Saturday, August 12, 2023

Keeping At It; Keeping Fit!

You know how it is when there's nothing on the immediate (racing) calendar...

It can get a little tricky keeping busy with no upcoming races, but it can also be a fabulous time of carefree fitness. The trick is staying active, maintaining some (or most?) of your fitness and not overdoing it (much, LOL). 

Such has been my objective most of the summer, and this past week was no exception...

Before I get into all the deets from the week, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blog as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down this week in my little corner of the universe:

Stuck inside Sunday...
I got out for a morning walk with my sister...only to get hit with a few sprinkles just before reaching the 1-mile mark (title pic, above). We made the turn-around, but those few sprinkles quickly became a light rain shower and we were pretty soaked by the time we made it back to my driveway. Later, I hopped on the spin bike, to make the best of my indoor situation. I'd just ridden 20 miles the day prior, but had noticed there was a Weekend 40K Garmin badge up for I made it happen on Sunday (since I'd unknowingly stopped too soon on Saturday).    

Never miss a Monday!
I've said it before, but I'm always amazed how fresh my legs feel following a long bike ride (or two). Monday's 3-miler went especially fast (9:24 pace), given the 45 miles of biking I'd done over the weekend. Nothing like a fast start to the day! I also got in four miles of walking (two cumulative miles at work, and two more in the evening).

Back to my Typical Tuesday routine...
Keeping things low-key (or at lest low-impact), I got out for an early morning 2-mile walk, then did some upper-body strength work and a core workout. We got in a couple of 1-mile walks at work (mid-morning and mid-afternoon), and I also had a virtual 3-mile "walk-and-talk" session with a long-distance friend after work.

Double workout Wednesday.
The day started with a #5at5 run with Barb. Rain showed up by the time I was leaving for the office, but ended by lunchtime, so my friends and I managed a 1-mile walk in the afternoon (at work). Despite the partially clear skies, the forecast was still looking iffy. Amy and I decided to postpone our weekly ride until Thursday, not knowing how dry the bike path would be. In town, the streets were dry and clear, though, so I took Gustavas (the mountain bike) out for 15 miles after work (no pics, but I #pinkyswear it really did happen).

A very "thorough" Thursday
Thursday may have gotten a little busy, but that's just the way I like it. The morning started with a 3-mile walk with my sister (at 5:00), and progressed to an intense 20-minute legs/glutes workout. Next, I took on a challenging arms/shoulder workout, which left those muscles burning. Later, I got in two different 1-mile walks at work. 

After work, Amy and I met for our previously postponed 15th ride (of the season) on the hilly bike path. Ugh...major ordeal with mowed grass all over the path, but we got it done in the late afternoon heat (15 total miles of pedaling). I may have also done a bonus 2-mile walk with the sis that evening, just because.

A Friday finale...
After Thursday's fitness busyness, I was due a major scale-back come Friday morning. This involved a slight sleep-in and a 2-mile walk before work. And nothing else. Besides, I had a good case of the DOMS (from Thursday's legs/glutes workout), so that's all she wrote, LOL.

A sun-sational Saturday.
Allison and I met bright and earlty, at 6:00, and got six miles knocked-out before meeting up with Barb, Rebecca, Mary and Lauren. I split-off, with Mary, after I reached the 10-mile mark. Holy Wow! This was my first double digit run in a few months, and when the sub-10 pace popped up, I was in a state of giddiness. Those were numbers I certainly wasn't expecting (especially with some still lingering DOMS)!

After getting back from the run, I had about an hour to walk Max, grab some breakfast, shower (quickly!) and get my biking gear in order. Amy and Mike picked me up and we headed to the Heart of Iowa Trail (Huxley, IA), which merged onto the High Trestle Trail. We pedaled all the way to Woodward, had lunch, and returned a few hours later with 37 miles done. In case you're wondering...yes, my body was a bit fatigued afterwards, but the endorphins were pretty sweet! I love action-packed days, such as these (especially in the company of friends)! 

...and what's happening on Sunday?
The weather is looking a little spotty, but I plan on getting out for some walking. My legs saw plenty of action on Saturday, so I'll be sure to keep any activity low-key and low-impact. I promise!

So...can I just say it was an action-packed week of all things fun (with a fitness twist)? It's no secret I love being in motion. Although I had some (very) active days, I also had a couple days with minimal intensity (even if there still was walking). Bottom line, I know what works for me. Anyways, running saw 18 miles on the street, but 10 of those were from Saturday's long run. Walking was decent, with 23 miles logged. And, again, biking was crowned the "grand champion," with 92 miles of pedaling action. There were only two days of strength work, but the muscle-burning was legit.  

In case you missed out, here's what went down on the blog this week:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair. What do you do when you have a black and white color combo going on? Do you keep it as is, or do you add a punch of color to add a funky edge to your outfit? You probably know my answer, LOL. 

Finally, I don't mention my place of work very often, but they gave me a much appreciated shout-out, this week, on social media. Our company rebranded, back in April, and the launch of our new name and logo has been busy and challenging, but a worthwhile endeavor.

