Saturday, April 15, 2023



You know the drill...

We (or shall I say "I?") run a race, bask in a bit of recovery, and hang-out in maintenance mode until the next race. At least that's been my gig in recent weeks, and this past week's fitness fell right into place quite nicely.

It can be a bit of a tight rope, for lack of a better metaphor, keeping the strength and endurance in peak form while being cautious to not over-do things. Did I find a healthy balance? Let's take a look...

So, before I dis' on the deets, let me welcome you to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down this week, as I hung tight in maintenance mode:

A low-impact SUNday...
You can't really tell from the pic, but my capri's tie-dye pattern resembles that of  an Easter egg, LOL. It was only proper that I wear them for my 2-mile walk amidst the stunning sunrise (wouldn't you?). The day kept me busy with dinner with the family and an impromptu trek to Des Moines for a bonus dinner with the son (who hadn't felt well enough to join us earlier in the day). I capped off the day with a 10-mile bike ride before bed.

Another Never Miss a Monday...
After a chilly (spring-like) weekend, Monday's weather catapulted us into summer-like temps. I started the morning with 12 miles on the bike. Later, there was a late-morning 1-mile walk at work and a post-workday 3-mile run (title pic, above).

A low-impact Tuesday...
How about we start the day with some mobility fun (Barre, core & yoga, via Peloton app) and a 2-mile walk? Then we add a couple more walks during our work breaks (two total miles). If that's not enough, there's always the option for a 3-mile walk in the early evening in the warm, though windy, high-70F temps? Or, all of the above? Sure, sign me up!

A return to a Wednesday ritual...
After a 6-month sabbatical, Barb and I resurrected our early-morning 5-mile routine! With the summer-like weather, the timing was ideal. I also had to hustle off to a PT session before work (lots of glute/hammy work #ouch). My friends and I were able to get in two walks at work (during our breaks). I simply had to take advantage of the awesome weather, and walked another three miles after dinner.

A very thankful Thursday...
Gosh, I think it's been almost four months that Deb and I have been doing these weekly virtual rides together. So, yes, that was another early morning wake-up for me (4:30AM), but somehow my body wakes up before my alarm anyways. After 15 miles of biking (and passing the 1K mark on the "new" bike's mileage), I did a 20-minute upper-body workout before heading to work. Again, with the warm weather, my friends and I took full advantage and walked for both our breaks. When I got home, I crashed on the couch, LOL. I guess all the week's activity (and the suddenly warm weather) finally got to me.

A "Finally Friday" finale...
Nothing grandiose, but plenty of walking. Two miles amidst the sunrise. Two miles at work. Two miles in the evening. Sigh. I wish this summer-like weather was here for the long haul, but the weekend is showing a significant drop in temps and an increase in precip.

A Saturday surprise...
The forecast was showing all-day rain, starting with storms in the pre-dawn hours. I went to bed, Friday night, anticipating I'd be stuck inside on the bike (which isn't necessarily a bad option). I awoke to a colorful pre-sunrise sky and no rain (but patchy clouds that looked like rain was on the way). I thought a 3-mile run would suffice (though I'd been hoping for 8-10 miles prior to the rainy forecast). Once I got moving, the thought of increasing the 3-miler to five miles entered my mind, though, because things were feeling good. A short while later, I decided to hit another out-and-back street, which further extended my route to about eight miles in distance. I simply just kept going...and the rain stayed away until the final mile or so. Boom! Eight miles that I had not expected when I'd left the house! I really like it when that happens! Afterwards, I hopped on the bike for a 10-mile leg flush-out and called it good for the day. 

...and Sunday?
Well, the forecast is showing more rain (all day), and a major temperature plummet (with the chance of snow???). The odds are ever in my favor of hitting the bike in the early hours, then seeing how the weather plays out. I'd like to get outside for some walking if possible (I still have that daily #optoutside streak to maintain, LOL).

So, all things considered, this week had just enough action to keep my endurance in check, but plenty of low-impact recovery-friendly fitness to stay active. We all know I'm an active-recovery gal, so this week played out well for me. Running wound up with 16 total miles. Biking saw 47 miles of pedaling (still a bit conservative, but no regrets). Walking sky-rocketed to a count of 23 miles, due to the wonderfully warm temps. Despite the warm temps this week, the wind was insane...which is why the biking was all done indoors. Sorry, that 18mph wind is NOT cycling friendly.

In case you missed out, here's what all went down on the blog this week:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair. The summer-like temps were absolutely fantastic, but I'm still not quite ready to break out all the sandals. My solution: open-toed booties...kind of the best of both worlds when you're looking for something less "wintery," but not too "summery" just yet.

Remember my amaryllis bulbs? Well, Friday morning saw the first one bloom on the tall stalk! The shorter stalk looks like it may bloom soon (next week perhaps?). The other bulb has some leaves appearing now, so I'm wondering if that means a stalk will soon appear? 

And, this magnolia tree. Sigh. It started blooming this week, so it's only a given we should have snow in the forecast, LOL. In the 21 years we've been here, this poor tree has only made it to full-bloom status a handful of times. It seems there's always a late snow/ice mishap that comes along and zaps all the buds or blossoms. Fingers crossed this weekend's weather plays nice.

