Saturday, April 17, 2021

Sunny. Windy.Chilly. Mix & Repeat.

It was a week! There was a lot of sunshine (yay!), an abundance of wind (buzzkill!) and frigid flashback-to-winter temps (brrr!). 

But the precipitation stayed away, so there's that.

It also was a bit of a taper week for yours truly. I still ran on my usual running days, but I laid off of the lower-body strength work, stairs and HIIT. I also did plenty of walking (and some biking) to keep my legs loose. 

Before I give you the down and dirty details, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 1:00 (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

So, here's what went down, this week, in my little corner of the universe:

Another never-miss-a-Monday.
Paradox...early morning temps were cold (ahem, just above freezing) but there was promise of much warmer temps later (along with more wind). I decided to start the day with a 2-mile walk (and greet the sunrise) and save the run for after work. As forecast, it was almost 25-degrees warmer. Even in those temps, the 16mph wind was still a bit evil...but manageable for three miles.

Talk-about-cold Tuesday.
Holy yikes, it was 39F (with a feels-like of 32F! ) when I rose and shone for an early-morning walk. That said, even on an especially cold mid-April morning, the sunrise never disappoints. After work, I took another 2-mile walk...temps weren't quite as chilly, but the wind was even more out-of control.

Beat-the-wind Wednesday.
Again, it was cold (32F, but feeling like 25F), but the wind played nice (8mph) at that early hour. The sky was clear, Barb and I had our usual weekly catch-up, and those five miles went fast. We're starting to notice the hint of a sunrise now, in the final mile, so that makes those #5at5 endeavors even more special. Hard to believe I was in a tank (with arm warmers) and shorts just a week ago...

Side note - My place of work was hosting an onsite vaccination clinic on Friday morning, but late Wednesday afternoon I learned of a nearby drive-through vax site that still had vaccines available and no line. This was around 3:30PM. With my half marathon happening on Sunday, I was a little anxious about any potential after-effects plaguing me on race day. Spur of the moment, I logged out, jumped in the car and was at this site within 10 minutes. I got "shot-up," waited in my car for the allotted 20 minutes, and was back home before 4:30. Boom!  That evening, I snuck in my upper-body workout (which was on deck for Thursday), anticipating any post-vax body aches/soreness.
Half marathon Thursday (via the bike).
As feared, I woke up Thursday morning with my arm in a nasty world of hurt. Since my lower body felt fine, I hopped on the bike. Sebbe and I pedaled a half marathon distance, and I went for a 1-mile a walk before heading to the office. Another walk after work (two miles), and I was done for the day. Needless to say, I was quite grateful I'd had the foresight to do my upper-body workout a few hours post-vax, because there's no way it would have happened the next day LOL. 

Feeling (somewhat) better for Friday.
Temps were looking good (low 40F's), so I braved the outdoors in shorts (but with a fleece headband and gloves). I wanted a little something to shake out my legs, and this 2-miler did the trick. Without even trying, I made it out and back in less than 20 minutes, and that's with a few wasted minutes of "selfie attempts" mid-route.  The 6mph wind felt like a no-show, and I really like it when that happens! By afternoon, the wind had picked up, but the temps were warm enough that it was still quite comfortable. After work, Max took me for a 2-mile post-workday walk. Although my body felt pretty much back to normal, my arm was still entertaining a lot of aches and pains (from the vaccine). Raising (or reaching with) it had me wincing!

Simply Saturday.
Boy, did it feel weird to not be running on Saturday! The hubby and I went for 2-mile walk, just after sunrise, before driving to Des Moines for some errands and packet pickup. Feeling antsy, I did another 2-mile walk in the afternoon sunshine and some foam rolling and stretching. BTW, my arm was finally feeling normal by the evening. I'm really glad I was able to get the vaccine two days earlier than originally planned. Everyone seems to be reacting differently to the vaccine (I received Moderna). Since I tested positive for Covid, but was asymptomatic (early November), I was really paranoid what my experience would be. I was glad to have my post-vax aches/pains gone before race day.

Race day Sunday!
The plan of action: Drake Relays Road Races Half Marathon! I'm publishing this post early (since I'll be en route to the race Sunday morning), but I'll update after the finish line. Meanwhile, here's the Race Day Preview...

