Somehow, it flew by ever-so-quickly. 2017 is now in the rear view mirror, and it took me on an interesting voyage around the sun.
Saturday, December 30, 2017
My #PlotTwist of a Year - 2017 in Review
Somehow, it flew by ever-so-quickly. 2017 is now in the rear view mirror, and it took me on an interesting voyage around the sun.
Thursday, December 28, 2017
Runfessing My Reality
It's been an interesting year for me, given the unexpected surgery that nearly threw me into a tail-spin six months ago. Thankfully, I have been able to rally back, and can bid 2017 a fond farewell with no regrets. All things considered, all is well that is ending well.
That being said, there are a few last-minute Runfessions that need to be addressed and brought to light. You know how it is...full disclosure and all.
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
INSPIRATION is where you find it
If you've stuck with me through Advent, thank you for your patience. If you're lost on what I'm chatting about, here's the details: I have been following the #AdventWord2017 challenge on Instagram, We've had daily word prompts to inspire us to post a pic related to each day's featured word.
Saturday, December 23, 2017
Tis the Season
This is the time of year for a myriad of emotions, busy-ness, and stress. It's also when there seems to be a lot of good cheer in the (cold) air. Even though not all of us celebrate the same holidays, I think most of us share in the general "good will towards others" thing as the holiday season engulfs us.
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Do you seek inspiration for peace? For gratefulness? For reflection?
Monday, December 18, 2017
My #PlotTwist of a Year - Races & Bling
This is the first of a 2-part series of my #PlotTwist of a Year. My Year-in-Review post will be coming soon (stay tuned).
For now, though, let's chat about my 2017 races and the subsequent bling.
Sunday, December 17, 2017
I’m quite alright with that. Although, if it’s gonna be so buttocks-freezing cold, maybe having a little bit of snow to show for it would not be all bad. But, I digress. There were several significant things happening...
Thursday, December 14, 2017
More INSPIRATION for Advent
I'm all about Inspiration.
Sometimes, I can do it on my own. Other times, a little prompt or key word will do the trick.
Such is the case for me for this Advent season. I have been following the #AdventWord2017 Challenge on Instagram (take a look HERE), and it's been a fun little way of throwing some thought, preparation, and purpose into my posts.
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
20 Days of Awesome
Can I get a Whoop Whoop?
Why? I just hit Day 20 of the 2017 Runner's World winter run streak. This year, the Streak has the subtitle of "40 Days of Awesome," and hitting the halfway mark is a major milestone.
How's it going for me? So far, so good. This is my fifth consecutive year of doing the winter run streak. Basically, I'm just running an easy-paced mile on my usual "non-running" days. No speed work and no major long runs. Easy peasy and very minimal commitment.
Friday, December 8, 2017
Baby it's Cold Outside
Ugh. Welcome to Iowa. I'd offer to take your jacket, but you'll probably want to keep it.
After a nice little late summer/early fall-like weather reprieve, Momma N got down to business and handed us the REAL winter weather we'd been lacking. I was able to keep it outside, but Holy Chilly Cheeks, Batman, it was cold.
Thursday, December 7, 2017
'tis the Season for Inspiration
'tis the season, right?
Actually, it's the Advent season....those 24 days leading up to Christmas Day. Whether you celebrate the Christmas holiday or not, there's plenty of good cheer and well wishes among many this time of year. It's also a time to think back on the year, reflect on things to be thankful for, and also prepare for the upcoming New Year.
Monday, December 4, 2017
Jingle Bell Run 5K
It was a fun day of bountiful beauty.
How does that grab you?
On Saturday, December 2nd, I ran my first-ever Jingle Bell Run, and it was a grand time! Living in Iowa, there are not many options for holiday-themed running events. Up until a couple of years ago, there were two favorite holiday-themed races I had done every December, but ((poof)) both are now gone. Fortunately, I found the Jingle Bell Run in a last ditch effort for some holiday racing fun...and it was more than just a fun morning in colorful Christmas attire.
Saturday, December 2, 2017
The weather was really out of sync with the calendar. Most days it was in the 50's by the afternoon, though it was very "seasonal" in the wee hours (like, in the low 30's). In keeping with my daily cardio (10-20 minutes every morning) and my running streak (running at least one mile everyday from Thanksgiving until New Year's Day), I got to experience it all.
