Saturday, February 3, 2024

We Have Sunshine!

Hello, Sunshine, my old friend!

After a somewhat warm week (with dreary skies), we were treated to an even warmer week with a return of (almost) daily sunshine! Suffice it to say, it was quite grand getting back outside in all the spring-like weather.

 It also was equal parts grand getting back to a routine of more consistent walking and running. The strength training...well, that's another story. Not a deal-breaker, though, because it felt like winter had vacated the premises (at least for the time being).

Before I disclose all the deets from the week, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blog as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down this week, in my little sunshiny world of fitness and fun:

Oh happy Sunday! 
The morning started with 45 minutes of fine-tuning the snow removal on the driveway (which wound up being the last time I would hold a shovel, after almost three weeks!). Next, I hit the stairs, but kept this stair workout a little less intense than in previous weeks:

**20 flights double-stepped
**10 flights single-stepped
**20-30 seconds recovery
**repeat two more times
**finish with 10 flights double-stepped

Never miss a Monday!
Knowing the temps would be rising by afternoon, I opted to do an early morning 12-mile ride (inside) along with  some upper-body strength and core work. I got outside for a refreshing sunshiny 2-mile walk over lunch, and then an exhilarating 3-mile run after work.

An easy-peasy typical Tuesday!
Still not "feeling" the strength work, I did 3-ish miles on the elliptical (20 minutes) upon wake-up, and also some Barre and core work. Michele and I were able to get outside for a 1-mile mid-afternoon walk at work. The temps and the bright sunny skies were fabulous!

A triple-ish workout Wednesday!
After a much-too-long sabbatical (thanks to the weather), Allison and I joined forces for a #5at5. This may have been the first such early morning run of 2024. Despite all the melting snow, we were lucky to have dry streets and no threat of ice anywhere. It was a double-walk day at work (two cumulative miles) and two bonus walking miles after work. The evening featured a 12-mile (indoor) bike ride. And I slept quite soundly that evening, thank you very much.

How about a triple threat Thursday?
I was on my own this week, but I still was awake at my "usual" 4:30 AM I opted for a 16-mile ride (because why not?). I finished-up with some Barre and core work.

The day was simply beautiful; Michele and I were able to walk both in the morning and mid-afternoon at work again. After work, I was able to catch the last of the sun on my 2-mile run.

A fatigued Fitness Friday.
After two solid days of non-stop action, I knew it was best to keep the fitness low-key and low-impact come Friday. I summoned the elliptical for 3-ish miles (20 minutes) and did a short upper-body workout in the early hours, and snuck in a quick 1-mile walk after work.

"Long" run Saturday.
The morning kept me busy with a 1-mile "warm-up" walk, a 5-mile run, and then a 10-mile "cool-down" ride. What needs mentioned, is my weather app showed a big sun symbol for the morning hours, but there was nothing but cloud cover when I was out and about (and the 12mph wind was a bit raw and winter-like). Talk about your big fat liars, right?

...and what's on deck for Sunday?
The morning forecast is looking cloudy and cold (low/mid 30's), so I'm probably gonna stay indoors and tackle another stair workout. I'll be sure to get outside after lunch, though, and take advantage of the warmer afternoon temps. Fingers crossed my app isn't lying about that forecast also.

So, in summary, this week was decent. The above-freezing temps were such a welcome reprieve from the recent arctic cold spell we had a couple weeks prior. It was great not only getting back outside for my runs (15 miles total) and walks (13 total miles), but doing so in shorts was a small slice of heaven. As for indoors, the elliptical saw two workouts (six cumulative miles) and the bike logged 50 miles with me in the saddle. I did a couple of short upper-body strength workouts, but my arms and shoulders are still not quite back to normal (but oh-so-close). Hopefully, this next week I can get back to more normal strength work. My glutes are getting the stairs for their "work" right now as I train for the Fight for Air Climb (April 7th).  
In case you missed out, here's what went down on the blog this week:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair. The first Friday in February is National Wear Red Day, and I always oblige. Although I'm in decent health, and have a very strong heart, I know a lot of people (friends and family) who aren't as fortunate. Wearing red is a small, but meaningful, effort to bring awareness to heart health. Besides, I think most of us are affected by heart disease in some capacity.

