning had me feeling oh-so-sleepy. I'd thought of doing some "traditional" strength work (like, with weights and not a shovel), but my body said "Umm, No Thanks." The above-freezing temps had melted some of the snow, and much of that had re-frozen overnight. I knew the streets would be slick and unsafe in the dark. Instead, I stayed inside and did 3-ish miles on the elliptical (20 minutes), and saved my 2-mile walk for after work. Also, another 30 minutes of shoveling were awaiting my return.

Double Workout Wednesday for the win!
With a full moon run planned for the evening, I opted for some time on the bike in the morning (12 miles). Again, the notion of doing any "indoor" strength work did not sound appealing (major DOMS, still, with the arms and shoulders). Michele and I were finally able to resurrect our at-work walking, and got in a 1-miler mid-afternoon. And...I did another 30 minutes of shoveling after work.

Technically, the full moon was due to show on Thursday evening, but Wednesday worked better for our schedules. Besides, both evenings were showing cloud cover and heavy fog, so the moon would be MIA anyways. I met-up with Barb and Allison, for the first time since our December full moon run. The 35F temps (with no wind, BTW) felt incredible! So what if we had to improvise the selfie with a streetlight? (**Sidebar**It wound up raining most of Thursday, during the day and evening, so doing our run on Wednesday was a wise decision)

Thankful Thursday.
It had been a couple weeks since Deb and I were able to meet for our weekly cardio hour of power. It had been several months since the two of us had done any virtual biking while FaceTiming, so this was a special day! A bonus? We showed up wearing similar fitness gear. Other than shoveling, I think this was my first 5AM workout of 2024. All told, 15 miles on the bike, and a rainy 1-mile walk in the evening (keeping that #OptOutside streak alive).

Is it Finally Friday?
After what felt like an especially long week, Friday morning had me feeling fatigued. I kept things low-key with the elliptical (3-ish miles) and some core work in the morning. The temps were still mild after work, so I got out for a 2-mile walk, and spent another 45 minutes fine-tuning the snow removal along the driveway edging.

Lovely Long Run Saturday!
As much as I was hoping to leave the lighted gear at home, it was a necessity with the continued fog. Barb and I met for an hour of running and conversation, at 7:00, and it was still dark and dreary for the first mile or so. As much as I'm loving the snow-free streets, I'd LOVE to have some sunshine even more...but that's a definite first world prob given the recent arctic blast. This 10K felt good, and almost effortless (I love it when that happens as well!), and check out those even splits!

...and what's my Sunday looking like?
The forecast is showing similar above-freezing temps (yay!),but also sunshine (triple YAY!!!). I'll probably do some stair work in the wee hours, but I'll definitely get outdoors for some walking. Gotta soak up the long-awaited sunshine!

So, this week played-out nicely. The running was sort of back in the mileage game with 14-ish miles. The elliptical is edging its way into the realm; this week saw 9 miles of action. Walking staged a substantial comeback with 8 miles this week! Biking was decent, with 47 miles. Although I snuck in a few core workouts, most of my strength work was (again) via the snow shovel (2-1/2 hours, thank you very much). I'm eager to get back to more traditional strength work this next week. 

In case you missed out, here's what went down on the blog this week:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair. Your thoughts on the classic black and white color scheme? Do you play it safe with black or white pieces with a patterned top? Or do you throw in another color, you know, to add a touch of funk and flair to your outfit?  

January is a busy month for our little Max. His birthday is on the 19th (according to the paperwork that came with him). We brought him home, from a nearby shelter, on the 24th. It's really hard to believe this little sweetheart (and rascal, on some days) has been with us for nine years! 

Whew! It was quite a busy and active week, but I'm looking forward to a little less action this next week. My arms and shoulders are SO wasted, but I know after a few days of shovel-free rest they'll be good as new (and probably stronger). That being said, I'm grateful I am able to persevere through physically demanding weeks such as what I've seen recently. Believe me, I don't take any of this for granted.

How was your week? Were you treated to the same mid-winter thaw as Iowa saw? Anyone else eager for an early summer? 


  1. At this point, I'd just love to see the sun! This continued gloom and drizzle is really starting to take a toll on everyone! But I am glad the ice is gone.

  2. We had similar weather this week and ice on Tuesday! The rain we had the last 24 hrs has melted most of our snow finally but we are due for more soon of course. I can't wait until my adductor is doing better and I can run outside and enjoy it again!

