Saturday, March 9, 2024

Pre-Spring, Anyone?

Let's just say spring fever has hit me hard, even if the weather isn't quite there just yet.

Although we've had some cold conditions in the AM's, we've also had some pleasant PM's. The sun has been shining, almost on the daily. We haven't seen any of winter's "white stuff" in quite some time. And, the days just keep getting longer.

Yes, it's a pre-spring situation, and I'm eager and excited for what's yet to come.

Before I share all the deets of the week, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blog as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down this week in my little world of fitness, fun and whatnot:

Sunny Sunday - active recovery
I awoke to a feeling of post-Leprechaun Chase fatigue. I didn't think I ran the race especially hard, but there were several hills that saw battle and lots of wind. I got out for a 2-mile morning walk and the legs felt much better. I did keep a pretty low profile for most of the day, though, so there's that. I did another 2-mile walk, after dinner, and that' all she wrote.

Never Miss a Monday - mostly stairs
Let's just say my weather app was a big fat liar, LOL. It assured me it was cloudy, but a few blocks into my run also brought me some cold rain drops. Ugh. Not wanting to run in the cold and wet (and, of course, windy conditions), I called it after a mere mile. At least the sunrise was pretty spectacular (title pic, above). After work, I hit the stairs for 18-ish minutes (and 85 flights) of climbing fun. Why 85? Because that's what I'll be climbing on April 7th (my Fight for Air Climb fundraising page is HERE). Instead of doing intervals of singles, doubles and triples, I did all double-steps and only took one quick break near the midpoint.

Tuesday - Taking it easy
Still feeling the fatigue, I kept it low-key with "only" 20 minutes on the elliptical (about three miles). The temps were warm and sunny, so we got out for two different 1-mile walks at work. After work, I did another walk (this time two miles) and knocked out a short upper-body session with Tunde (Peloton app).

Wednesday - We're back!
Rising and running (and finally feeling back to normal), I met-up with Allison and Barb for the weekly #5at5. The temps were cold, but the wind was calm and the sky was clear; near-perfect conditions! We were lucky, because the wind picked up during the day. Both 1-mile walks (at work) had increasing wind to contend with, but also plenty of welcome sunshine.

Thursday - lots to be thankful for
Even with the previous day's early wake-up, I found myself awake well before 4:00 (almost 45 minutes before my alarm). After trying to relax and fall back to sleep, I finally surrendered any thoughts of more slumber and got up. I was on the bike, almost a mile into my ride when Deb and I met for our weekly virtual Hour of Cardio Power. Due to my early start, I was able to pedal for 18 miles, which is probably my longest weekday morning ride, ever (?). We played Show Me Your 'Dills, and (obviously) Deb won.

Afterward we parted ways, I did some chest and shoulders strength work, and finished with a core workout. The day was breezy, but the temps were comfortable, so Michele and I were able to get out for two 1-mile walks again.

Friday - Week of Pi kickoff!
With rain in the forecast for the entire day, I'd originally planned to run after work (there was a brief window of mere "overcast" showing on my app). Imagine my surprise waking up to damp streets, but no falling rain! I'd been awake (again, before my alarm), so the lack-of-rain circumstances had me gearing-up and hitting the street pronto. Well, the joke was on me. I was only a short ways into my 3.14-mile run when the rain started falling, LOL. It was a very light sprinkling, but it made for a chilly endeavor with the accompanying 11mph wind. At least it wasn't snowing, right? Fun fact: since I'd awoken well before my 5:30 alarm, I didn't think to shut off the setting. I left the house before the alarm went off, so it was buzzing like crazy when I returned home. Anyways, this wound up being a great impromptu decision because the wind really picked up and it was crazy cold after work (when I would have been running). Week of Pi, Day-1...DONE.

Saturday - sunny, but oh-so-cold 
With a mucho busy day ahead, the early morning was my best option for running (though the afternoon was going to be much warmer). The temps were sub-freezing, and the wind was fierce, so I waited for daylight and sunshine before heading out. All went well, but ((yikes)) my face was frozen! Week of Pi, Day-2...DONE! I also got out for a refreshing 2-mile walk in the late afternoon, with much warmer conditions.

...and what's happening on Sunday?
The morning temps are looking somewhat chilly, but much less windy. It'll be another busy day (see below), so the early morning will (most likely) have some indoor biking followed by the Day-3 Pi run (after sunrise). I'm also hoping for some walking in the afternoon or evening.

So, it was in interesting week on many levels. For the most part, the weather felt like (early) spring. There was plenty of sunshine, but also plenty of wind...but no snow, so all is well. After last weekend's Leprechaun Chase, my entire body needed a break. I didn't think I'd run the race all that hard, but apparently doing battle with the crazy wind (and numerous hills) had taken a toll. It's probably a blessing Monday's run was a rain-out. I didn't have any interest in biking, either, until Thursday's virtual ride with Deb (seriously, who am I?). It's all good, though, since I'll be running daily for the next several days. Anyways, this week had just over 12 miles of running, 14 miles of walking, and 18 miles of biking (with some stair-climbing and strength sprinkled in).

In case you missed out, here's what went down on the blog this week:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair. The day was damp, windy, and downright chilly. My solution? Dig out the steadfast, tried and true, long-time fashion friend...the denim jacket. This wardrobe essential has been with me a long time (15 years?), and I love it just as much now as I did when I first snagged it. It's one piece that sees action year-round.