Thursday, November 30, 2017
To Streak or Not to Streak ...
That's not usually a question I'll even bother to answer. I realize a lot of runners do run streaks (running at least one mile everyday, no matter what). For many, it's a natural part of their day, an element of their being, and a necessary daily task that needs to be performed. Yes, a lot of runners run everyday...but I'm not (usually) one of them.
Monday, November 27, 2017
November in a Nutshell
How is it almost December already?
My head is still spinning, trying to fine-tune all of my November "stuff," and the month is almost over. Not quite sure how that happened.
Anyways, here's my November in a nutshell:
Saturday, November 25, 2017
My Heart is Full
The Pennsylvania daughter arrived back in Iowa on Friday morning (11/17). The college son came home Saturday evening (11/18). The high school daughter was off from school after Tuesday (11/21). So, we had lots of family time and a full house (complete with an extra dog!).
I was able to keep active with my workouts as well as getting the house ready for our Thanksgiving dinner. Here's what went down:
Thursday, November 23, 2017
If you caught my Thankful post earlier this week (if not, it's HERE), you all would know how full my heart is. It's really hard to find things to runfess about when everything is sort of on the up-and-up. There are a few things of recent, though, that I thought would be runfess-worthy, but I was surprised at how easily I just shrugged my shoulders at the situations.
Monday, November 20, 2017
So Incredibly Thankful
Being a runner has had a pretty significant impact on my life.
There is SO much to be grateful for...and not just this time of season, but year-round.
I've written previous Thankful posts (in 2016, in 2015 and in 2014), and I honestly don't know if I could say it any better. Bear with me, I'm gonna go with (mainly) what's been said before, but tweak some of it to make it more current.
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Let There Be Rest
Yes, indeed. Rest was a much-needed commodity this week. Coming off the R'n'R Las Vegas Half Marathon (and the 2-hour time change), numerous (walking) miles, and three consecutive very late nights...well, let's just say I found myself in a moderate run-down (and dehydrated) state of euphoria. My body was craving rest, and I obliged.
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Winter Running Must-Haves
We still have another five weeks before the calendar officially says winter is here, but the recent temps tell a different story. Thankfully, there has not been any snow accumulating on the ground (though there have been some flurries blowing around in the wind). That means it's time to assess the running gear and get ready for the next few (or several) months of chilly weather running.
Living in Iowa, I'm no stranger to winter temps (even when they arrive several weeks in advance). As a runner, though, it's not just a matter of grabbing the nearest fur-lined parka or snow boots. There are some items that I deem necessary for winter survival (whilst in my running shoes), and some not so much. Also, a lot of warm weather running gear can be used in the frigid temps if you know how to tweak it.
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
R'n'R Las Vegas Half Marathon Recap
I registered for the R'n'R LasVegas back in March, a few months before that plot twist of a summer smacked me in the face (and the knee). Not only did I have to DNS the R'n'R Chicago, but I had paid big bucks for the Vegas experience. Also, there were several blogging gals (Tricia, Marcia, Mary Beth, and Darlene) headed there as well. I was granted clearance to resume running in mid-September, giving me less than two months until the Vegas start line. Although I knew my endurance was fine, that still presented me with a tight window to get my body in 13.1 condition. None the less, I was determined to make it happen...
Friday, November 10, 2017
That thing called "Fate"
Fate has been waving its magical wand and sprinkling all kinds of fairy dust on me in recent months, and this past week was no exception.
Monday, November 6, 2017
Hillbilly Hike 10K Race Recap
Now in its fourth year, the Hillbilly Hike is a fairly small "local" event, that has grown every year. The main beneficiary is the Indianola Christian Union Church Mission Team (more info HERE). The course involves a point-to-point route along the Summerset Trail (a former rail trail). Participants have the option of running the half marathon, 10K, or (new this year) the Greubel 5K.
Saturday, November 4, 2017
Getting it Done!
The weather may be foul. Your body may be tired. Your spirits may be down. But you just gotta do what needs to be done.
This past week was interesting.... the weather continued to be wacko, my work load was lighter than usual, and (amazingly) my body felt energized. Here's what all went down in my little corner of the universe....