    1. Knock wood, I think we're clear from precip for awhile...and I'm alright with that!

  3. I really hope the sun comes out for you today! Glad you made it through a rough week of winter with a smile on your face!

    1. Well, the sun was a no-show...but the temps were mild, so there's that. I'm just glad the snow is melting ;-)

  4. Glad the snowy cold is done for now! Fingers crossed for some sunshine :)

    Looking strong Kim!

    1. Oh, believe me, I'm glad the snowy cold is gone for the time being as well! I can handle the intermittent snow, ice, extreme temps...but they were non-stop for almost two weeks. UGH. There's a reason winter is my fourth favorite season, LOL!

  5. So glad you were able to slow down on the snow shoveling! Your stair workouts would be good for me to try to get ready for our bigger hikes! We had quite a bit of fog this week as well. I am mainly a black and white gal, but when I do add color everyone notices! Max looks like such a sweetie. And I am definitely ready for warmer temps!

    1. I think the shoveling will be on sabbatical for awhile, and my arms and shoulders are ever so grateful!

  6. It's the little things...just a few days of reprieve from winter is all it takes.

    Happy Gotcha to Max!!!

    1. You said it! This past week was such a nice break from all the nonsense we had prior ;-)

  7. I bet your arms are tired — and stronger too!

    I am hoping my hamstring has turned a corner and won’t turn-around!

    It’s always fun to have reasons to celebrate our pets!

    1. I don't know if it's self-fulfilling prophecy, or legit "new" strength, but my biceps are feeling huge right now, LOL. I hope your hamstring cooperates for you, too!

  8. Well let's see. It warmed up here, getting into the 80s in the afternoons and humid. So I'm not quite as happy as you are! But we're getting another cool down this week, so I'm looking forward to that. I'm glad it warmed up for you, but those gloomy, gray skies... ugh. That's what really got me when I lived in the midwest. But it sounds like you're doing pretty well in spite of it all! And little Max- what a cutie. I hope he had a big birthday celebration!

    1. The gloomy skies have been a buzzkill, but still a definite improvement from all the crazy snow and extreme cold ;-)

  9. I wear a LOT of black and white. I'd love to throw in something of colour but I struggle... I think I need to do more clothes shopping (and not only tank tops for the gym!).
    So glad for you that the weather is warmer. I hope any future cold snaps will be short-lived.
    Oh, happy adoption day for Max! We've started donated money to some dog rescue organisation. Apparently people bought dogs during the Covid lockdowns without thinking what they would do with them when lockdowns ended and now people want to get rid of them. This made me furious. What's wrong with people??!! So now there is some centre in Dublin where people can adopt dogs and they are looking for funding.

    1. Oh, bless you for supporting the rescue in Dublin!!!! I sometimes shake my head at the "dog lovers" who shun the rescue dogs in favor of a purebred. I guess we all have our preferences. I am also hopeful that any future cold spells are short-lived...the past couple of weeks were ridiculous!

  10. I'm glad that you got some warmer weather too - it's something when a 30 degree run feels magical! I've been trying to be more colorful with my fashion choices but I'm not sure if I would have come up with your combination, which I love!

    1. The 30-degree runs have definitely felt magical this week! We may even reach upper-40's/50's by next weekend. I might be in a tank top and shorts ;-)

  11. It was great working out with you again after a couple of weeks off.

    Glad you've not had fresh snow for a while. The warmup we had on Thursday and Friday was fantastic! Today is much cooler and gloomy with intermittent rain after heavy rain overnight (our creek was way out of its banks).

    1. Wow, so much rain! I think we're clear from precip for awhile, thank goodness! I'm eager for dry streets that don't re-freeze overnight, so I can get back outside in the early mornings ;-)

  12. I can't remember the last time we saw the sun... not too cold this week but today was rainy, snowy, just nasty out.

    1. Ugh on the weather! I think we had small "windows" of sunshine, but they were few and far between. This next week is looking brighter (here), so that's a good thing ;-)

  13. Well, as you know, we don't see any snow here in CA (where I live) but it was a bit cloudy and cool.... but today it was 70s and sunny. I send over some sun.

  14. So you sent me the fog, that's what you're saying? :D Congrats on a major multi tasking week!

  15. Happy Gotcha Day, Max! That's so special! Love your black and white- I like to add some color to the mix for sure. It got hot here this week. My race was miserably warm and humid. We are back to cooler temps and I am so happy. Great workouts!
