Saturday, September 16, 2023

I Can't Complain (much)

I'll admit it: I'm fighting the seasonal shift from summer to fall...but I can't complain (much).

We had cool mornings most of this week, but the temps were back in "seasonal" range by mid/late morning most days. Even the wind behaved itself (for the most part). But, there's no denying summer is winding down.

For me, the best means of coping is to make the best of what remains of my favorite I did. 

Before I dis on the deets of the week, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blog as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down, this week, in my little corner of the universe:

An indecisive Sunday dilemma...
It was one of those mornings when I just couldn't decide if I wanted to walk or run (I blame the Sunday morning sleep-in...they always mess with my mind because I don't do them very often). Anyways, I headed out for a 3-mile walk. Afterwards, I felt super energized... I swapped-out the shoes and headed back out for a 2-mile recovery run (don't forget I'd done an 8-mile run the day prior). Boom! All better! Later, I tried going for a longish bike ride in the late afternoon, but Momma N turned evil (crazy wind and dark, rain-threatening skies), so I bailed after 13 miles. 

A Monday of remembrance... 
Most of us remember where we were the moment we heard of the September 11th attacks. Even though it's been 22 years, the memory is still vivid in my mind. I make it a point to do some sort of a tribute, each year, to honor the day and the victims. It was cold and damp outdoors, so I kept it inside, and pedaled-out a 9.11-mile ride on the spin bike. I followed that with a short arm/shoulder strength session.

By mid-morning, the weather had stabilized, so we were able to get in our walks during our breaks at work. Postponing the #NeverMissAMonday run worked in my favor, and another negative-split endeavor was added to the training arsenal. I've been a bit remiss on speedwork, so these progressive Monday runs have been a great consolation.

Tuesday's Plan-B...
Monday's post-workday "short" nap (on the couch) lasted nearly six hours, I kid you not, leaving me with a nasty backache come Tuesday morning. My intended upper-body workout simply wasn't happening under those conditions, so I layered up and went for a brisk 2-mile walk in the 50F morning temps. Holy Brrr! Cold temps for walking, but a beautiful pre-sunrise sky. BTW, the upper-body session went off, without a hitch, after dinner (along with more walking).

Double workout Wednesday
All went well for the weekly #5at5 with Barb. After work, though, when  Amy and I met for our 19th hilly bike path ride of the season, things went most awry. We had decent temps, and almost no wind...but the bugs were insane. We've been riding this path for several years, and neither of us could remember ever having such a messy bug fest of an experience. The number of bugs pelting us had to have been in the thousands, making it difficult to even see where we were going. They were all over our clothing, sticking to our skin and flying/crawling inside the lenses of our sunglasses! My breathing was massively compromised, as there was no way I was going to risk breathing through my mouth, so climbing the hills was even more challenging than usual. Anyways, we persevered...17 miles in the biking bank, but yuck.

Another Thankful Thursday
It's been working out well to run a a few miles with Deb on Thursdays, then walk a couple more as a cool since it ain't broke, I'm going to stick with it. I ran three miles, then walked two more as we chatted. Back home, I did some lower-body work. The weather stayed nice, so we were able to get a couple of miles walked during our breaks at work.

Easy-peasy Friday fitness
I was craving a bike ride, but I had to wait around until almost 6:30 for bike-friendly daylight. What to do? I walked a couple miles while in waiting, then did a quick 5-mile ride before heading to the office.

Long run Saturday
I didn't have any lofty plans, other than to surpass last weekend's 8-miler (but I was hoping for 10 miles, if things felt good). I met Allison at 6:00, and we met-up with Barb about 1/2-mile later. We kept the pace moderately easy, and the temps were perfect (69F with no wind). I wound up finishing with 10 miles, and was happy with the 10:15 average pace. I also got out for a 12-mile bike ride, to flush-out the legs (and enjoy more of the beautiful weather), and added a couple miles of walking in the afternoon. Great day!

...and what's on deck for Sunday? 
Most likely, I'll hit the streets for a short recovery run in the early AM. I'm contemplating some biking, as well, but that's contingent on the wind calming down. There will probably be some walking, by default. No complaints! 

So, a decent week of action. Saturday's 10-miler was a nice finish and has me feeling pretty good about the upcoming IMT Des Moines 13.1 (Oct. 15th). This was the highest running mileage my body has seen in quite some time...23 total miles. Walking was alright (22 miles). Biking saw 55 miles. I'm gonna keep the lower-body strength work minimal these next few weeks, as the half marathon approaches, but the upper-body work will continue (as per usual). 

In case you missed out, here's what went down on the blog this week:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair.
The Iowa Hawks hosted the Western Michigan Bronos on Saturday, so that meant another Friday in my Hawkeye colors. Who says you have to be all bedecked in collegiate attire if your team has a game? Sometimes subtlety is the key, right? Besides, anyone who knows me will know which school I'm repping.

So, whew! I survived another week of the '23 summer wind-down. Although the mornings were a bit on the brisk side, I'm grateful to #optoutside and enjoy the fresh air (even if there's a few bugs flying about, LOL).

How did things go for you this past week? Anyone else have a nasty bug infestation, while outdoors? Ever have a short nap last about 5.5 hours too long? Did you do anything to pay tribute to September 11th?


