Thursday, January 2, 2020

If we were Conversing over Coffee

In all honesty, if we were indeed conversing over coffee...I'd be drinking a hot chai latte.'

I actually don't like coffee ...and, yet, I call myself a runner LOL. Don't worry, I don't like beer or bananas, either, so I have all kinds of non-typical running quirks going on.

Although I do not care for the taste of coffee, I'd gladly meet up at a coffee shop because I adore the aroma. And the conversation, if a group of runners would be gathered around a crowded table, would be amazing.

What ya say? Shall we? What's there to discuss?

Let me go first...

Can we talk briefly about mileage? If we were chatting over coffee, I'd admit that I'm not usually a mileage gal. Sure, I track every run (and most of my intentional walks), but I have never set any specific mileage goals on a weekly, monthly or yearly basis. That said, I was happy to finally make it past the 1,000 mark for yearly mileage in 2019! Ironically, those 1,022 miles pretty much just happened...I didn't have a weekly/monthly plan to get there. Yes, there were a few 100+ mileage months during my MCM training, but those months were still on the conservative end (in regards to 26.2 training). I simply ran 3-5 times each week, and most of those runs were only 2-5 miles in distance (except for the occasional weekend long run). An even bigger and, in my opinion, more significant accomplishment was remaining injury-free. Woot!

While we're on the subject of mileage, I'd share that I did the Runner's World Winter Streak again. If we were gathered over coffee, I'd also share that 35 days of daily running really didn't impact my YTD mileage that much. My December mileage was substantial, but it was not one of my "higher" months. I'm alright with that...daily running doesn't need daily high mileage. That would be a recipe for disaster, at least for me. Thanks, but no thanks! I'll stick with my low/moderate mileage.

monthly miles for 2019
If we were having coffee, I'd tell you about my freaky Achilles scare and my banged up ankle. About a month ago, I bumped my ankle on a bolt (sticking out from our futon). Holy OUCH! A few days later, I noticed my left Achilles (same leg) feeling kind of funky. I think I was somehow over-compensating for my tender ankle while running...though I didn't realize it at the time. I still had about 10 days remaining in my Streak and was headed to California and Arizona for a mini vacation. I taped the ankle, and wore a compression sleeve over it for a few days. Guess what? I was able to run everyday while on our trip and nothing hurt at all, nor has anything hurt since. Isn't that weird?

lots of running while on vacay!

Now that the Streak is done, it's back to "normal" winter running and fitness. If we were sharing a cup of coffee, I'd admit my excitement to get back to consistent strength-training and HIIT workouts. Since I was focused on the run streak (from Thanksgiving through New Year's Day), I kept things somewhat light with cross-training. As much as I love running, I'm a much better runner, these days, because I'm not just a runner.

Over coffee, I'd runfess that I've decided to try a few more monthly challenges in 2020. I used to do different challenges each month, and I'm not sure how or why I got away from that routine. Like run-streaking, these challenges are a fun way to focus on different exercises, or specific muscle groups, for a short period of time. I'm going to focus on wall sits (1-2 minutes), push-ups (sets of 10-25), triceps dips (Sets of 25) and side planks (1-2 minutes, on elbows) for January. I'm not necessarily going to do all of these every day, but they will be happening several times each week.

Anyways, those are a few things I'd be chatting about if we were meeting for coffee.

How about you? What would you be drinking, coffee or something else? Any great accomplishments from 2019? Got any big goals for 2020?

 Since it's the first weekend of the month, I'm linking this with Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date.
The Ultimate Coffee Date

I'm also linking this with Meranda and Lacey for the Friday with Fairytales and Fitness link-up. 


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  1. I ran further than 2018 Liz last year but only by a bit, so hoping I can increase that a tiny bit again this year. I feel happy running 20-30 miles per week so I'm going to stay conservative, like you! My big achievement last year was my ultra - this year there are just stress-free and close to home long runs so I get to enjoy running long without the stress of going somewhere else to do it! Happy new year to you and happy running and HIITing - I did download a 30 day programmme, but have yet to open it!!

    1. The past few years (with the exception of 2017, when I was sidelined for 3 months) I have gradually increased my mileage, but not by anything substantial. Like I said, it's just not a priority for me.I'm doing a lot more speedwork and HIIT'ing, so I don't really want any extra miles.

  2. I do like my morning coffee, but that’s about it. I love the smell of coffee any time of day though. My mileage was 500-something with all my issues, but I didn’t even look until December 31. In my OTF app, I was about 1.5 classes short of burning “30,000 calories” in classes (to the extent that number means anything. Your “off” season is always full-on!

