Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Final Countdown

Here we go! The final week of Taper...

Taking things easy. Staying active without over-doing anything. Erring on the side of caution. Getting a little more shuteye than usual....ugh! Just get me to the MCM start line already!

As luck would have it, Momma N felt it her duty to step in and give me some challenging weather. Or, maybe it was Fate? After all, if the weather outside is frightful, it may be in my best interest to stay inside and not risk getting sick.
Tapering is not for the faint of heart...

But, before I get to the nitty gritty of this week, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner). If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 1:00 (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Here's the run down on how things played out as I approached race day:

Monday - Post-13.1 recovery run
With the IMT Des Moines Half Marathon over and done (just a day prior), I wanted a short (VERY short) shakeout run, but the morning temps were chilly and windy. I opted for a brisk power walk in the early hours, and took a "runch" over the noon hour. Holy Wind, Batman! It was quite a challenge staying vertical against that 20mph wind! Although I nearly wound up on the other side of the Atlantic (only a very slight exaggeration), my legs felt good. Two miles run and I called it good.
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It's finally starting to look like Fall (although it's feeling like Winter)
Tuesday -active rest/recovery
Guess what? More rain and wind greeted me upon I kept it inside. No sense battling the crazy weather outside when there's a dry (and warm) indoor option, right? Besides, I didn't want to take any stupid risks on getting sick so close to race day. I hopped on the elliptical for 20 minutes and all was well. I also spent awhile stretching and foam rolling before bedtime.
No photo description available.
back with Ellie...
Wednesday - the weekly #5at5
Pleasant temps and a tranquil setting greeted me for my last early morning 5-miler before the big day. I met up with Barb, and both of us were feeling pretty recovered from Sunday's race. Onward!
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another 5 miles at 05:00
Thursday - opting inside   
 Another cold, damp and windy morning outside. Not too keen on risking illness three days out from the race, I climbed back onto the elliptical for 20 minutes of fasted cardio. I also did some focused stretching afterwards. And, there may have been a short upper-body strength workout before bed.
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TLC of the body
Friday - travel and GIRL TIME!
A rather early morning for me, I was up at 3:00 to get to the airport (an hour away) for my 6:01 flight to DC. I arrived in Dc around 9:30 and was met by Deb (from Deb Runs Fit) and we shared some coffee talk and lunch, and she introduced me to her adorable grand-doggie, Pablo. Later, there was an awesome blogger met-up for dinner.

Saturday - MCM expo and shakeout run
The expo was nothing short of spectacular! Lots of interesting vendors and plenty of photo ops. Later, I did a 3-mile run down to the Mall to loosen up the legs.
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing       Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, sky, shoes and outdoor

Sunday - The Marine Corps Marathon!
As this post goes live, I'll be getting ready to head to the start line. The weather is looking rather damp, but warm. Here's a peak at what I'll be wearing...I'll try to update this post sometime after the finish line, but it won't be until later in the afternoon (if at all). I'll be a little late in reading and commenting on all the linked blogs, but I promise to get to them as time allows (and WIFI availability).
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So, it was an interesting week. I embrace all things taper when the time comes, but this final week was a challenge for me. The scaled back running was easy-peasy, but trying to keep my activity on the down-low felt so "off." I'm used to waking early and doing something every morning, often times opting for a second workout in the evening. Maybe all that cold (and damp) weather was a blessing because it kept me inside. Assuming a successful morning at the race, my running miles for the week will total out at 36 (and some change). Walking was (somewhat) bleak, due to the weather, but tallied up to about 10 miles (which includes some hurried steps across two airports and some DC walking. Biking didn't happen (#whomp #whomp).  There were 40 minutes of elliptical work, though, and some light upper-body strength work. I'm good with that.

In case you missed out, here's what went down on the blog this week:
STOP! Taper Time
IMT Des Moines Half Marathon 2019 race recap

In other news:
Friday Fashion Flair!
Forgive me, but I featured my Tuesday outfit this week. I was on a plane at 6:01, Friday morning, headed to Washington, DC for my Marine Corps Marathon weekend....and no one wants to see another gal in leggings, boots, and a comfy sweater jacket, right? Anyways, we had some cold weather in Iowa this week, and plenty of wind! The trusty flyaway sweater saw some action, as did the favorite white skinny jeans and patent combat boots (I think my subconscious was embracing the military thing). As always, you're welcome to join the Friday fashion a pic on Instagram, grab the hashtag(#FridayFashionFlair) and tag me (@runningonthefly).

We all heard about Shalane Flanagan's retirement from our sport. What a career she's had! I got to meet her at the R'nR Chicago Half Marathon (2014). She's been an inspiration to me for a long time.
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This weekend was all about fun, not just with the marathon, or visiting our nation's beautiful capital city, but also having a grand time with some awesome gal pals.

So, there you have it! How were things in your fitness world this past week? Autumn-like weather, or still Summer? Have you had a taste of Winter yet? Taper - love it or dread it?


  1. Good luck today Kim!!! You're going to have an awesome race and I can't wait to read about it. I'm officially in taper mode now and loving it.

