Sunday, November 8, 2020

A Week of Biking on the Fly

Can you say "biking on the fly!"

When I call myself a runner who bikes, I'm not just giving that claim lip service. This week was an all-out biking excursion, with a few runs mixed into the adventure. 

I have to give huge accolades to Momma N on this one. With the 2020 Fall season being an almost near-miss, and with Winter knocking on the door, optimal biking (in Iowa) is winding down. But, this past week, the weather gods shined most gloriously on my little biking streak, allowing for my biggest biking week...ever!

But, before I share all the details, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 1:00 (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down in my little world of fitness this week:

Never, ever, miss a Monday!
Temps were a bit chilly at wake-up, but were forecast to be warmer later, so I postponed the Monday ride and took the hubby along for a 2-mile walk. It had been awhile since the two of us had done an early-morning walk, so this was a nice change in routine. It had been even longer since I posted a front porch selfie.

Later, after work, the temps were great, though a bit breezy. With the time change, I had to capitalize on the daylight, so I knocked out 15 miles on the bike immediately after work. After a quick change of shoes, I headed back out for my first post-stress fracture 1-mile run! Even though I had just upped my distance (from 1/4-mile to 3/4 mile) over the weekend, I just felt ready to go a bit further...and all felt great! FYI, running right after a long bike ride will ensure an "easy" pace, even for just one mile.

Double Ride Tuesday
After the previous evening's long ride, followed by that 1-mile run, my legs were feeling a bit cranky. I  decided to give the legs a break, and just do some stick rolling and stretching in the morning. The warm temps (and sunny sky) were just too beautiful to not take advantage of, so I did a fast & furious 5-mile ride over lunch. After work, Gustavas and I did another 12 miles...because, why not? So, 17 total miles for the day. 

A pretty wonderful Wednesday...
It had been awhile since I've done an #OdarkThirtyCrew run, so after taking Max around the block, I decided to do another 1-mile rally-back run. Out of curiosity, I timed myself to gauge my pace. I ran by feel, which is my main objective anyways (but especially now as I ease back from my stress fracture). I was really surprised to see a sub-10 mile, given the hilly terrain of my 'hood! Things, again, felt good in the running shoes. 

...and some riding was on tap, four miles over lunch, and another 16 miles after work, with Barb. Yes, I did wear the same biking jersey for both rides (#busted), but added arm warmers for the post-workday ride. But, check out that sunset!  

A very Thankful Thursday
More mileage in the bank...a couple of 2-mile walks, and 17 miles in the afternoon sunshine. I gotta say, the weather was simply phenomenal. The temps were in the mid-70F's, and the wind was a mere 4mph. I'll take these kind of November temps any day. 

Feisty Friday
Eager to run in the early sun, I did a quick 1/2-mile walk for a warm-up, ran a mile around the college campus, then walked another 1/2-mile for a bit of a cool-down. Afterwards, the hubby and I headed back out for a 2-mile walk. Oh, and there may have been a 14-mile adventure with Gustavas over lunch. 

An action-packed Saturday
We had cool temps in the morning, accompanied by a return of the crazy wind. Since the (three) 1-mile runs had gone well this week, I decided to up the distance a bit more. After a 1/2-mile walk around the block, I broke into an easy-paced run and headed to the college campus. Thankfully, the 1.5-mile distance felt effortless as well, so I called it good. Afterwards, I added a couple layers and knocked out 11 miles in the 18mph wind. Later, mid-afternoon (after the Iowa game LOL), I headed back out for another 10 miles. This time, the temps were 20-degrees warmer (73F) and the wind was similar (19mph)....but this ride felt so much easier. It's crazy how the wind is so much more bearable in warmer temps! So, that was another 21 miles in the biking streak bank.

Sunday Sunny Sunday
It's no secret I love my sunrise adventures. Having the hubby along for a long, (somewhat) early morning walk is just a bonus. More beautiful weather, albeit windy, greeted us Sunday morning. With a bike ride on tap for the afternoon, a 2.5-mile walk was the perfect start to the day. Stay tuned...there'll be another 25ish miles added to the #sfxbikestreak before the day is done.