Thursday, November 2, 2017
How 'bout A Warm Drink?
It's that time of year, after all. What would you be drinking? I'm going with a chai latte' (big surprise, I know), but feel free to pour yourself whatever you desire. It's always fun to get together and chat about life (in general) and running (in particular).
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
I believe all sports require discipline, but running especially.
Remember back when you were a new runner? Those first few (or, in my case, several) runs were not easy. My lungs burned and my legs did not want to move. And, what was that sharp, twisting pain in my side?
I wanted to be a runner, though, so I kept at it. Eventually, my legs didn't require as much warming up, and my lungs felt fine. And, best of all, those side stitches became a thing of the past.
Sunday, October 29, 2017
What Happened to Fall?
I mean, is this really necessary? We are barely half way through the fall season (according to the calendar). I've lived in the Midwest all of my life, so I am very well-acquainted with the change of seasons and all of their individual nuances. Although it just began to look like fall, it definitely feels like winter already. Let's be honest, a little bit of transition/acclimation would have been appreciated.
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Runfessing The Latest...
Somehow, October is coming to a close.
How did that happen? And, how is it that we only have two months remaining of 2017? Well, one good thing about the month ending is that it gives one a chance to reflect on some things....and, if you're a runner, you can runfess those very things.
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Sweat Equity Circuit
I don't consider myself an expert on running, but I do know it's not in a runner's best interest to run all the time. The runner's body also needs rest, recovery, and other forms of fitness to keep everything in balance (and also to help ward off injury).
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Ready to RALLY
I mean, it's been almost four months since the surgery, and (already) it's been five weeks since I've been back in the running shoes. I've had two races that have gone pretty well considering there was not much (if any) training prior. Oh, and let's not forget there's a half marathon in the very near future (Rock'n'Roll Las Vegas, November 12th) that had been bought & paid for long before my summer ever began.
Thursday, October 19, 2017
Favorite Fall (running) Hacks
A lot of runners sing the praises of fall because they welcome the cooler temps for their runs.
Myself? Not so much.
Don't get me wrong; I do enjoy fall and the cooler temps can be pleasant. The cooler temps, though, can also be unpredictable and extreme (ummm, low-40's in the morning, high-70's in the afternoon, thank you very much).
Let's not forget the shorter days also throw in another daylight. My early morning runs (and occasional walks) are now in 100% darkness. I'm still getting them done, but the change of seasons dictates I change a few habits for the time-being.
Sunday, October 15, 2017
Mercy Live Up Loop Race Recap
The second annual Mercy Live Up Loop 5-mile Race happened this past Saturday morning, and I was there. I ran it last year (2016), but under much different circumstances (I had the Route 66 Marathon happening a month later, and had not spent the summer recovering from surgery). This year, having just returned to running, I was eager to see what I could do.
Friday, October 13, 2017
Going with the Flow
That's what happens when you surrender to Momma N and just go with what she hands you. And, sometimes, she does play nice.
Thursday, October 12, 2017
Recently, though, there has been a plethora. Not only have I been "hmmm'ing" all over the place, I have also been rolling my eyes and shaking my head.
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Just Breathe...
***This post is sponsored by The Breathing App*** |
It's one of those natural bodily functions that most of us take for granted. We breathe slowly when we're at rest, and we breathe excitedly when we're anxious or being active. Most of our breathing is a result of our actions, but it is possible to actively control our breathing as well.
Enter The Breathing App!
Sunday, October 8, 2017
Another Week...
Another week back, another week of transition. Only, this week also had some dark moments.
The Las Vegas tragedy was horrific. Plain and simple, horrific. I am not going to let it hold me back from doing my races (after all, these incidents can happen anywhere and at anytime). I am going to remember to be in a constant state of gratitude, though....we all have things that could be gone in a moments notice (like our family, friends, our health, or our ability to run). If we live in a state of constant fear and dread, we miss out on so much beauty and livelihood. I also think instead of focusing so much coverage on the animal that committed these acts, we need to be mourning those we lost, praying for the survivors, and praising all the helpers who stepped in and provided immediate assistance.
And that's all I have to say about that.
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Over scheduled?