    1. The smell of coffee is heavenly...why does it not taste that way? I try to keep my off-seasons "fully-loaded," but I do scale back the running (and there's not much speed-training). I have a tough time sitting still (I know you can relate), I like a little bit of action every morning, even if it's just a walk with Max of 20 minutes on the elliptical. THAT'S my coffee LOL

  3. I'd say 2019 was the year you figured out the mix of workouts that is right for you to run your best! High miles are not for everyone, that's for sure.

    1. Thanks, Marcia :-) I've always known I'm not a high-mileage gal, but there's so much pressure to run 100+ miles EVERY month or 1000+ miles every year, etc. Those goals work for a lot of people, but definitely not for me.

  4. Hate coffee, even hate the smell of it (same with beer). I do love bananas though. :) Or at least once I moved away from home, and realized it was green bananas that I didn't like, LOL!

    Tape is magical, isn't it?

    1. Oh gosh...I can'at even stand the smell of bananas LOL I used to eat them once in a while, but I developed a horrendous aversion to them while pregnant with our son, and I just can't go back. I'll eat banana bread or muffins, but that's it. And, please, do not try to sneak them into a fruit salad...

  5. 2019 sure was a stellar running year for you! I'd say it is a fantastic accomplishment to finish the year w that kind of mileage but not injuries. Cheers to happy and healthy running in 2020

    1. I don't think I've ever had an injury-free year. Sure there were cranky muscles (ummm, DOMS!), but nothing that lasted or side-lined me. WHEW! I certainly hope that continues :-)

  6. I only have one cup of coffee a day, thought some days the cup is bigger than others lol. I like your challenges with a mix of everything but not everyday, I can't do anything "everyday" but several times a week is a sweet spot for sure. I neglected my weight lifting the past two weeks and got back into the swing of things with some quick body weight stuff on New Years Day and I'll be hitting the gym on my lunch hour today for more. Happy 2020 and happy Chai!

    1. I have done some monthly challenges where there's been XX push-ups, etc. every day, and there have been challenges that vary the number (but increase the counts as the month progresses). For me, it's fun to mix things up...and for a short period, I usually don't burn out on them.

  7. I like your idea of focusing on just a few muscle groups each month. I may "borrow" that idea. I am in a rut now where I alternate push-ups and front planking every other day and it's getting boring. I was happy to get back to strength training after MCM too. It's become such a big part of my routine that I really missed it when my marathon mileage ramped up. I used to focus on high mileage (2000 miles was my yearly goal), but now I realize that was crazy. Like you, I just run when I really feel like it. I think marathons will be off my schedule for a while. I don't like being tied down to the high mileage workouts.

    1. You know, I enjoy running marathons, but that final month before taper does get really tough. I wish I could just run marathons all the time and not have to train for them LOL

  8. I hate the taste of coffee and beer, too! I always opt for a chai latte.
    I like your monthly challenges. I hope you're going to share them because I think it would be good for me to join you in that.
    I could do 5 sets of 20 push-ups in November until I realized I was doing them wrong (arms T-shaped instead of tucked on the side). Now that I have corrected the positioning of the hands it has become much harder and I can barely do 10. Oh, well, new challenge!

    1. Thanks, I think I will post my monthly challenges...if nothing else, to keep me accountable. There actually are many different positions for push-ups, but the "strict" ones definitely are toughest. My arms just don't seem to bend the right way for elbows always tend to flare out (unless I twist my hands out...which I don't think is ideal), no matter how much I try to keep them tucked. And I'm totally okay with that...I can do them in all the other positions, with a greater range of motion.

  9. A chai latte is my hot beverage of choice too :) The monthly challenges sound like a fun idea for 2020.

  10. Awesome job on your 2019 mileage!

    I love that were both doing more monthly challenges this year :) #kimtwin

    1. Well, we do so much of the same thing :-) We'll probably be wearing the same shoes as we do them LOL

  11. Annnd when you and I met at Starbuck in real life, you had hot tea and I had hot chocolate! I don't like beer either, but I do like bananas...

    You had an amazing year of running! In fact, probably one of the best of all of my running/blogging friends. Congrats on such a great year!

    Here's to a happy, healthy, and fit 2020!

    1. Oh, thank you, Debbie!! I'm really proud of the year I's been a LONG time since I had so many things go right for me. I'm trying to cherish all the memories, because there's no guarantee what 2020 has in store for any of us.

  12. I'd join you and have a black double espresso or maybe even a triple latte if I fancied it. I'm definitely a coffee girl and was way before I was a runner so I don't think they have to go hand in hand. Anyway if we were all the same how boring would that be?

    amazing mileage Kim! if we were having coffee I'd tell you I'd had the lowest mileage in years but to be honest there was nothing really I could do about it. It was not my choice. So I'd also tell you that mileage definitely doesn't matter in the whole scope of things, it matters that you are healthy and fit and injury-free! So I'd agree with you on the return of the HIIT and strength training! Yay for monthly challenges too!