**post-race update**
WOW!!!!! Things went extremely well!!! Weather was perfect, course was its usual hilly self (LOL), Covid protocol was great, and I'm very happy with my finish time and performance. Stay tuned, I'll share more in a race recap this next week.

So, as mentioned, the weather was a little bit of everything, but that's typical for Spring in Iowa. My daily opt-outside streak is still going strong (I don't have the actual day count in front of me, but it started just before Thanksgiving). Although I did run my usual mileage this week, I kept all the other lower-body fitness at the minimum (except for plenty of walking). Running had 10 miles (with another 13.1 happening on Sunday morning). Walking had 15 miles (with possibly a few more Sunday afternoon, for recovery). Biking had 13.1 miles. And one upper-body session. 
In case you missed out, here's what else went down on the blog this week:

In other news: 

With the chilly temps, I dug out a favorite scoop neck sweater to keep me toasty. I thought of wearing a black sweater with the black pants...but that would have been too predictable LOL. The grey sweater just seemed like a more fun option, especially in contrast to the bright pop of fuchsia from my shirt. What would you have gone or grey? AS always, you're welcome to join the party on a pic of your outfit on Instagram, grab the hashtag (#FridayFashionFlair), and give me a tag as well (@runningonthefly). 

Lucky us! We get to dogsit the grand-doggy, Lola, this next week. Don't worry, both her and Max are certain to keep me company...especially if I'm trying to spread out on the loveseat.

And, finally, this little gem caught my eye on Insta this week. I didn't create the meme, nor did I write the text...but it echoes my thoughts. All the hate and self-righteousness on social media is ridiculous these days. If you don't see me arguing, defending, or shaming someone for their own personal words, it's not because I'm indifferent. I just have better ways to spend my limited free time LOL.  

So, there you go! Another week is over and done, and we're (already) into the last half of April. That sure happened quickly!

How was your week? Any fun fitness endeavors? Crazy cold and windy in your neck of the woods, or are you enjoying pleasant temps? Any live races? 


  1. All the best for your half-marathon today, Kim! I'm sure you will rock it.

    And congrats on the vaccine. It looks like it won't affect your race so that's a double win!

    1. Thanks so much, Catrina!!! I'm SO glad I had the opportunity to get the vaccine a couple days earlier than planned. It really did a nasty number on my way could I have run 13.1 miles as easily 2-days post-vax.

  2. Good luck today. You will do great. Hope you have fun too.

    We had a rainy cold on and off week.

    You were still pretty active considering you were tapering LOL

    1. Well, I kept my runs easy and just stayed away from any strenuous leg work. Seemed to work like magic ;-)

  3. Winter made a comeback here as well. I'd like to think it's over but there's snow in the forecast this week so not so fast. Lucky you to have a canine visitor! Have so much fun at your race!

    1. We have "chance of snow" in the forecast for the next couple days as well. UGH. We always have a lot of fun with Lola here ;-)

  4. Have a great race!
    So glad you had such minimal side effects. Those mirror my own with Moderna: sleepiness and reaching up in spinal twist, ow. I played musical workouts that week as well.

    I love that Max takes you for a walk and not vice versa.
    I love that meme. I'm happy to have a vocal discussion with people, but I am so tired of social media arguments when you know people just want to argue. Way better things to do with my time.

    1. Right? I think there are some who just want to pick a fight so they can prove they're "right" in their opinions and views. I actually feel more sympathy for them than annoyance, believe it or not.

  5. Well done on your race! It's been up and down temp-wise here this week but today I ran in a tshirt for the first time this year - hooray!

    1. Thank you, Liz! I'm quite thankful for how the race went ;-) Yay for a t-shirt run!!!!

  6. Congrats on your race! And glad you were able to get the vaccine- even better that you were able to get it early so it didn't impact your race!

    1. I'm so thankful I got the vaccine early! It would have messed with my race otherwise...I could barely lift my arm until Saturday way would it have been fun to run like that for 13.1 miles LOL

  7. Okay, phew! When you said you were getting the vaccine two days before your race I was worried, but it sounds like it was fine (and great that you managed it two days early!) GREAT job on that half marathon- I can't wait to read the recap. Live races are happening here- I just haven't done one yet. But I will soon.