My fall schedule is a bit outta whack this year, and it's throwing my "usual" fall routine for a loop. Can we talk about this? You know, over a mug of coffee, a cup of tea, or a hefty glass filled with the beverage of your choosing.
Monday, October 2, 2017
Kickoff to Kinnick 5K Recap
Sunday, October 1, 2017
Can You Say EPIC?
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(just kidding)
My return to running has really been MUCH smoother and easier than I would have imagined. Of course, it's only been a couple weeks, and I have not jacked up the mileage much. In fact, I'm staying on the conservative side of that spectrum, and taking mini walk breaks as needed. But it still has felt like an epic adventure thus far....and this past week was no exception.
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Runfessing: Was It Fate?
I have been feeling rather introspective-like as of late, and quite grateful as a result. I can't help but wonder if Fate has been playing around in my world...and maybe (just maybe) helping to make some unfortunate things "right" for me.
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Did I forget something?
It's quite amazing what a brief sabbatical can do to one's mind and memory.
Take, for example, my experience with this phenomenon following my 3-month sabbatical from running. It's not exactly like I'm new to the sport of running. After all, I've been lacing up and hitting the road for over 12 years....I should have all the details down-pat, right?
Take, for example, my experience with this phenomenon following my 3-month sabbatical from running. It's not exactly like I'm new to the sport of running. After all, I've been lacing up and hitting the road for over 12 years....I should have all the details down-pat, right?
Sunday, September 24, 2017
On The Road Again!
On the road again! Yes, I am SO happy to be on the road again!!!
Did you hear? This past week was my first official week back on the road in my running shoes. I didn't run far, I certainly didn't run fast, and I did not run every day. But, officially, I'm no longer claiming "runner sidelined" as my status.
Did you hear? This past week was my first official week back on the road in my running shoes. I didn't run far, I certainly didn't run fast, and I did not run every day. But, officially, I'm no longer claiming "runner sidelined" as my status.
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Gettin' My Giddy On...
Gosh, I'm feeling SOOOO giddy!
Momma N has finally gifted me some weather I can be thankful for. I know, I know....I'm on my own little island with this, but the brief return-to-summer temps has left me so giddy! Or, maybe it's the return to running? Quite possibly, both!
Momma N has finally gifted me some weather I can be thankful for. I know, I know....I'm on my own little island with this, but the brief return-to-summer temps has left me so giddy! Or, maybe it's the return to running? Quite possibly, both!
Monday, September 18, 2017
What's On Tap-Fall 2017
There's a very conservative number of happenings on my roster this year. When I say conservative, I am not joking...I have three official events bought and paid for. That's like half of what I'd normally have on my calendar.
Oh well, those three events are sure to be fun. And, since there's only three of them, I plan to showcase them.
Sunday, September 17, 2017
Emotions were RUNNING high
With the (quite hopeful) potential of getting the (return-to-running) green light from the surgeon on the horizon, I wanted to be especially careful with my walking mileage (you as to NOT jinx anything). Yeah...that was my plan on paper....
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Where are you running?
Some runners can be SO predictable.
Are you one of them? Do you find yourself running the same routes all the time? Or do you try to mix it up once in awhile?
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Summer 2017---Thumbs-up? or Thumbs-down?
It was the best of times; it was the worst of times....
No, not Charles Dicken's famous novel, but the summer of 2017. Specifically, my summer.
No, not Charles Dicken's famous novel, but the summer of 2017. Specifically, my summer.
Sunday, September 10, 2017
The Waiting Game....
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Thursday, September 7, 2017
To Walk or to Run?
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Until recently, my answer would have (obviously) been to run. No second thoughts, no debate.
Although walking and running share a lot of the same traits and features ( more walking benefits HERE), I have noticed a few differences that are often over-looked. It wasn't until I was forced to substitute walking for running that I (finally) got it. I not only recognized these differences, but also learned to respect them.
Monday, September 4, 2017
Change Is In The Air
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Changes not only in how I usually train, but a major change from the (running) lifestyle I've grown to know.
Ever since I've been a serious runner, I have been in a constant cycle of training and rest/recovery, and then repeating. It's always worked great...I've had plenty of races, lots of fun with running friends, seen some new cities, and always respected the necessary recovery before starting all over again.
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