  1. I won't complain much either, but the bugs have been pretty active for us as well. Didn't they get the memo that summer is over? I can't say I've ever had a 5.5 hour nap but I've sure had a few "I'm just going to close my eyes for five minutes" and an hour later I wake up feeling like I've been OUT. The couch is a rough place to sleep!

    1. It never fails, the couch is so comfy for sleeping... but the next day, my back is like "WHAT were you thinking???"

  2. A lot of activities in the last week end: a long distance run, a walk, another run and bike. Brava!!!
    Getting older I sleep more hours than in the past. I need a short nap in the afternoon.
    Here mosquitos are a big problem!

    1. Knock wood, I have not seen any mosquitos yet...but these other critters were a major annoyance!

  3. I can't say that I've had too much of an issue with bugs while cycling, even in the forest preserves. What kind of bugs? Sounds horrible. We all know about my attack of the biting flies a few years back, but that was while running up in Wisco. To be expected!

    1. Via a Google search, I think these insects were chironomid midges (light green in color, resembling mosquitos). I've never seen (or experienced) anything like them before, on bike or on foot. They were everywhere, and they were in a thick swarm (even in town). major YUCK!

  4. Your Hawkeye colors are back out! Football season is fun isn’t it? Nice week of workouts for you. I have not noticed as many bugs out this summer as usual now that you mention it

    1. You bet I'll be sporting the black and gold a lot for the next few months! I had not seen many bugs either, prior to those on the bike path last week. Not even mosquitos...yet.

  5. We had some amazing weather later in the week. I’m glad you got out to enjoy your good weather. Love the Hawkeye flannel!

    1. Despite the chilly mornings, the weather was pretty nice! We have a nice forecast for this next week as well ;-)

  6. There's no complaining here either - although I'm not totally happy with the sudden switch in weather conditions. Nothing to do about that though! I'm glad you have some decent temps during the day as it seems (and it's not bad here either today), and it sounds like you had a great week of running, walking and more. Here we have so few bugs that it's scary.. especially this year I've noticed that.

    1. We see an occasional bug while out on the bike path, but these dudes were swarming! It was constant pelting on my helmet and arms, legs, bizarre!

  7. Sounds like we both got a little extra sleep this week! That buggy bike ride sounds GROSS, but other than that it sounds like a great week. If anyone has to wonder what school you're repping, they can just look at the photo from your run on Saturday! (I need more Baylor gear.). Nice job on the ten miler! It feels good to get into the double digits, doesn't it?

    1. I'd done another 10-miler a few weeks ago, but this one was a good one! The half marathon is only four weeks out, so I need to be mindful of my mileage, rest, and all potential "threats" to a successful race day ;-)

  8. We also had some fall weather appear which is nice for running but I feel the same way and wish summer would last forever. Love your football spirit! College football is definitely back!

  9. I love fall, but man, I will miss summer and the long days! So it goes.

    Sounds like a really fun week (except for the bugs!)

    1. I do like fall, but it's no secret I LOVE summer. Hard to believe the Equinox is only a few days away...

  10. Sounds like a great week of fitness - minus those pesky bugs...yikes!

  11. Sounds like you're ready for that half! Um, no, I rarely nap & that never happens to me. Obviously you needed that!

    Yuck on the bugs. The mosquitoes finally seem to be dying back with out cooler weather, just another reason for me to love it!

  12. I like how you paid tribute to 9/11. We've had warm weather up until today. It was rainy and finally felt like fall. Thanks for the link up. Have a great week Kim!

    1. We haven't had much rain, not that I'm complaining! The ground could use a good soak, though.

  13. I am very thankful for dry heat... we're so lucky to not having to deal with bugs. That ride sounds awful. I am super-impressed you made it 17 miles!!

    1. The ride was just so icky! The bugs were nasty, and everywhere. The hills are always tough, but not being able to breathe properly really made the effort exhausting. But, we persevered!

  14. I had a buggy run like that this week!! It was absolutely awful. Out of nowhere, there was suddenly a big cloud of them. Little tiny flies in my face, ears, behind my sunglasses, ugh. I had to walk for a bit. And then suddenly, 2 minutes later, they were all gone. So freaky!
    I think it's even worse on a bike!

    1. Those bugs were simply disgusting! There's always some bugs, but they were thick and everywhere on that ride. YUCK!

  15. You know, I was listening to a video thet other day where they kind of pointed out that it's ok to complain. Not to get mired down in it, but to get it out.

    I hate bugs. We have some gnats, noseeums, and mosquitos that just make everything so miserable. Leave me alone, already!

    Great week!

    1. Yeah, I hate bugs too. All of them that fly around and try to invade my space...

  16. Those bugs sound horrible! I once had a similar thing happen, but I was driving in my car (in college) so I didn't have them getting on my skin or under my sunglasses. I could barely see out of my windshield when I stopped to clean it.

    I did a 9/11 tribute walk (.911 mile) after I saw your post on Instagram.

    Work and life have been very busy (can you say painting) and that's why I'm getting last week's rundown posted so late...

    1. I'd never seen bugs of that caliber! It was tough to breathe, as if the hills weren't tough enough, LOL.