So, this was an interesting week! When I saw the forecast, I knew this was the week to capitalize on some serious biking mileage...don't forget, I'm hoping to hit (and now, surpass) 1,000 miles with this biking streak. This week saw 104 miles on the bike (with another 25+/- happening Sunday afternoon). As this post goes to press, my biking streak mileage is at 930 (since August 22nd). With my running mileage still very conservative (only 4.5 miles this week), it really worked out well to log all these daily double digit rides. I took a pass on focused strength work this week (as if my legs needed any additional work anyways). My walking is gradually increasing, as well, with 17 miles this week. Let's just say, I'm really feeling blessed. This rally-back is going well, and I'm not taking any mile (or run, no matter how short) for granted.

In case you missed out, here's what else went down on the blog this week:

In other news:
Friday Fashion Flair!  With the phenomenal weather as of late, I'm allowing the "summer" shoes one last hurrah before the seasonal weather returns. As much as I love color, I admit to having a weakness to black and white. This fun top caught my eye, and as soon as I saw the ruffle sleeves, I knew it was going home with me.  As always, you're welcome to join me on a pic on Instagram, grab the hashtag (#FridayFashionFlair) and be sure to tag me (@runningonthefly).

I spy, with my little eye, somebody's lunch. I never got our pumpkins carved, but the squirrels are now enjoying them.

Anyways, that's another week, all wrapped up and tied with a bow! There are still a couple more days of warm weather (by November-in-Iowa standards), but then our regularly scheduled weather will return. I'd like to continue with the daily (outdoor) biking up to Thanksgiving, but that's really pushing it. I've made it this far (Sunday is Day 79!), so it will be tough to let this streak end. I know, first world probs.

How are things in your world? Has your weather been seasonal, or did a warming trend come through? Any pumpkin-munching happening on your front porch? Any bets on how long this biking streak will go? Should I try to suck it up and stick it out to Thanksgiving?  


  1. Loving the weather here right now!! You really took advantage of it too. I was banking my rest this weekend and slept in both days. No big workouts for me! Your shirt is very pretty. I love that print!

    1. This past week's weather was simply perfect (well, the wind was a little whacko, but I can let that slide LOL).

  2. Glad you were also gifted with the warm weather this week! Enjoy it while it lasts. Nice to see you back to running too!

    1. The warm weather really came at an ideal time. Honestly, it really felt like Fate was working in my favor...

  3. The weather has been so amazing. Glad you were able to take full advantage of it on the bike. I neglected to do any pumpkin carving this year as well but so far the squirrels are not eyeing them. Ha!

    1. A lot of people have put pumpkins on tree stumps (because of all the trees lost from the derecho), so the squirrels are having a feast! By not carving, I think that preserves the pumpkin a bit (?).

  4. It's been seasonably chilly and foggy here this week, which is fine, not too cold and no ice. We're in lockdown two but I'm very grateful we're allowed to exercise with one other person outside our household still.

    1. We had plenty of "chilly and foggy" just a couple weeks ago, but ours was very cold (and even had some snow). I'll take this kind of November weather, any day ;-)

  5. Looks like November is coming back this week, so get pedallin'! Nice work.

    1. It's gonna cool off, but not too extreme (50's-60's) here. I'm just grateful for everyday I can get outside without all the layers...

  6. We don't do pumpkins, but I didn't know squirrels ate them! We had great weather this week too (after last week's really sucky weather, most welcome). It's gonna turn cold again soon though. Good luck keeping your biking streak alive.

    Wind makes all the difference in how those temps Feel! And sunshine, of course.

    1. When Barb and I were riding (on Wednesday, after work), we had a good stretch of four miles into a severe headwind. And, oddly, since it was a warm wind, it really didn't feel that tough. Of course, we also had sunshine, so that definitely brightens ones spirits!