So, that's another wrap-up of a week's adventures in fitness and fun. I'm grateful for the warm weather that aided in keeping things low-key (hence, all the walking). 

Did you get a taste of summer this week as well? How did your fitness fair? Any races coming up? Training highlights? 


  1. It sure is hard to see this beautiful weather come to an end, isn't it? Glad you were able to make the most of it! I'm sure it felt great to run with Barb again.

    1. Today's weather is a downright evil "gift" from Momma N (or is it from Old Man Winter?). "m just glad the ground is too warm for any of the ridiculous white stuff to stick.

  2. Maintaining is better than building back but that is way better than NOT running at all.

    Many races here but I think I need to wait... so we'll see...

    I loved the warm weather... hard to see it go but running should be easier..

    1. Agreed. The cold weather is making a brief return, but I guess it's technically spring and not summer, LOL.

  3. Wow, you must have been in heaven- running in a tank top! And what is this about snow in the forecast??? Well, the warm weather will soon be here to stay. Sounds like you had a great week- that eight mile run was a fun bonus. I love it when the run feels so good you just want to keep going and going.

    1. Yes, that 8-miler left me feeling like I could have run much farther, which is a sign that I ended it at the right time.

  4. Oops the snow is my fault. I got my snow tires taken off this week. Sorry about that. But seriously tho this week was so gorgeous that I'll take the long as we can have the gorgeous weather back again soon.

    When's the next race?

    1. My next race is the Drake Road Races 13.1, next Sunday. I haven't yet registered (but probably will today, LOL) for another 13.1 the following Saturday.

  5. Love the dress. I didn't realize quite how warm it would get wednesday and was wearing b oots. Thankfully freed my toes the rest of the week.
    Yay on the rain holding out and bonus miles.
    Congrats on your bike's 1K - time with friends is the best. Glad your son was up to dinner

    ~ Cari

    1. Yes, to everything you mentioned ;-) I didn't realize just how warm it was on Wednesday, either, until it was bedtime and we had to turn the air back on. I was so happily basking in the beautiful weather....

  6. I love those bright Saturday shoes! Glad your run went better than expected. How nice!! I enjoyed the warm temps this week and made to most of it with lots of time outside. I did see a potential for snow in our forecast coming up too. But that should the last of it!

    1. I definitely hope this is the last of the snow! At least it's late enough in the "colder" time of year that the white stuff won't last...

  7. The weather this week was such a gift! I hope the magnolia blooms don't freeze off. Nice week of activity Kim!

    1. Thanks, Marcia!! Last week's weather was a wonderful gift!

  8. I’m not quite ready to run in a tank top, but it was t-shirt weather this week for sure. I’m also barely beating the sunrise out the door — and enjoying that daylight!

    1. Well, I'm so excited for warm weather, I'm eagerly donning the tanks (usually with arm warmers). That won't be happening this week though...temps are forecasted to be back in the "seasonal" range for daytime highs.

  9. it is definitely challenging if not impossible to keep up the mobility strength and endurance all at the same. way to get it done this week. Your blue dress is really pretty :

    1. Thanks, Deborah! As you know, I have to stay active, LOL. I've learned that sticking with low-impact cardio (walking, biking, elliptical, etc.) works well for me. I get a substantial cardio fix without over-taxing my muscles.

  10. We didn't just have summer, we almost had a heat wave -- it's cooled down but still mostly Summer like temps. Thankfully the S word isn't in our future (supposedly).

    I'm glad you also got to enjoy the temps you love so much! Feel even better without the bugs, right? Although something bit me on the back inside the house yesterday!

    1. I didn't mention our actual temps, but we were in the mid/high 80F's most of the week. We had plenty of wind (and not really any humidity), so it felt more pleasant than hot.

  11. Yup. It's summer. Blah. The nights are still cool at least. You are getting the full complement of weather though! That's a lot! I'm glad you're coming into your favorite time of year!

    1. I'm really ready for the heat of summer to get here, so last week felt so nice. Of course,
      I knew it wouldn't last long term (buzzkill), but it was a nice taste of what's to come.

  12. How lovely for you to run and walk in some warmer weather! 70+F sounds like a miracle, haha! We have at most 12-13C with fog and drizzle.
    That's so sad about the Magnolia tree. Hope the snow forecast is only a false scare.

    1. The weather people keep reassuring us the ground is too warm for any of the snow to stick, and that seems to be spot-on for this morning's snowfall. I'm just ready to move on to consistent warmth.

  13. You must have been so happy with that summer weather! hopefully it's back soon. Great week Kim!

    1. Thanks, Jessie! I was ecstatically euphoric over the heat, LOL! Hoping it does return soon, though I know there will still be some cold days on the calendar.

  14. Looks like you made the most of the great weather this week! I thought of you when we hit 91 here the other day - a little too warm for me but otherwise the weather's been glorious!

    1. 91??? Wow, jealous, especially since we were barely above freezing here with snow and sleet most of the day (and upwards of 30mph wind). UGH! I want my spring back, LOL.