    Not to bring it on a downer note, but my biggest accomplishment is that I did not give in to the darkest of days that I had last year. I made it and now I'm pushing towards the upswing.

    No big goals right now for 2020! Just want to spend at least the first few months having a steady run and workout schedule (my own) and go into marathon training injury free!

    1. Going into Chicago training injury-free is a great goal! I'm excited for you!! And, you are so inspiring how you soldiered through such a tough year (most of which was out of your control with all your setbacks). Keep your chin up!

  13. Speaking of weird foot pains... I have a weird pain going on with the side of my foot. It has been going on for about a year, but nothing bad enough to go see my Dr. BUT, when I did have my annual physical scheduled, I was going to ask him about it. Sure enough, on that day the pain wasn't even present. In fact, I couldn't even figure out how to describe it. The next day it hurt again. Doh! I now think it's related to the very tall high heels I wear at work. Crazy stuff!

    1. IT's crazy where some of these phantom aches/pains come from. It wasn't until after we'd gotten back from our trip that I realized I hadn't had any funky Achilles stuff for awhile. My ankle still feels weird if I touch it just the right way, but otherwise it's pretty much fine.

  14. Glad your ankle was not serious.

    My major accomplishment was NYC marathon. In hindsight, I am so glad I did it. Now I don't have wonder whether or not I ever could.

    I had some goals but now it's only to run without pain. I am not very patient and tend not to sit around.

    1. I's hard to sit still. Even on my "rest" days, I have to be doing something. My body recovers best by being in motion LOL

  15. Great year of running and miles! I like to average around 100 per month. But I didn't hit that every month this yr. I think will all my marathons I ended up taking much time off afterwards and then you always have that dreaded taper time as well.Happy New Year!

    1. Unlike most runners, I actually like the's nice having scaled back mileage and ZERO guilt LOL

  16. Congrats to an incredible year of no injury running! I almost made it through the 35-day running streak but unfortunately we left for vacation and couldn’t find the time to run on the 30th. Happy to run everyday though for 30 days and you’re right about keeping it low mileage - I had several one miler days.

    1. A lot of naysayers don't support streaking because they've never done it. I was very skeptical myself until I actually tried it. I would never do it long-term, but it's a nice little challenge to get me through the holiday season.

  17. Today, I was absolutely drinking tea, but I can go either way.

    I'm not making any big goals for the year, simply because I don't know what I'll be able to do. I'll reassess as the year goes on.

    1. You're smart to just take things as they come, at least for the short term. Setting goals would give you some incentive, but also may have you overdoing things too soon. One day/week at a time :-)

  18. 2019 was such a great year for you! I think your approach to your mileage is a smart approach and clearly paying off for you.

    I love the idea of your monthly challenges!

    1. Thanks, Michelle! I'm excited to get back to monthly challenges. It's fun to mix things up, and my body likes doing different things from time to time.

  19. You sure did have a great year! My motto always has been: runners can't live on miles alone. Enjoy your challenges!

    1. Total agreement! We need other fitness endeavors to keep our "running parts" in working order :-)

  20. I'd like to get to 1,000 miles in a year, not for the yearly number, but because it works out to an average of 20 miles per week with 2 weeks off. I feel like that would be a good indicator of consistency, which is the thing I struggle with.

    I'm intrigued by streaking because I wonder about the difference between (for example) running 2 miles 7 days a week vs 5 miles 3 days a week. But I think I might be too lazy to get dressed for a run every day...

    1. Streaking is a time commitment...often times, it takes longer to get dress than it does for that 1-mile run LOL How I make the streaking work is I do a simple 1-mile run on the days that would normally be a "rest" day. I run that "streak mile" very easy (no sprinting, or speed play). For me, I don't necessarily notice any major physical benefits other than general movement. I think it's beneficial, though to vary the distances of each run...doing the same distance every day can not only get boring, I also think your body would eventually acclimate to that distance and plateau.

  21. I'd be down for a hot chai latte too--I'm not much of a coffee drinker either (unless I reallyyyyy need to stay up). My co-residents thought I was crazy, haha.

    I'm glad your ankle is okay! I hope you have fun with the monthly challenges! I've been thinking about joining a couple for fun!

    1. I have had so much positive feedback on the monthly challenges, so I will be posting them. Stay would be fun to have a group of us doing them together!

  22. That is wonderful that you hit your mileage goal! I keep track of my running too, but I have not ever set a specific yearly goal. Although, I have been so lacking in motivation, so I may do this for 202011

    1. I don't set mileage goals because I fear (for me) that the number would be the focus and NOT the fitness. I'm just not a numbers gal LOL

  23. That's a lot of miles in 2019!
    I don't like beer either, sometimes I feel like I am the only one. ;-)
    Good luck on January's challenges!