    1. Yes, this vaccine did a nasty number on me (at least as far as my left arm is concerned) LOL Glad shot #1 is done ;-)

  8. Congrats on a RL race, Kim! And not many side effects. I can deal with the sore arm, but the whole fever thing & fatigue is another story -- glad you didn't get that.

    It was cold, rainy, snowy here -- but not all the time.

    Have fun with the extra pup (even if I'm completely content with just one).

    1. Fortunately my fatigue wasn't too bad, but my arm was a nightmare...for almost entire days!

  9. Yay for running such a great race and an even bigger yay for getting your first dose of your vaccination a couple of days earlier than planned so you'd have less of a chance of it affecting your race. Can't wait to read your recap!

    Thanks for the linkup and have a great week!

    1. Thank you, Debbie! My arm pain was minimal in the grand scheme, but it was intense for those three days. I'm glad I didn't have that along for the ride, yesterday, on the race course.

  10. Wow, it was chilly in Iowa this week! Congrats on the vaccine and so glad it didn't affect your race. Congratulations!

    1. We have a bit more of that chilly weather on tap this week, as well...and a chance of snow (?????)

  11. Congrats on your race! Looking forward to your recap.

    And yay for the first getting your first vaccine dose! Glad the side effects were minimal for you.

    1. Thanks, Michelle! I'm grateful my side effects were minimal...but Oh My Arm LOL Thirteen miles of painful "arm pumping" would have not been fun on race day.

  12. Congrat on the great race!! Glad to hear covid protocols were good and what a race time - especially for hills. Nice week!

    1. Yes, this race course is hilly. I've run it several times, and it's a great challenge ;-)

  13. Yay for getting your vaccine and for a real live race again. Sounds like it was a good one! Looking forward to reading more about it Have a great week ahead

    1. Thanks, Deborah ;-) This race is a fun one, despite the hills, because it feels like such an accomplishment when you cross that finish line in the famous "blue" stadium.

  14. Congrats on scoring a vaccine! See, nothing to worry about!

    1. Well, I don't know. I did test positive for Covid there was eminent fear of all the possible side effects awaiting me. No way I could have run those 13.1 miles two days prior without some major discomfort LOL

  15. This was a double win week with vax #1 AND a great half! I can't wait to hear about your race. I think the best vax tip ever is to do strength afterwards. Even though I had less pain for shot #2 there was no way I was picking anything up with that arm the day afterwards.

    The 1+1=5 thing...totally. There's so much good, fun stuff in the world, and absolutely no need to lose out on one second of the fun to feed the trolls.

    1. I didn't have the opportunity to do any arm work immediately after the shot, but I did a pretty intense upper-body workout a few hours later. There's absolutely NO WAY that would have happened the next arm was practically useless until Saturday afternoon.

  16. Yay on the race and the vaccination! I’m glad your main side effect was a sore arm, and that went away before your race.

    1. Oh, I'm glad the arm pain went away before the start line, too LOL I was still a little anxious about things Saturday morning, because it still felt compromised. Whew! It all worked out ;-)

  17. Great job on the race! I'm looking forward to your recap. That's great you were able to score a fast shot and had minimum side effects. Have fun doggy sitting!

    1. OH, we're already having fun with Lola ;-) She's such a sweetheart <3

  18. Congrats on our race! Looks like it was a great one. I look forward to reading your recap. That is great news about the vaccine.

    1. The good news about getting the vaccine earlier than planned is that the side effects were pretty much gone by race day (but it was a close call). My second dose will give me a few days clearance before my Fight for Air Climb now, too. Originally, that would have happened the day prior (EEK!).

  19. crazy weather Kim! But I feel you, we had a bit of the same. A LOT of hail last week even in blazing sunshine!!!

    Normally your races are on Saturdays aren't they? Glad you had a GREAT race!

    Quick thinking about the vax - seems like you made the right choice to get it done when you did.

  20. That meme is THE BEST. I am right there with you.

    Yay for the vaccine (dose #2 for me tomorrow!), for your race, and for Lola! She is so cute.

    The sun is rising earlier, here, too. I love it, but it also makes for hotter runs, which is less fun.