As mentioned, last Sunday was my final hurrah with a shovel (for now). I'm all about keeping a sense of, yeah.

...and the sunshine! Driving to work on Monday morning, I was awestruck by that beautiful golden orb in the eastern sky.

So, there you go! Another week down, and another week closer to spring (and, ultimately, summer).

Enough about me, drop a comment on YOUR week: Warmer weather? Sunshine? Any outdoor runs in shorts? Did you wear red for Wear Red Day?


  1. Glad you all were able to get back to your early morning runs this week. Enjoy your somewhat warmer temps and sunshine while it hangs around.

  2. We had that same weather yesterday--the forecast called for sun, but it was cloudy during my race. It was also foggy and you couldn't even see the Chicago skyline. So weird! I hope the sun is out today.

    1. I was really bummed the sun was a no-show...until mid-afternoon, ha!

  3. It's been so gloomy here that the sun, when it decides to make an appearance, is SO very welcome! We've had so much fog, like right now too, and it's so unusual but I have to say it is beautiful too.

    1. We've had only minimal fog, but it does make for artsy selfies ;-)

  4. We had a lot of sunshine this week as well. Yay for being done with the snow shoveling! I hate when the weather apps are wrong. Especially for an outdoor workout where you are expecting sunshine. You had a solid week of work!

    1. Yeah, I was really looking forward to some sunshine in those cold temps, so the cloud cover made the wind feel even colder.

  5. Ooh, sunshine in the midwest! In winter! That IS a treat! When I lived up there (in Illinois) it was the lack of sunshine that did me in. I hope your mild weather continues- but I also hope our cooler than usual weather continues for another couple weeks (is that possible?)
    Fingers crossed that you will not be holding a shovel this coming week!

    1. With the forecast showing unseasonably warm temps this next week (in the 40-50 range), I think the shovel will be in hibernation ;-) I'm totally okay with that!

  6. I think I did that core workout — it was tough!

    Sunshine makes all the difference — even if it’s still cold. You’re smart to ease up on the strength workouts — we’re in it for the long haul!

    1. I agree with the strength workouts...a few missed workouts (or a couple weeks' worth, LOL) are not a big deal in the grand scheme.

  7. Yay for having snow shoveling behind you (at least for now)!

    I only own a couple of pieces of red clothing and didn't think to pack any for my trip to the farm. As you saw on #fridayfashionflair, I helped my mom pick out a red coat to wear to her appointments on Friday.

    1. I saw her pic in the red coat ;-) I'm hoping the shoveling is done for an extended time (this next week is looking like non-shovel weather).

  8. No shorts here. Hopefully soon but that's because I'm heading to Florida.

    It was very cold yesterday but the sun came out and it made all the difference. We may even have sun this week!! Woo Hoo!

    Congrats to you on an active with all types of fitness activities.

    1. I'm always ecstatic to wear shorts this time of year! It gives me hope of a potentially early spring.

  9. YAY for sunshine! I feel ya on the grey winter -- apparently we had the most cloudy January since the 1970s - it was all over the news. No wonder we all had the blahs. Hopefully sunnier and warmer days are on theri way!

  10. After a long streak of gray days we finally have sunshine!!! And decent weather. It really does make all the difference.

    1. Ain't that the truth! The sunshine makes everyone feel happier ;-)

  11. Amazing week! Love that sunshine :) Goodbye to the snow shovel, hopefully good riddance, you had your fill, ha!

    Love the sunrise pictures too.

  12. I have been loving the snow covered mountains I am engrossed in right now :) There has been a lot of sunshine here. It's such a great mood boost!

    1. I bet that kind of snow looks pretty, in such a beautiful setting ;-)

  13. Yay for sunshine! I was out of town - it was cold there and we came back to cold. Tomorrow might be a pants-while-running day. We shall see. So glad you were able to get out and take advantage of the great weather!