  7. Yassss! I love seeing the running miles pile up! Absolutely you should continue the biking streak to T-Day if Momma N allows for it.

    1. The thing is, Thanksgiving will be like day 96 (?), so that just means (if I make it that long) of course I'll HAVE to go for another four more days LOL

  8. The warm temps were such a treat for November for us Midwesterners! Glad the running is feeling good as you bump it up. Thanks for hosting the link-up Kim!

  9. Congrats on the biking streak! We had some gorgeous November weather too. It was 70 today! I'm spoiled.

    1. I'm totally spoiled after this week. It's gonna be tough to return to the layers and gloves...

  10. Wasn't the weather wonderful?! It looks like November will be returning here this week. Hope you can enjoy your biking streak for a little bit longer!

    Thanks for the link-up :)

    1. I have been so head-over-heels in love with this weather ;-) I'm glad it worked its way to your area as well.

  11. Love your Friday top! And yes, summer shoes here too as we also had a stunning week. Glad you're feeling so strong for all the things. I think Thanksgiving would be great bookend - thankful for biking for getting you through the injury. How great that you can ride over lunch too to avoid the darkness to some extent.

    1. It's been fun sneaking in those quick 4-5 milers over lunch. I wish I'd thought of those sooner LOL

  12. You are so lucky that you enjoy biking.

    Loved to see a running pic. You are smart to take it slowly.

    We have had some great weather lately.

    1. I didn't always enjoy biking, though. I'm just thankful I already was liking it when it became my "one and only" after my stress fracture...I would have really been lost without it these past few months.

  13. We had warm weather this week too (since Friday) and it's been so nice! Our pumpkins disappeared off our porch the night before Halloween.

    1. Wow, the pumpkins disappeared??? That's a little freaky...

  14. Wow, you got in a great week of workouts! I love that you're able to mix up your cardio again, but love that you're still biking.

    The squirrels always eat our pumpkins on the front porch so this year I bought only one and put it on the table on our upper deck. I got lucky because they never found it! We have tons of squirrels, but they're not very bright. LOL

    Our weather has been outstanding! Seriously, it's been perfect and I'm happy to hear that yours has, too!

    1. I love little furry critters, so I'm happy to feed the neighborhood ;-) It's been fun watching you with all of your biking as well. It's nice to have a co-conspirator LOL

  15. Welcome back to running! Doesn't the warm weather just make you want to get outdoors and move? I hope it lasts, but I know it won't. So great that you had biking to keep your fitness level up while you recovered from your stress fracture!

    1. Yes, I have been outside everyday (warm or cold weather), so all this recent warmth has been a nice bonus ;-)

  16. So glad that your return back to running is going well!

    The squirrels here basically destroyed all of the pumpkins, lol. It seems like we have a ton of squirrels here this year - they must have had a great mating season in the Spring, lol.

    1. It took the squirrel(s) a couple weeks to find our pumpkins. We actually have two pumpkins, but only one has really been hit hard (so far).

  17. You had warm weather, we got our first cold front! Thanks for the trade haha! Only wish I could run and enjoy it ;-)

    Glad to hear you are having running success and enjoying your running shoes again <3

    1. I'm more than happy to trade weather with you...only, can we keep each other's for awhile longer? Pretty please?

  18. That is awesome on your bike streak! Oh and yes stick it out till Thanksgiving. I know you can do it.
    We also got lucky and had some great weather. I am loving it!

    1. Even today, we didn't have much (if any?) sunshine, but the low 70F temps felt balmy. No complaints, other than the wind could play a little nicer.

  19. Great week!

    We had a fabulous cool week and then back to swampiness. Right now, we are getting bands from the latest hurricane, because of course we are.

    I had to toss our pumpkin today. It was all gross and rotted (they don't last in our heat), and I was terrified a snake was going to pop out of it. Ew.

    1. Ugh...I'd be willing to sacrifice the squirrels meal to forgo any snakes surprising me!
