Saturday, January 20, 2024

Not a DOMS Dweller

The DOMS ... Driveway Onset Muscle Soreness. 

Ever heard of it? You may become a lucky victim of this condition after a week (or longer) of daily snow shoveling in one's driveway.

The 20+ inches of snow (from the previous week) kept me busy, gradually chipping away at its lingering remnants. Then, several more inches of the white stuff arrived Thursday afternoon and evening. As a result, my already aching body was blessed with even more driveway boot camp. My biceps have never seen so much action! 

But, all was well. The crazy weather gave me ample opportunity to properly acclimate to the arctic-like conditions as I successfully maintained my #OptOutside streak. Glass half full.

Before I divulge all the deets of the DOMS week, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blog as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down this week in my little world of DOMS-laden fitness:

Sunday - taking it to the stairs (and 30 minutes of shoveling)
How does this stair workout grab you:
*20 flights double-stepped (moderately paced)
*10 flights triple-stepped (slowly)
*10 flights single-stepped (quickly)
*20-30 second rest/recovery
*finish with 20 flights double-stepped (100 total flights)

Yes, it was a doozy! My quads were majorly burning from those two segments of triple-stepping, but it was nothing that a 10-mile "flush-out" bike ride couldn't cure.

A near-miss Monday (also with 30 minutes of shoveling)
On a whim, I hit the "on" button of my the treadmill (remember Milly?), and she lit up like a Christmas tree! I wasn't gonna attempt running outdoors, so I thought a reunion with Milly was in store. After I'd barely passed the 1/2-mile mark, though, she went back into hibernation (and I nearly face-planted a split-second later). After several attempts at resuscitation, I bailed and hit the elliptical for 3.5-ish miles instead (dreadmill = deadmill, huh!). I also did an intense 20-minute Peloton workout in the evening (Day-1 of Adrian's Glutes and Legs Strength).

A not-so-typical Tuesday (and 30 more minutes of shoveling)
The day started innocently enough with an 8-mile ride on the spin bike, followed by a 20-minute arms/shoulders workout (Peloton).

Having been cooped-up in my house for what seemed like an eternity, I decided to bundle-up and go for a walk after work. I had ample daylight, after all, and my legs were craving some movement after the previous evening's strength workout. After getting back home, I worked on the driveway some more...and decided to log a little more cardio on the elliptical (6-ish miles).

A spontaneously wonderful Wednesday (with 30 minutes of shoveling as well)
Another morning with an achy post-shoveling body, strength work was not sounding the least bit appealing. I compromised and did an 8-mile on the bike and a short core workout. I shoveled (again) over lunch. With the 19F temps (probably the warmest we've had all year, LOL), I quickly changed into my running gear, after work. I ran three liberating miles on the clean sidewalks around the college campus. WOW, did it feel great to be back outside in the running shoes!

Thankful Thursday (even with 70 cumulative minutes of shoveling!)
With all the excessive shoveling, I let the DOMS win upon wake-up...and allowed myself some extra snoozing. I was intending for a 15-minute fast & furious 50 flights (go ahead, say that three times fast!), but wound up doing 60 flights instead. Over lunch I hit the driveway (again) for 30 minutes. After work, I shoveled for another 40 minutes to get a head start on the falling snow (that had started just after lunchtime).

Freezing cold Friday fitness (with 75 minutes of shoveling)
I'd set my alarm for 5:30, but was awake well before 5:00.  I decided to just seize the day earlier than planned (why not?). There was another 3-4 inches of snow, so I was glad I'd done some shoveling the evening prior. I got the main drive cleared, and about 2/3 of the "circle," done in about 75 minutes. After heading back inside, I changed clothes quickly and hopped on the bike for 10 miles...seriously, it's a great means of warming up, as well as flushing-out. the muscles from all the shoveling antics.

"Long" run Saturday (...and 90 minutes of post-run shoveling)
And, yet, another frigidly cold day in Iowa! It was one of those phone-a-friend (with a working treadmill, LOL) kind of ordeals. Allison graciously let me use her 'mill, so I was able to finally get a long run done (believe me, it felt like a long run on the treadmill!). Afterwards, for my cool-down? Ninety minutes of driveway boot camp, because I had not had enough of that in the past 10 days.