So, that's the latest and greatest. As mentioned, I don't have any scheduled races on the calendar (yet) for the fall, but I do plan on doing at least one half marathon (IMT Des Moines 13.1, mid-October). Thankfully, Saturday's 10-miler reinforced that I'm in prime shape. I'm hoping to continue in maintenance mode, but will throw in some occasional speedwork and keep my mileage moderate (not more than 20ish miles/week). Fingers crossed!

How did your week play-out? Are you in maintenance mode? Training mode? Recovery mode? What's your fall calendar looking like?


  1. Really nice mix of activity & recovery Kim -- WTG!

    I am all about the maintenance. :)

    1. The maintenance mode is where I tend to find myself most of the time ;-)

  2. It looks like you are keeping busy and doing it with your friends! I am also in maintenance mode and enjoying it!

  3. I am in a rebuilding mode of sorts I guess. Glad to see you are keeping busy with friends and family and smiling a lot. That is a nice recognition your office gave you-congrats!

    1. Thanks, Deborah ;-) I had a lot to smile about this week ;-) (We may need to chat soon!)

  4. Looks like a busy and fun week of activity. That's so nice you can walk with your sister! I'm in run for joy mode!

    1. I love for joy mode ;-) My sis actually is interested in training for a 5K, so that's really exciting!

  5. Nice week of workouts, Kim! My first century of the year is next Sunday so I guess I'm in training mode. LOL I'll probably do my normal weekly workouts until Friday and Saturday and keep it easier those two days to rest.

    1. I'm jealous of your century!!!! Sadly, it's not looking like it's gonna happen for us this year...

  6. Congrats on the recognition from your work — that’s awesome and well-deserved, I’m sure!

    Love your double workout weekends. We haven’t done any group rides this year except the one Fondo.

    1. Yesterday's double workout was crazy, but in a good (empowering) way. It's fun to test one's endurance and grit!

  7. Great week of activity... as usual, you are the energizer bunny.

    I'm trying to maintain and train at the same time... no speed goals for me. I don't ever track my pace.

    1. I only notice my pace when I finish my runs, and the Garmin shows me. I glance at it, on occasion, as I'm running, but I never let it dictate my effort.

  8. Congrats on that happy 10 miler! I just did my first double digit run in a while. It wasn't stellar, but that's just where I am right now. That's so nice you have an early bird sister for those morning walks!

    1. Thanks, Lisa, yes that 10-miler was a pretty happy surprise!

  9. Aw, what a nice shout out from your job! It's always nice to be appreciated.
    As I was reading this I thought "Is she secretly training for a half?" and then I saw you do have one coming up in October. You will be in good shape for it!

    1. Ha ha!! I seldom "train" for half marathons anymore since I'm usually in a place where I can muster the 10-mile distance. It's nice to be at a maintenance level that allows for that kind of distance. Now, if only I could develop an interest in focused speed-training...

  10. I'm in maintenance mode at the moment though I need to get back to my physio exercises. I'm considering signing up for the Birmingham Half-Marathon in May 2024 ...

  11. How lovely for you to get that mention from your company! Congrats to that 40k badge and well done with all your other activities this week. Good to hear about that half marathon! I’m 100% in foot rehab mode myself, combined with “going with the flow” mode, lol!

  12. Congratulations on your kudos from work! That has to feel so good. Love that lime splash with the black and white. Great workouts with fantastic variety. You always do a great job with that.

  13. Great job and congrats on your work achievement! AND congrats on teh 40K woowoo that's incredible. Good luck with all the continued training.

    1. I knew about the 40K biking thing, but I didn't realize it was last weekend, until AFTER I'd already finished the 20-mile ride on Saturday, LOL. Oh well, it was a perfect way to spend my morning indoors while it rained outdoors.

  14. Nice shoutout from work! Great week of activity - you still stay so active even in maintenance mode!

  15. Congrats on the shout out at work!

    I'm just back from an unexpected 16 miler on the know how it is, I just set out to explore a park and before I knew it I had double digits in the books.

  16. Oh, so fun you got to walk with your sister. Does she live nearby? I also know what you mean about not having anything on your face calendar but staying active, but it doesn't look like that's a problem for you. People often ask me if I run and ride on the same day, and I occasionally do, but for you, it's a habit! :)

    Yay for the shoutout at work - a little recognition goes a long way!

  17. Congrats for the mention from your Company and the solid week of activities.
    I know very well how is when there's nothing on the immediate (racing) calendar: I am in this situation since June, I'm waiting best weather and I think my first race will be at the end of September. And as you said the trick is staying active and not overdoing even if now I am increasing my speed.

  18. Kudos to the work shout-out! I'm a new reader. When you're walking at work, do you have a change of clothes? I have 30 mins at lunch so not much time to eat and walk but I've been trying to take a quick walk around the neighborhood but would like to stretch it longer. I just worry that I'll get overheated and come back in smelling sweaty and all.