  2. Ah good luck in Marine Corp...Can't wait to hear how it goes! That's a bucket list race for me so will definitely look forward to your review. I love/hate taper. Love having more time, but struggle with what is "too much" rest for myself. Easy to get in my own head!

    1. Thanks!! MCM has long been on my list, I'm glad I finally was able to make it happen ;-)

  3. Good luck at your race! I saw some friends posting on FB, looks rainy!

    1. UGH...the rain was (almost) never-ending (until mile 19 LOL)

  4. I'm so proud of you for tackling this course in the pouring rain! Not ideal at all but you rocked it and I enjoyed tracking you all morning :)

    1. Thanks, Kim!!!! I appreciate all your support and encouragement!

  5. I had so much fun hanging out with you on Friday! I hope your race went well - can't wait to read all about it in your recap!

    1. Thank you, Deb! I had the best time with you, too! I immediately recognized that part of the race course you showed me, that went under that big bridge. It was so pretty!

  6. I do love me some taper and I runfess I'm typically more sloth-like than you have been! Hope you're enjoying all things MCM, including a proud finish!

    1. Thanks, Marcia ;-) Not a fast finish, but a proud one LOL

  7. I'm still not really back on IG so I don't know how you did, but I hope you managed to battle through the weather (I'm sure you did). Love a taper. And meetups are always fun -- as is DC!


    1. Meet-ups are the best!!!! (the rainy weather? not so much LOL)

  8. It was so great seeing you Friday and even better seeing you today! <3 <3 Girl, you had to deal with ALL the weather today and you rocked it! Can't wait to read your MCM story.

    1. Thanks, Coco!! You totally made my day at mile 23 (?)....those final four miles were t.o.u.g.h.

  9. Hooray for MCM! Hope that it goes well. Good luck ad can't wait to hear the recap!Also, so fun - I know Rachel IRL -- what a small world and glad you go the meetup!

    1. Rachel is a hoot...her and I ran Grandma's together in 2017.

  10. I hope the race went well for you! I'm sure the weather was a challenge. We never know if we prepared properly, do we? No matter what, it's always a victory crossing the finish line.

    1. The weather was most evil at MCM....and that finish line felt like a major victory. It's all worthwhile ;-)

  11. Hope your marathon has gone well and look forward to hearing all about it! Well done on getting through that taper as you're so very active normally. And yay for meetups!

    1. This last week of Taper was much tougher than usual....I felt sluggish LOL

  12. I was tracking you all morning! Huge congrats for tackling such challenging conditions. I can't wait to read your recap!!

    1. Thanks, Michelle ;-) You've been such a great friend and cheerleader!!

  13. Huge congrats to you today! What awful conditions to run a marathon in. I know you finished with a smile on your face and the positive attitude you always have. Can't wait to hear all about it! Great to see you again

    1. SO great seeing you as well ;-) The weather was nasty LOL

  14. I can't wait to read all about your recap. It sounds like it was a crazy day!

  15. Good luck! I hope you had fun today!

    1. The day was tough in the rain...but fun. There's just something about a marathon that makes me appreciate the entire process, and so grateful that I can do it!

  16. That crazy weather you had all week! Congrats on your marathon!!!

  17. How fun that you got to see all the other bloggers! Hope the race went well!

    1. Meeting up with fellow bloggers is so legit! Totally fun!

  18. Well I guess maybe all the crazy weather you have had lately has helped you prepare for the crazy weather of race day! So glad you got to meet so many bloggers. Looking forward to hearing more about your race! Congrats!

    1. Crazy weather's one thing when it happens in your training, but a total buzzkill on race day LOL

  19. sorry about the weather. The one thing that is unpredictable. But you are tough and meet-ups are so fun. Win. Win.

    On to the next challenge...???

    1. Oh yes, on to the next! I do have some ideas for 2020....stay tuned ;-)

  20. all the FOMO and feels for meeting up with friends before the race! I'm looking forward to hearing all about the marathon!

    I love taper week(s) - all those little shakeouts and random sprint runs. and the carbloading too of course :)

  21. I hope you had a good race! The weather was really tough yesterday morning and it looks like you had rainy weather leading up to the race too :(

    1. We had rain the two hours prior (as we were getting to the race site), rain for the first 3ish miles, than a downpour at mile 8 (which lasted a good 10 miles), then finally some sunshine! It was crazy!

  22. Such a huge and amazing week and weekend for you! I'm so proud of you, and you did awesome in spite of the awful weather. Congratulations and I can't wait to read the full recap.

    Love those patent combat boots. Super cute.

    This may come as a huge shock but it is STILL summer here. We might as well do pool trick or treating at this point. Ugh.

    1. Well, it is snowing in Iowa at the moment...UGH! So much for the fall season...

  23. I'm going to have to try to link up with you ladies next week!

    It was great meeting you IRL on Friday! Congratulations on finishing your first MCM!

    1. YES!!!!! DO join us for the link-up! It was nice meeting you (finally), too ;-)