...and how about Sunday?
The forecast is looking similar, but on a warming trend. Maybe I'll actually get to do a real morning walk outdoors? Or, I may save that for the afternoon and do some (indoor) biking...because I haven't done enough of that either, LOL, recently. There's also a strong possibility of some stair-climbing...

Again, not much running on the roster, but not a big deal. This is kind of my off-season anyways, and my next race isn't until early March. So, the 8.5 miles will suffice for now. Walking was also bleak, with only two "official" miles logged. Biking, kept me happy with 36 miles in the saddle. The elliptical saw more action than usual this week (9.5 miles). And, does the notion of almost 7 hours of shovel-in-hand fitness grab you? 

In case you missed out, here's what went down on the blog:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair.
It was a cold day, with temps in the low single digits, and double-digit sub-ZERO feels-like conditions all day. At least we had full sun, so that made the chill in the air bearable. Nonetheless, I am pretty thankful for cozy sweaters. A few cheetah print accessories don't hurt either.

Maxton McArthur! My sweet little Max celebrated his 14th birthday on Friday! He still acts like a crazy, energetic 6-month old puppy most of the time. He's such a fun little companion!

Beauty in the brrr. I snapped this pic Thursday morning of the stunning sunrise. They're hard to see in the photo, but there are a couple of sundogs present. The bright sun, with the stunning white snow, and all the blue shadows was an art geek's dream to capture.

...and the driveway, LOL. It's been quite the conquest tackling this "baby" for the past almost two weeks. This is the view from the garage, looking towards the street. What you can't see is the circular portion (which is off to the left) that encompasses a huge part of the front yard. After Sunday, we have non-stop above-freezing temps in the forecast! Let me just say, Thank you, Momma N (in advance)!

So, that's another wrap-up on the fitness fun and whatnot. It's crazy how cold it's been, and how any temps above 15F feel - dare I say - balmy. Apparently I have reached the point of seasonal acclimation.

How was your week? Was it cold in your area, as well? What's the most hours of shoveling that you can remember doing in a week? Anyone else ready for a very early spring, and an even earlier summer?  


  1. Winter Driveway Onset Muscle Soreness = Spring PRs! It's good to have friends with treadmills.

    I am very much looking forward to next week's heatwave!

    Happy Birthday Max!!!

  2. What a bummer about the treadmill when she finally woke up just to go back to sleep again. What's your plan with it? Can it be fixed? Maybe that's just me, but I would be very annoyed having it taking up space without actually working.
    Great week of activity despite the weather!! Here it's been cold until Friday morning, now we have a lovely 10 degrees but an Atlantic storm instead, lol! It's been a good week of training though!

    1. Well, this treadmill is probably 23 (?) years old, so it's no surprise. She's shut-down a few other times, and has always come back to life (after several weeks/months of dormancy)...but this may be the end of her era, LOL.

  3. Wow, that's a lot of shoveling! I did my share of shoveling last week, but after that one large dump we got, mostly we've had just a few dustings. This upcoming week looks--ummm--interesting, weather-wise...

    1. Our week looks interesting as well, especially with the rain forecasted for Wednesday.

  4. Happy birthday to Max!! He is such a cutie. We got hit with a ton of snow and I'm ready for it to be gone.

  5. Oh, no! I am so sorry to hear about Milly! At leastyou have a lot of other options.

    LOL on your driveway shoveling DOMS. With my hamstring I am afraid of any lower body DOMS.

    1. I'm hoping all the driveway nonsense is done, at least for awhile. These past two weeks have been pretty extreme!

  6. We are definitely frigidly cold and poor Bandit is getting antsy. I throw treats or balls for him to chase to get him some activity. :)

    I remember the days of that kind of shoveling! Glad you are "enjoying" it. We don't have much, but it's icy in the hood.

    1. Max stays pretty active following me up & down the stairs all the time, but he hasn't had a decent outdoor walk with all the snow and extreme weather. The shoveling has been cRaZy!