Sorry (but not really, LOL), I gotta give another shout out to Caitlin Clark. She's certainly getting a healthy dose of the spotlight these days. She's not only done the University of Iowa proud, but also women's sports. 

Finally, here's a little preview of what's happening in the household. Things are moving (quite literally) and shaking. There's been lots of time spent packing and organizing 22+ years of stuff recently. Stay tuned, more deets forthcoming in the next couple weeks...

Anyways, that's the latest!

How are things in your world? Is it feeling like pre-spring in your area? Any races this weekend? Any fitness highlights? 


  1. Packing and moving is exhausting and in your case will be so worth it! Exciting times ahead for you and new beginnings to look forward to. Caitlin is pretty darn amazing and fun for Iowa and women everywhere too. Have a great week

    1. Yes, I am really excited for all that lies ahead...once I make it through these next few weeks ;-)

  2. I can't think of anything more physically or mentally exhausting than moving, and you've got the physical side covered! I can't wait to hear more about the move.

    We had a couple of cold days this week but our weather is still way warmer than normal and very new-puppy friendly. I'm watching the sunrise right now and I'm looking forward to the extra light tonight.

    1. I'm hoping the worst of winter is behind us. We have gotten snow (and blizzards) well into March and April, but I'm guardedly optimistic we're pretty much in the clear. I'm also eager for more evening light!

  3. Despite some bits of cold, wintery remnants, it feels like spring, trees have buds, birds are busy so I'm totally going with it! All the best with your move!

    1. I haven't noticed any buds on trees yet, but just this past week I did see some tulips and daffodils starting to emerge from the ground. Bring it!

  4. I bet the wind and hills at your race definitely played a part in your fatigue this week. You still had a great week though! We are definitely having signs of Spring here and I am loving it!

    Good luck with the packing/ moving!

    1. I'm ready for Spring. Winter wasn't as bad as usual, this year, but onward!

  5. Great job getting so many workouts in despite so much else on your plate. The reward at the end will be so worth!

    As you know, my spring is "springier" than yours at the moment. ;-) We do have a chance of snow today between 7 and 8 PM, though.

    1. Wow, chance of snow? Yikes! I'm hopeful we're past (or almost past) all that nonsnese!

  6. I dread the day we have to pack up and move! Even though I've purged so much stuff, it doesn't even seem like it made a dent. Good luck on your new venture!

    1. All the work I've done in recent weeks barely feels significant because there's still plenty to do. Day by day, box by box, LOL, it'll get done...

  7. Oh boy, moving is HARD! It's astonishing how much stuff you have, right? You think "I'll just pack up this closet" and it takes ten boxes...good luck with it all!
    I think we always run races much harder than we would normally be running. So it's good you took a couple easy days before the Big Week- I can't believe it's already time for the Week of Pi! Somehow or other I'm determined to join you for a 3.14 mile endeavor- it's my goal for the week. Enjoy!

    1. Right? It always seems to take much longer than anticipated getting things organized and boxed up. I was so surprised how exhausted I felt earlier in the week...I'm not used to feeling so sleepy, LOL.

  8. Exciting, are you moving?? Or just decluttering?
    I love your energy! You really get a lot of activity done in all kinds of ways and it's so inspiring! Enjoy the rest of the Week of Pi!

    1. Decluttering AND moving...lot's of busyness on the agenda in the next few weeks. After this morning's run, I'm almost at the halfway mark of my Pi Week. It really goes fast!

  9. Very tricky on when to run... I haven't been caught in rain yet and we've had a lot but it's been cold and windy when I had to run and sunny on my rest days.

    Good luck with your move.

    Same area but different house/apt?

    1. Different area and different house as well. Go big or go home, LOL.

  10. Love the Caitlin Clark cartoon. So glad you "introduced" me to her. Love the daffodil matching with your tank, your power hour is always fun to see. Good luck with all the things! ~Cari

    1. There's so much Caitlin Clark stuff on social media these days. She's become quite a celebrity! More importantly, though, she's become such a fantastic role model for girls ;-)

  11. Yay for Caitlin Clark! So inspiring. I got caught in a rainstorm and a snow storm both this week but both were mild and doable (minus my wet shoes). Exciting news about the move!! Will look forward to hearing more.

    1. Yeah, getting caught in the rain isn't fun! This time of year, as you know, the rain is really cold!

  12. Great week of workouts on top of all that packing! It's a LOT to pack up a house. I hope all goes smoothly over the next couple of weeks - looking forward to hearing more about your new place.

    1. Thanks, Michelle ;-) The workouts are a great source of stress they're a necessity at the moment.

  13. Oh wow, moving! I have a feeling you have more than a few boxes of running gear and swag :) I agree, it's so exhausting, but so exciting! Great job on the workouts and enjoy your week of Pi.

    1. Yes, there are several boxes of fitness gear and swag. It's a great time to purge out a lot of race shirts that have never been worn, LOL (Why, oh why, do we hang on to those???).

  14. It is kind of spring-ish, I guess. Which just means warm. That's how we roll around here. It was a good week, and now I'm just getting myself back together from the time change.

    Yay for Week of Pi! I know this is your favorite!

    I'm excited to see where your next adventures lead!

  15. I am so ready for spring! Good luck with the packing and moving. We have been in our house for 9 years now which is the longest I've ever lived anywhere (other than my childhood home). My parents just moved to a new house and I was reminded of how much work it is!

  16. Good luck with the move! We obviously made a big move, but were able to leave a lot of stuff in Mpls...going through it all is a lot of work, so I feel for you! Hope it all goes smoothly Kim.