  7. That daily shoveling is no joke at all! I am sure you are sore. It seems fun the first time then not so much. Definitely a winter warrior! Hope the worst of it is over for now and you can get some relief. Happy birthday to Max!

    1. I think the shoveling is pretty much done for the time being (except for the snowplow clump at the base of the "circular" part of my driveway. I'm hoping the warmer temps, and the forecasted rain, will help most of that melt.

  8. oof! I think my back would be broken if I shoveled for more than 15 mins 😆 My daughter's boyfriend got huge brownie points when I came home one day this week and he had shoveled the driveway for us!
    Happy birthday to Max!

    1. Amazingly, my back (and my arms/shoulders) feel fine while I'm doing the work. It's after I come inside, and try to take my jacket and boots off that I notice any discomforts and /or DOMS.

  9. I'm tired just reading about all of your shoveling. Last year we had zero measurable snow, but prior to that we had a few snowy winters here and there where I did a lot of shoveling and treadmill running. Winter 2010 while training for Boston was a particularly snowy winter here and I spent way too much time shoveling and running at the gym.

    I'm looking forward to getting our virtual cardio workouts going again on Thursday!

    1. We haven't really had a winter here until these past two weeks. I'm hoping this is the worst we'll see!

  10. The struggle is real with the shoveling lately. The snow is beautiful but the polar temps are challenging to say the least. Our power was out 3x this week. Not fun. I'm a little worried about the freezing rain that's supposed to happen in the next few days.

    1. Wow, you lost power? Thankfully, that hasn't been an issue here. We're showing a little bit of rain, but it's looking "mild" at the moment.

  11. I could not imagine 20 inches of snow! I have never shoveled snow in my life! Definitely a workout! Max is so cute! I have two senior Westies, 14 and 15. They used to love the snow, but not so much in their old age!

    1. We typically get snow, but not this much in such a short time span. YUCK! It looks really pretty as it's falling, but after 24 hours I'm already sick of it, LOL.

  12. Wow, you have really been hit with snow to the point where we've got nothing to complain about in Philly! Kudos on all of that shoveling, it really is a legit workout! Sorry to hear Milly may be at the end of her life, but that's great you had another treadmill you could borrow. I always hate when we get super icy weather because I don't have a tread or bike for backup!

    1. Milly is well over 22 years old, so it's probably her time to cross that "bridge." I'm just not sure about replacing her....

  13. yes cold very cold and windy. HATE it!

    not a lot of snow... just ice.

    Good for you on staying active.

    1. We've been lucky ((fingers crossed) with not much ice yet...

  14. Ha, well if you read my post today you'll be laughing at us crazy Floridians! No Driveway-OMS here! Please remind me of this when I'm complaining about the heat this summer.
    I have to laugh a little at the thought of MORE snow falling on Thursday, after you put so many hours into shoveling- but that's winter. Think how strong and toned your upper body will be! I'll bet shoveling is a great core workout too.

    1. Yeah, if these DOMS ever subside, all the muscles ought to be looking pretty buff, right? ;-)

  15. Aww, 14 years! What a cutie. Happy day :)

    That is A LOT of shoveling. I'm so impressed.

    Glad you had a friend with a treadmill to share!

    1. I'm really grateful I had a friend with a tread, too! It wouldn't have been a big deal not running, but I was getting restless (can you relate?) ;-)

  16. Oh so much shoveling! You definitely need a weather break. Glad your friend could provide a treadmill back up!

    1. I think we're free from snow for awhile, but what an ordeal!

  17. Shoveling can absolutely wreck a person! I haven't lived in NJ in about 30 years, but I still remember that ache in the shoulders and glutes. Whew! Once again, your stair workouts are awesome. I wish I wasn't so terrified of mine lol!

    Happy birthday to that sweet puppy. He doesn't look anywhere close to 14.

    It's been cold here (30 degrees), so that's been fun. Heating up this week and then going back down.

    1. Max doesn't act like he's 14 either...he's got a crazy amount of energy!
